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We need to show points earned, current point balance, and teacher feedback in the student center.

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to see how many points I have earned and use them to purchase prizes

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given an account has been allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics have been included, that account will have access to Point System

  • Given an account has been allocated MTSS Interventions and Point System has been included, that account will have access to Point System

  • Given none of the above are true, the account will NOT have access to Point System

  • Given I am a user viewing the Behavior Area and I have permission to Behavior Support → Edit Reports, I will have access to the Record Incident button

  • Given I am a user viewing the Behavior Area and I DO NOT have permission to Behavior Support → Edit Reports, I will NOT have access to the Record Incident button


Point Balance in Top Bar


  • On the top bar in the student center, we will show the current point balance for the student

  • The points will update as added and subtracted from the total

Business Rules

  • Points will show if the student belongs to a building that has purchased behavior support student licenses.

Point Value and Icon


  • If the student clicks on the point value or icon the point viewer will open

  • They will see their current point balance and point transactions.

Business Rules

  • This will show if the student belongs to a building that has purchased behavior support student licenses.

  • If the student has not yet earned any points, we will not show the point value and icon

Transaction History


  • The student will see their current point balance and a list of transactions

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  • If the student clicks Load more, an additional 5 transactions will show.

  • For all points awarded, the student will see:

    • Date

    • Behavior Name

    • Points

    • Current Balance

  • For all points spent, the student will see:

    • Date

    • Points Spent

    • Points

    • Current Balance

  • If the student clicks “Load more,” additional transactions will load.

Business Rules

  • By default, we will show the 5 most recent transactions

  • A transaction occurs each time behaviors are saved in the points tool or points are spent.

  • Points Awarded

    • Date will show the date a behavior was recorded

    • Action will show the name of the behavior recorded on that date

    • Points will show the number of points earned for the behavior on that date

    • Balance will show the updated balance once the behavior was saved/points were earned.

  • Points Spent

    • Date will show the date the points were spent

    • Action will show the phrase “Points Spent.” If a note was added for points spent, we will also display the note below the phase “Points Spent”

    • Points will show the number of points spent

    • Balance will show the updated balance after the points were spent

  • We will list the transactions by date, with most recent transaction at the top.

  • Each time the student clicks “load more,” an additional 5 transactions will load.

  • The load more button will not show if there are no additional transactions.


  • If the student clicks SpendRewards, they will be taken to the spend points rewards screen

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  • If the teacher has not checked the Make rewards visible box in Manage Points, then the students will not see the spend Rewards button

  • Here, the student will be able to select the different prize amounts from the dropdown and check the box or boxes of the rewards they would like to spend their points on

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  • If the student does not have enough points for the purchase, they will see an error message.

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Business Rules

  • The student may not spend more points than they currently havesee the rewards for that prize amount

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Business Rules

  • Students will not see Rewards button if teacher has not checked the Make rewards visible checkbox

Students in Multiple Classrooms


  • If students have earned points in two or more classes, a dropdown will appears so that students can view the point total, balance, and rewards in different classes

  • When students click on dropdown, they will see all the classes where they have earned points

  • Once students click on a class, they will see the point total for the class, total overall, balance, and rewards for the selected class

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Business Rules

  • The default class will be the last class where the student earned points

  • The classes in the dropdown will be in alphabetical order

  • All classes where students have earned points will show in the dropdown

  • Clicking on Rewards will show the rewards for the selected class