We need to allow users to unassign the SEL Assessment, except for students who have already completed the assessment. Currently, when an assessment is unassigned from a student, they will show as ‘unassigned’ in admin reports even if they have already completed it.
Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=4310%3A50973
When the user is on the Assign>Student screen for SEL assessments, they should see the list of students who have already been assigned, and also a list of students that cannot be unassigned because they have already completed it:
This also applies when the user filters by Grade/Building/Classroom first, then chooses to Select Students.
We should add another selection to this screen to specify whether the user is assigning/unassigning the assessment. When choosing to unassign, they should see the students that are excluded because they have already completed the assessment:
When unassigning in bulk (by grade, building, or classroom) the user should see a notification that details how many students were unassigned, and a note that some were excluded because they already completed it:
Business Rules
When unassigning SEL assessments from students, users should only have the option to select students who have been previously assigned, but have not completed the assessment yet.
When the student has already completed the assessment, they cannot be moved to the ‘Unassigned students’ column.
When unassigning in bulk by grade/building/classroom, students who have already completed the assessment in that bucket should remain unaffected. The user should receive a notification detailing how many students were unassigned, and a note that some were excluded because of this rule.
In admin reports, students cannot be switched from ‘Completed’ status to ‘unassigned’ because of the assignment feature.