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We will create a sub-section in Assignments to show those assignments that are due on a future date.

User Stories:

  • As a student, I want to know which assignments are due after today, so I can plan accordingly

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a student in grades Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, I will see the younger student UI

  • Given I am NOT a student in grades Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, I will see the older student UI

  • Given I am a student who DOES NOT have have least 1 assignment with a due date equal or less than today’s date, at least 1 SEL or Mental Health assignment with no due date, OR at least 1 Skills assignment that I have not yet completed today, but I DO have at least 1 assignment with a due date in the future, I will default to the Later section when I click on assignments

  • Given I am a student who has ONLY been assigned to Skills activities, I will not see the Later section

  • Given I am a student who does not have any non-completed assignments with a due date in the future, I will see the empty state when I click on Later

  • Given I am a student viewing the Later section and I have at least 1 item with a due date in the future, I will see those items listed in the order they are due

  • Given I am a student viewing the later section & I have no additional assignments to load, I will not see the right arrow

  • Given I am a student viewing the later section & I have no previous assignments to load, I will not see the left arrow

  • Given I am a student viewing the later section, all items will show the Due flag

  • Given I am a student viewing the later section, I will not see any skills activities

  • Given I am a student viewing the later section, all items will show a due date


General Concept


  • Under TodayLater, the student will see a list of items that are due on a future date

  • Each item will show the due date

  • We will show up to 3 assignments (grades K-3) and 8 assignments (grades 4-12) on the screen. If additional assignments are due on a future date, the student will click the arrow on the right to load up to 3 or 8 additional assignments (first 3 or 8 assignments will be pushed to the left & can be retrieved by pushing the arrow on the left)

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Business Rules

  • Students in grades Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 will see the younger UI.

  • Students NOT in grades Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 will see the older UI.

  • If the student does not have have least 1 assignment with a due date equal or less than today’s date, at least 1 SEL or Mental Health assignment with no due date, OR at least 1 Skills assignment that I they have not yet completed today, but they DO have at least 1 assignment with a due date in the future, they will default to the Later section when they click on Assignments. To put it another way, if nothing is due Today but is due Later, we will default to Later.

  • Any assignment not completed with a due date greater than today’s date will show under Later

  • If the student is ONLY assigned Skills activities, do not show Later section. This is because Skills activities cannot be due Later.

  • Start will show for assignments not yet started. Continue will show for assignments previously started but not submitted (same as current logic)

  • If 8 or less less than 4 assignments exist under Later for students in younger UI, we will not show the arrows

  • If less than 9 assignments exist under Later for students in older UI, we will not show the navigation arrows

  • Once the student is on last page of assignments due later, the right arrow will no longer show

  • When the student is on the first page of assignments due later, the left arrow will not show

  • We will list assignments in order of due date (earliest due date first). Any assignment with the same due date will be ordered alphabetically.



  • All items will show the Due flag

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Business Rules

  • All items with a due date in the future will show the Due flag

Assignment Type


  • The icon in the upper right corner of each block on the button indicates which type of assignment it is. Hovering on the icon will show text description of the assignment type.

  • Video

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  • Resource

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  • Interactive Worksheet

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  • Quiz

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  • Assessment

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Business Rules

  • All assignments that are in video format will be treated as a video assignment (not just those from Learn section)

  • All assignments that are non-interactive PDFs will be treated as a resource

  • All SEL & Mental Health assignments that are interactive will be treated as a worksheet

  • All quizzes will be treated as a quiz

  • All self-assessments will be treated as an assessment

  • Skills activities will never show here and Skills only accounts will not have the Later section

Empty State


  • If no assignments are due on a future date, the student will not see the empty state

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  • later tab

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Business Rules

  • The empty state later tab will not show when the student does not have at least 1 non-complete assignment with a due date greater than today’s date

  • The screen will default to today if there are assignments to complete. If there are no assignments to complete the screen will default to the Done tab.