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We need to update the Classroom Dashboard to reflect the addition of Behavior Plans within the Behavior Tools for Tier Level 3.

User Stories:

  • As a teacher with my own classroom, I need to create a formal behavior plan for my Tier 3 student so that I can provide intensive supports to my students who are most in need.

  • As a para-professional who has been designated a role in a behavior plan, I need a way to view the behavior plan so that will know what I need to do for successful implementation of the plan.

  • As a teacher who contributes to the creation of behavior plans, I need a way to see when a behavior plan is in the draft state so that I can collaborate using the discussion panel.


Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a User user with access to MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Plans and Behavior Tracking enabled) and I have permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit behaviors I will see behavior Tools in side navigation.

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Plans and Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support > View the View Plans button.


Section 1


  • When user click on Behavior Tools from the left side navigation they are taken to the Behavior Tools screen which houses Behavior Plans on the Tier 3 screen.

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  • When user selects View Plans from the Behavior Plans card for Tier 3 supports , the View Plans/Specify Student pop-up appears.

  • , > Edit Reports I will see the Create Behavior Plans link and will have the ability to create/edit behavior plans.

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Plans and Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to view behaviors, I will see the the Behavior Plans block with View Plans button and be able to view behavior plans.


Section 1: Classroom Dashboard


  • From Classroom dashboard:

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  • User clicks on Behavior tools from side navigation to get to Behavior Tools screen.

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  • User clicks on View plans button from Behavior plans card to view active behavior plans for the selected classroom.

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  • User sees list of behavior plans for selected classroom.

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  • User clicks on Create Plan button from Behavior Plans card to start a new behavior plan.

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  • User specifies student from pop-up and then is taken to beginning screen for Create Behavior Plan.

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Business Rules:

  • Users with access to MTSS interventions Interventions (all tools or Behavior Plans and Behavior Tracking enabled) and have permission to Behavior Support > View the View Behavior button→ Edit Reports will see behavior plans card with create plan button and be able to create/edit behavior plans.

  • Users with access to MTSS Interventions (all tools or Behavior Plans and Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support → View classrooms Behaviors will see Behavior Tools as part of the left side navigationthe Behavior Plans block containing the View Plans button and be able to view behavior plans.

  • Users belonging to an account that has purchased Behavior Support and who have permission to View Behavior Support will see this area.with access to MTSS Interventions (all tools or Behavior contracts enabled) and permission to Behavior Support → Add/Edit behaviors will now see Behavior tools

  • Users who click on Behavior Tools from the left side navigation are taken to the Behavior Tools Screen where Tier 3 has Behavior Plans as an option.

  • From the Behavior Tools screen, selecting View Plans from the Behavior Plans card menu activates the View Plans/ Specify Student Pop-up.

Section 2: View Plans- Specify Student Pop-up

UI: View Plan-Specify Student Pop-up

  • To reveal a list of students in the classroom, Users click on the down arrow in the Student field to reveal a drop-down of the students listed in alphabetical order.

  • To select a student from the list, User scroll through the list and click-select a student from the list.

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Business Rules:

  • View Plan/ Specify Student pop-up appears to Users with access to MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Plans enabled) and have permission to Behavior Support > View.

  • Clicking on drop down arrow in Student field, opens the drop down containing student names in the classroom selected.

    • Student Names

      • Student names are listed in Alphabetical order by last name.

      • Student names appear as [first name] [last name].

  • Drop down contains a blue highlighted box around the name the user is currently scrolling.

  • Clicking on the name within the blue highlighted box select that name and auto-populates it in the Student name field.

  • Clicking on View button takes the user to (TBD).

  • Clicking on Cancel, cancels any selections that have been made to the View Plans / Specify Student pop-up and returns the user to screen beneath it.

  • Clicking X (close), closes the View Plan / Specify Student pop-up returning the User to the screen beneath it and saves any selections that may have been made. (What is the uniform function of X? Create Behavior Plan Pop-up (See image) contains the list of student in the selected classroom.


  • Given I am a user with access to either Behavior Tracking or MTSS Interventions (all tools or Behavior tracking/Plans enabled) and permission to Data Tracking > Record Behaviors, I will see the record button. (See image: View Behavior Plans)

  • Given I am a user with access to either Behavior Tracking or MTSS Interventions (all tools or Behavior tracking/Plans enabled) and permission to Behavior Support > View Behaviors, I will see the View button. (See image: View Behavior Plans)

    • Paraprofessionals can view but not edit behavior plans.

  • Given the user is a paraprofessional (Role 2), they will not see the Create Behavior link on Classroom List. (See image: View Behaviors Plans Screen)