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We need a way for Admin and non-admin with permission to view reports users to see a view the classroom report by ELA so that they can make informed decisions for MTSS Interventions for both the staff and the students in their district. We need to make sure that if the admin has clicked on a classroom from the admin dashboard that they can easily return to the report that they were looking at before they selected the classroom.


User Story

As a district/building level admin overseeing building(s), I need to be able to view a classroom through an ELA only lens from the admin reports.


  • Admin can view a an ELA classroom report by clicking on a classroom row in the admin dashboard.

  • They can also visit a classroom and then click on reports to see as well

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  • The user will see the students in alphabetical order by last name.

  • The user will see the most recent ELA assessment tile selected with green square

  • The user will see the Tier 3 and Tier 2 % based on the most recent ELA assessment

  • They can filter by grade, tier, gender, race, IEP, FRL. Housing, 504, EP

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Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a multi-building user with permission to View Admin Dashboard opening the Classroom Dashboard and the ELA tab.

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Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given a student has taken a specific test multiple times with the ScreeningWindowStartDate and ScreeningWindowEndDate, we will use the most recent testing data for that student.

    • Students will only have one set of data per test and testing window.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I select ELA from the top navopen the classroom dashboard, I will see a list of buildings for a selected districtthe ELA tab of the classroom report for the selected classroom.

  • Given I am a single building user with permission to View Admin Dashboard and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I select ELA from the top nav, I will see a list of grade levels for my buildinguser who is viewing the ELA tab of the classroom report, I will see the most recent assessment graph on the left most side of the graphs.

  • Given I am a multi-building user with permission to View Admin Dashboard and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I select ELA from the top navuser who is viewing the ELA tab of the classroom report, I will see the most recent assessment selected and the tiers based on that assessment will show for each building

Overview Dropdown: Building, Grade, Student

Intervention Status:

Tier: All Tiers, Tier 3, Tier 2, Tier 1

Grade Filter: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, …12th Grade

Race: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Two or More Races, White

IEP: All Statuses, All General Ed, All IEP (Special Ed and Gifted), IEP (Special Ed), GIEP (Gifted)

FRL: All Statuses, FRL, Non-FRL

Housing Status: All Statuses, Homeless, Not Homeless

504: All Statuses, 504 Plans, No 504 Plan

EP: All Statuses, Fluent (Non-ELL Student), All ELL Student, Entering (Low Beginner), Emerging (High Beginner), Developing (Low Intermediate), Expanding (High Intermediate), Bridging (Proficient)
  • Tier Recommendation, Percentile Rank, and Intervention Plan directly next to the student names in that order.

  • Given I am a user who is viewing the ELA tab of the classroom report, I will see the time period label on the assessment graph that the assessment was completed.

User Story

As a non-admin or admin with permission to View Reports I need to be able to view a classroom through an ELA only lens from the Classroom.


  • Non-admin or admin with permission to view reports can visit a classroom

  • They can select Overview and click on MTSS or click on MTSS in the side navigation to see the classroom report for the given classroom

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  • The user views the MTSS Overview Report after clicking MTSS on the side navigation or from overview.

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  • Then the user will click the ELA tab.

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Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a multi-building user district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View Admin Dashboard view reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I select ELA from the top navthe classroom, then Reports, MTSS, and ELA, I will see a list of buildings for a selected districtthe ELA report for that given classroom.

User Story

As an admin who clicked to investigate a classroom report from the admin reports, I want to be able to easily get back to the admin reports that I was viewing before with the same filters engaged.


Acceptance Criteria:admin or non-admin with permissions to view reports, I want to be able to navigate, search, and filter easily using the breadcrumbs, school year selection, filters, page selection, and tabs as described in the Overview specs.


  • The user can select a new school year, another page of students, navigate back to previous page using breadcrumbs, filter information, and select new tab.

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Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View Reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I viewing a classroom, I will be able to view and select a past school year and see the data for that given school year

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View Reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I viewing a classroom, I will be able to click on ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, and attendance and back to Overview to learn more information.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I viewing a classroom, I will be able to see the breadcrumbs showing the last reports viewed

  • Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I viewing a classroom, I can click on the breadcrumb links to view the report previously viewed with the filter selection still intact.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I am viewing a classroom, I will be able to select from one or more of the dropdown filters to select the filter criteria that I would like to apply and the search results should dynamically update to display only the students who match the selected criteria.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I viewing a classroom, I will see which filters have been selected and the students that match the filtering criteria below

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I viewing a classroom, I can deselect or clear the filters and the results revert to displaying all student

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I viewing a classroom, I will be able to search by student last name for a student in the current classroom for the selected school year.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I viewing a classroom, I will see the search initiate once I start typing a 2 letters into the search bar.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I viewing a classroom and type a search query, I will see the search is case-insensitive, meaning it retrieves results regardless of the case used in the search query.

User Story

As a district level admin overseeing building(s), I need to be able to select past ELA scores and see suggested Tiers at that point in time.


  • Admin can view the past ELA scores by selecting the past ELA circle graphtime period from the dropdown selection.

  • The suggested tiers for that given assessment will show below next to the student name and the green square will move to selected past ELA assessmentassessment pie chart will be the left most shown.

  • They can filter by grade, tier, gender, race, IEP, FRL. Housing, 504, EP

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Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a multi-building user with permission to View Admin Dashboard and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I can select a past ELA assessment, I will see the suggested tiers update based on the results at that point in time.

  • See Assessment Integration for mapping of Student Identifier, Renaissance and Powerschool.

  • See Renaissance for ELA (Star Reading, Star Early Literacy), mapping information for contents of graphs.

    • Mapping Connection:

      • Follow AssessmentType naming:

        • Star Reading and Star Early Literacy=ELA

      • Tiering will be based exclusively on the most recent value of the RenaissanceBenchmarkCategoryName column for each student, where most recent is determined by the CompletedDateLocal column and each student is identified by StudentUserID column.

  • Given user has clicked on an intervention plan button, they will be taken to view the intervention plan.

  • There will not be any plan buttons for the Attendance (Absences/Tardies) tab, only the attention icons.

  • 8 Tier Button variations include:

    • T2 and T3 Plan-Pre Planning

    • T2 Plan and T3 Plan In -Progress

    • T2 Plan T3 Plan -Archived

    • T2 Plan and T3 Plan- Mastered

  • Given a student has the same intervention plan in the same status (Pre Planning, In Progress, Mastered, Archived) that extends into another time period (as defined in Define School Year Settings), then we show the same button twice-once in the previous time frame and once in the current time frame.

    • Given the user changes the status of the plan within the current testing season, we will update the button to reflect the change thus showing only one button with the most current updated status.

  • The appearance and updates of the Intervention Plan Tier Buttons follows the dates included in the intervention plan and the dates in the Define School Year settings.

    • We only show one Intervention Plan Tier Button (updates to the intervention plan means updates to the button thus T2 Pre-planning can be replaced with T2 In-Progress) for changes made during the specific date ranges.

      • Given the date range/time period has passed, then the button in shown in it’s final variation for that time period.

      • Only one Intervention Plan Tier button will be shown at a time for each given subject area.

  • Given there are multiple plans in different statuses, the most recent Intervention Plan will be shown according to the date.

    • If there is an Archived plan and a user begins a new plan that is in Pre-Planning, the Pre-Planning Intervention Plan will be shown instead on the table.

    • If there is an In-Progress Plan, this plan will be shown by default.

At Risk/ Approaching

User Story

As a district level admin or non-admin with permission to View reports, I need to be able to find the students who are at risk or approaching a new tier level so that I can provide students with the necessary support level.


  • Based on their scores on the reading assessment, students who are within in 2 percentile points of Tier cut off will be considered either Approaching or at Risk depending on their current Tier level

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  • When users hover over the arrows they will see the At risk or approaching message

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Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given a student is at Tier 1 and they are 2 percentile points from Tier 2 or Tier 3 cut offs, they will have the At Risk arrow

  • Given a student is Tier 2, and they are 2 percentile points from Tier 3 cut off, they will have the At Risk arrow

  • Given a student is Tier 2 and they are 2 percentile points from Tier 1 cut off they will have the Approaching arrow

  • Given a student is Tier 3 and they are 2 percentile points from Tier 1 or Tier 2 cut offs, they will have the Approaching arrow

  • Given I am a user viewing the Classroom MTSS report, I will see a Tier column, Percentile Rank column, and Intervention Plan column for each assessment season (Spring, Winter, Fall)

  • Given I am a user viewing the Classroom MTSS Report, I will see the most recent assessment directly next to the student name.

  • Given I am a user viewing the Classroom MTSS Report and the district only takes two assessments a year instead of three, I will only see the assessment seasons for which there are data (Example: Fall, Spring)

  • See Assessment Integration for mapping of Student Identifier, Renaissance and Powerschool.

  • See Renaissance for ELA (Star Reading, Star Early Literacy), mapping information for contents of graphs.

  • See default settings:

Tier Levels

  • Tier 3

    • Filtering results show all students in Tier 3 only

    • Given a student’s score meets the criteria for Approaching Tier 2, then we will show the up arrow next to the student’s name.

    • We will show the red attention icon for a Tier 3 student who does not have an intervention plan for a given subject area.

  • Tier 2

    • Filtering results show all students in Tier 2 only

    • Given a student’s score meets the criteria for Approaching Tier 1, then we will show the up arrow next to the student’s name.

    • Given a student’s score meets the criteria for At risk for Tier 3, then we will show the down arrow next to the student’s name.

    • We will show the yellow-orange attention icon for a Tier 2 student who does not have an intervention plan for a given subject area.

  • Tier 1

    • Filtering results show all students in Tier 1 only.

    • Given a student’s score meets the criteria for At risk for Tier 2, then we will show the down arrow next to the student’s name.

  • At Risk for Tier 2

    • Filtering results show all students who are in Tier 1 but within 2 percentiles from Tier 2 cut off. The down arrow shows for each of these students.

  • At Risk for Tier 3

    • Filtering results show all students who are in Tier 2 but are within 2 percentiles from Tier 3 cut off. The down arrow shows for each of these students.

  • Approaching Tier 1

    • Filtering results show all students who are in Tier 2 but are within 2 percentiles from the Tier 1 cut off. The up arrow shows for each of these students.

  • Approaching Tier 2

    • Filtering results show all students who are in Tier 3 but are within 2 percentiles from the Tier 2 cut off. The up arrow shows for each of these students.


User Story

As a district level admin or non-admin with permission to View reports, I need to know if a student is not receiving interventions that scored at a Tier 2 or 3 level on the assessment


  • Based on their scores on the reading assessment, students who do not have an intervention plan but score as needing Tier 2 or Tier 3 will see the Attention icon

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  • When users hover over the light bulbs they will see the Attention message.

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Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given a student has scored at Tier 2 level and does not have a intervention in-progress, the yellow attention icon will show next to the tier

  • Given a student has scored at Tier 3 level and does not have an intervention in-progress, the red attention icon icon will show next to the tier

  • Given a student has scored at a Tier 2 or 3 level and does not have an intervention plan in progress, a highlight will show on the latest Tier until another assessment is added

  • Given I am a user viewing the Classroom MTSS report, I will see a Tier column, Percentile Rank column, and Intervention Plan column for each assessment time period.

  • Given a student does not have an intervention plan for the assessment at the specified time, the Intervention Plan column will be labeled “None”.

  • Given a student has an intervention plan for the assessment season, the user will see one of the following:

    • T2 and T3 Plan-Pre Planning

    • T2 Plan and T3 Plan In -Progress

    • T2 Plan T3 Plan -Archived

    • T2 Plan and T3 Plan- Mastered

  • Given I am a user viewing the Classroom MTSS Report, I will see the most recent assessment directly next to the student name.

  • Given I am a user viewing the Classroom MTSS Report and the district only takes two assessments a year instead of three, I will only see the assessment seasons for which there are data (Example: Fall, Spring).

  • See Assessment Integration for mapping of Student Identifier, Renaissance and Powerschool.

  • See Renaissance for ELA (Star Reading, Star Early Literacy), mapping information for contents of graphs.

  • See default settings:


User Story:

As an admin user, I need to see the list of students that is generated from my search criteria in the Overview, ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, and Attendance tabs so that I plan the next steps for students with similar needs.


  • The user can type in a name and search process will begin once 2 letters are in the search

  • Users can clear search bar or click X to remove search results

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  • The user will see an error message if they type a last name that is not in the current classroom for the selected year

  • The user erases the search to return to the list of students for the classroom

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  • The user types the full last name of a student and sees the student name and information populate in the table list.

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Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I viewing a classroom, I will be able to search by student last name for a student for the selected school year.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I enter letters into the search field, I will see the search initiate once I start typing a 2 letters into the search bar.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I type a search query, I will see the search is case-insensitive, meaning it retrieves results regardless of the case used in the search query.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I type a search query, I will see a loading indicator or a progress bar during the search process if it is taking time to search for matching students.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I type a search query, I will see the search results with the closest matches first who match the query completely and other names that match the query partially

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and type a search query, I will see all students that share the same last name in the search query

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I type a search query with no students that match, I will see the message “No students in this classroom match the search query”

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I type a search query with no students that match, I see the search results updated dynamically as I type, without requiring a page refresh or manual submission.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I type a search query with no students that match, I can click "X" button or erase my entry to clear the search query

  • Given I am a user who types a search query, the results will populate in the table list only.

    • The student’s name will show in the table list if the last name matches the search query.

  • Given I am a user who types a search query, there will be no change to the graphs.