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This section outlines the process for managing video content within the Resource Content Tab. It details the inputs required for uploading video files, along with optional thumbnails and subtitles to enhance the video resource.

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UI Description

Video Upload


  • Video Upload: A mandatory step where users need to provide a video file that meets the system’s criteria for format, size, and duration, ensuring effective display and storage.

  • Thumbnail Upload: An optional step that offers users the opportunity to provide a custom thumbnail. The system's automatic thumbnail generation from the uploaded video simplifies the process for users who choose not to upload a custom thumbnail. Thumbnail images must occupy 100% of the container width and align to the top of the container. If the user uploads a new file for the resource a new thumbnail will be auto-generated to accurately reflect the new resource.

  • Subtitles Upload: An additional optional step that significantly enhances video accessibility. Users are encouraged to upload subtitle files if available, though there is no automatic generation capability for this element.


  1. Uploading the Video:

    • Users upload the video file via the file upload interface. This step is essential to add video content to the resource.

  2. Optional Thumbnail and Subtitles Upload:

    • Users have the option to upload a custom thumbnail and subtitle files. If a thumbnail is not provided, one is automatically generated from the video. Subtitles must be provided by the user if desired, as there is no automatic generation option.

  3. Validation and Feedback:

    • The system checks the uploaded video, thumbnail, and subtitles against the specified criteria. Users receive immediate feedback if any uploads do not meet the requirements, with suggestions for correction.

  4. Submission:

    • Once all uploads are validated, the user submits the content. The system processes and stores the video, thumbnail (if provided or generated), and subtitles, updating the server with the new or updated video resource.

  5. Loading Progress Indicator:

    • Once the user selects a video to upload, a loading progress indicator will display on the page. The user will have the option to cancel the upload by clicking the “X”.

    • The loading progress indicator replaces the uploader in the section on the page.

  6. Confirmation:

    • A confirmation message is displayed upon successful submission, and the user can proceed with further actions, confident that the video content has been properly managed.
