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We need to create a tool that allows educators to build a behavior contract for a student and for this contract to show both in the student center and in the family portal. Students need to sign the contract.

Step One: Navigate to Contract Area


  • From the Behavior area on the main dashboard, the user will click Tier 2 and select a student under the Behavior Contract option then click View. NEED DESIGN

  • From the Classroom or Group, the user will click on a student.


  • This will take them to the student dashboard. From here, they will select Behavior then follow the steps below.


  • From the Student Dashboard, the user will select Behavior.

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    • From here, the user will select Behavior Contract.


Business Rules

  • Users with permission to View Behavior and who have access to Behavior Support will see the Behavior Contract option.

Step Two Create the Contract


  • If no contracts have been created, the user will see a screen prompting them to create a contract

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  • If the student does have a contract in place (or did have a contract in the past), they will see a list of all contracts and their status (details in section ?). The user will click the “Create new contract” button to create a contract.

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  • From here, the user will see the create new contract screen.

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Business Rules

| Select Template


  • The user will select a behavior contract template by clicking one of the 4 boxes.

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Business Rules

  • By default, the first template will be selected.

| Set Behaviors


  • Next, the user will select a behavior to include in the contract.

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  • The user will see a list of all behaviors previously created for Behavior Tracking or Self-Monitoring (if applicable) followed by the default behaviors

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  • The user may select any of these behaviors (single select) or click on Create a new behavior to add a new custom behavior to the contract.

  • When custom is selected, the user will be prompted to enter the name of a behavior

  • The user may click the X to remove behavior rows

  • The user may click Add another behavior to add another row.

  • The user may use the slider to indicate if they will be collecting data for the behaviors. Any new behavior (default or custom) will be added to behavior tracking with default settings. JEN - ADD THESE STEPS TO BEHAVIOR TRACKING SECTION.

Business Rules

  • By default, we will show 3 rows for behaviors

  • At least 1 behavior must be added to the contract. The user cannot click the x to remove a behavior if only 1 row is showing.

  • A behavior must be entered for all rows. If this step is skipped, we will show an error message that reads “Please select 1 behavior per row. To remove a row, click the x.”

  • Any behavior previously created for the student for either behavior tracking or self-monitoring will show as an option. These will be listed in alphabetical order.

  • The list of default behaviors will follow. WHAT ARE THESE? They will also be listed in alphabetical order.


  • The user must enter a name for any custom behavior. If they do not, they will see an error message telling them to Please enter a behavior name.

  • By default, the slider will be set to collect data. If the slider is set to collect data, any new behavior will be added to behavior tracking. If the slider is not set to collect data, newly selected behaviors will not be added to behavior tracking. All previously set behaviors will remain in behavior tracking. The slider will not remove the behaviors from behavior tracking.

| Select Rewards


  • The user will next select a rewards/reinforcer (single select).

  • The user may click to add another reward/reinforcer.

  • The user will see a list of default rewards and may also choose to add a custom reward.

  • When custom is selected, the user will be prompted to enter the name of a reward.

  • When multiple reinforcers are selected, an x will show next to each reward.

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Business Rules

  • At least 1 reward must be selected.

  • Rewards will be listed in drop-down menu in alphabetical order.

  • The user must enter a name for any custom reward. If they do not, they will see an error message telling them to Please enter a reward/reinforcer name.



| Set Consequence


  • The user will next select a consequence (single select).

  • The user may click to add another consequence.

  • The user will see a list of default consequences and may also choose to add a custom consequence.

  • When custom is selected, the user will be prompted to enter the name of a consequence.

  • When multiple consequences are selected, an x will show next to each consequence.

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Business Rules

  • At least 1 consequence must be selected.

  • Consequences will be listed in drop-down menu in alphabetical order.

  • The user must enter a name for any custom consequence. If they do not, they will see an error message telling them to Please enter a consequence name.



| Select Review Date


  • The user will click the calendar to select a date to review the contract

  • The user may also type in a date to review the contract

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Business Rules

  • The review date will default to 30 days from today’s date

  • The review date cannot be set for a date in the past

| Signatures


  • The user may use the slider to add signature lines to the contract. This will show 3 lines on the contract for signatures. In the Student Center, the student will be able to sign the contract.

  • The user may also use a slider to add their own signature to the contract. This will add the user’s signature to one of the signature lines on the contract.

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Business Rules

  • By default, both sliders will be to the right (turned on)


| Sharing Options


  • The user may set the slider to the right to share the contract in the family portal

  • The user may set the slider to the right to share the contract in the student center

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Business Rules

  • By default, we will not share in the family portal but will share in the student center

| Preview


  • When the user clicks the Preview button, they will see the PDF of the completed contract.

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  • From here, they may click to edit the contract (and return to the create contract screen) or print the contract.

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Business Rules

  • The user may preview at any time. All required fields do not have to be completed in order to preview the contract.

| Save draft


  • The user may click Save draft to save their work. The contract will show on the main behavior contract screen with a status of Draft.

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Business Rules

  • This does not submit the contract for approval and does not make the contract active.

  • The user may save draft at any time. The required fields do not need to be completed to save the draft.

| Submit for approval


  • When the user is done creating the contract, they may submit the contract for approval. The contract will show on the main behavior contract screen with a status of Pending Approval.

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Business Rules

  • This does not make the contract active. This contract will now show as an item to review for users with approval rights.

  • All required fields must be completed to submit for approval. All errors must be resolved.


Step Three: Statuses


  • Contracts will show on the main behavior contract screen with different statuses and available actions.

  • The user may click View More to load additional contracts

  • We will also show a list of archived contracts

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Business Rules

  • By default, we will show up to 4 contracts (based on number of non-archived contracts that exist for the student)

  • Load more will show if more than 4 (non-archived) contracts exist for the student

  • When load more is clicked, we will load up to an additional 4 non-archived contracts.

  • The active contract will show at the top of the list

  • All other non-archived contracts will be listed based on the date (most recent date at the top)

  • Archived contracts will be listed based on the date (most recent date at the top)

  • Load more will show if more than 4 (archived) contracts exist for the student

  • When load more is clicked, we will load up to an additional 4 archived contracts.

Step Two: Student Views/Signs Contract


  • In the student center, the student should be alerted they have a new contract to sign

  • The student will view the contract and digitally sign

  • Once the student signs, the teacher will be alerted

Business Rules

Step Three: Parent Views Contract (optional)


  • In the family portal, the parent will be alerted there is a new contract

  • The parent may view the contract

Business Rules

Step Four: Student Reviews Contract


  • The student is alerted when the contract renewal date comes up

  • The student will see a question asking how they feel they are doing 😃 😐 ☹

  • The student may enter text explaining what they did well and how they can improve

  • The student will submit their responses

Business Rules

Step Five: Contract is reviewed by teacher


  • The teacher is alerted when the contract renewal date comes up and when the student submits their self-reflection

  • If the student has completed the review, the teacher may view the comments

  • The teacher will see a question asking if the behavior goals are being met

  • If the teacher says yes, they will be asked if they want to change the behavior goals, rewards, and consequences. The teacher may make edits, enter a new review date, and save/sign.

  • If the teacher says no, they will be asked if rewards and consequences were implemented. If yes, were these effective? If no, remind the teacher to implement the strategies. The teacher will then be asked if they want to change the behavior goals, rewards, and consequences. The teacher may make edits, enter a new review date, and save/sign.

  • From here, the user may share to parents and students.


Components will include:

  •  JRich-Ready!
  •  Update Behavior Dashboard - Ready!
  •  Update Student Behavior Support - Ready!
  •  Classroom area- Ready!
  •  Create contract- Ready!
  •  View Contract-Ready!
  •  Contract Approval process-Ready!
  •  Student Center
  •  Family Portal -Ready!
  •  Contract statuses
  •  Teacher Reports
  •  Admin Reports