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Need to adjust account settings for new data types & alerts. Alerts should be set for no progress made and for progress made.

User Stories:

  • As an administrator who oversees multiple schools within our district I need to set up Default Mastery Criteria for all data collection types so that my staff will all have the same starting point for Behavior Tracking.

  • As an administrator who oversees the only school in our district l I need to set up Default Mastery Criteria for all data collection types so that my staff will all have the same starting point for Behavior Tracking.

  • As an educator who needs to keep up to date with the progress my students are making with Behavior Tracking, I need a way to be alerted if there is no progress for a over a set period of time so that I can review the existing criteria and make changes if necessary.

  • As a educator who needs to keep up to date with the progress my students are making with Behavior Tracking, I need a way to be alerted if my students have made enough progress to hit a pre-determined objective so that I can review the existing objectives and make changes if necessary.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a multiple school District- Level Administrator with access to either Behavior Support OR MTSS Intervention Tracking (all tools or behavior tracking enabled) AND who is a Role 7 (multiple account levels exist), I will have access to these settings.

  • Given I am a single school Administrator with access to either Behavior Support OR MTSS Intervention Tracking (all tools or behavior tracking enabled) AND who is a Role 5 (no child accounts exist), I will have access to these settings.

  • Given I am a user with access to either Behavior Supports OR MTSS Intervention Tracking (all tools or behavior tracking enabled) > View Reports" (not sure about this-need to view Alerts)

  • Given I am a User who clicks on an item contained within the drop down, my selection will auto-fill the field.


Default Mastery Criteria (Maybe this will be deleted.)


  • In Default Mastery Criteria, we will view the default mastery criteria for increasing and decreasing a skill or behavior for all data collection types

  • Opportunity-Based

    • Increase: Minimum of 5 trials at 80% or higher across 2 consecutive sessions.

    • Decrease: No more than 1 trial at 80% of lower across 2 consecutive sessions.

  • Task Analysis

    • Increase: At least 80% across 2 consecutive sessions.

    • Decrease: No more than 10% across 2 consecutive sessions.

  • Frequency

    • Increase: At least 5 occurrences per session across 2 consecutive sessions.

    • Decrease: No more than 1 occurrence per session across 2 consecutive sessions.

  • Duration

    • Increase: At least 5 minutes per session across 2 consecutive sessions.

    • Decrease: No more than 1 minute per session across 2 consecutive sessions.

  • Interval

    • Increase: At least 80% of intervals across 2 consecutive sessions.

    • Decrease: No more than 10% of intervals across 2 consecutive sessions.

  • Latency

    • Increase: At least 5 minutes elapsed between stimulus and behavior across 2 consecutive sessions.

    • Decrease: No more than 1 minute elapsed between stimulus and behavior across 2 consecutive sessions.


Business Rules

  • Users with permission to View Account Setup will see this section.

  • access to either Behavior Support OR MTSS Intervention Tracking (all tools or behavior tracking enabled) AND who are a Role 7 user (if multiple account levels exist) or a Role 5 (if no child accounts exist) will be able to edit these settings.

Edit Default Mastery Criteria: Initial Screen



  • If the user clicks the edit button, they will be able to adjust the mastery criteria for all data options.

  • Items in blue can be adjusted

  • : Tab Selection

    • User clicks on down arrow to open a tab.

    • User clicks on up arrow to close tab.

    Image Added

    • To edit mastery criteria, User clicks in editing fields and selects from options or custom enters.

    • To save changes, the User selects Save.

    • To discard changes the User selects Discard.

    Business Rules

    • Users with access to either Behavior Support OR MTSS Intervention Tracking (all tools or behavior tracking enabled) AND who are a Role 7 user (if multiple account levels exist) or a Role 5 (if no child accounts exist) will be able to edit these settings.

    • Users with permission to Edit Data Settings (Account Setup) will have access to the editing fields.

    • Save / Discard button moves to accommodate opening and closing of tabs. (See figma examples.)

    • If User clicks on down arrow, tab opens showing Default mastery criteria for each section.

    • If User clicks on up arrow, tab closes.

    • Selecting Save saves the changes the User has made.

    • Selecting Discard Changes restores fields to default state.

    • (Should Save button be inactive until all tabs have been opened?)

    Data Collection Types (Tab Sections)

    • User selects from drop down fields or types to edit default criteria.

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    Business Rules:

    • Items shown in blue indicate fields that can be adjusted.

    • Items shown in blue indicate Default Mastery Criteria settings.

    • All entry fields contain drop downs selections and custom entry option.

    Opportunity Based default mastery criteria:

    • Increase: Minimum of 5 trials at 80% or higher across 2 consecutive sessions

    • Decrease: No more than 1 trial at 80% of lower across 2 consecutive sessions/days.

    • Task Analysis.

    • (Decide ranges for numbers and percentages for fields.)

    Task Analysis default mastery criteria:

    • Increase: At least


      90% across


      3 consecutive sessions



    • Decrease: No more than 10% across 2 consecutive sessions/days.

    • Frequency

    Frequency default mastery criteria:

    • Increase: At least 5 occurrences per




      across 2consecutive





    • Decrease: No more than 1 occurrence per sessionacross 2 consecutive sessions.

    Frequency editing fields with drop down contents include:

    • First box: 1-10 (ascending order in increments of 1), custom entry

    • Second box: minute/session/day/week

      across 2 consecutive minutes/sessions/days/weeks.


    • Third box: 1-10 (ascending order in increments of 1), custom entry

    • Fourth box: minute/session/day/weeks

    Duration mastery criteria:

    • Increase: At least 5








      across 2 consecutive





    • Decrease: No more than


      1minuteper session across 2 consecutive sessions.

    Duration editing fields with drop down contents include:

    • First box: 1-10 (ascending order in increments of 1), custom entry

    • Second box: seconds/minutes/hours

    • Third box: minute/hour/session/day

      across 2 consecutive

    • Fourth box: 1-10 (ascending order in increments of 1), custom entry

    • Fifth box: minutes/hours/sessions/days


    Interval default mastery criteria:

    • Increase: At least 80% of intervals across 2 consecutive sessions



    • Decrease: No more than 10% of intervals across 2 consecutive sessions



    Interval editing fields with drop down contents include:

    • First box: 100%-0% (descending order in increments of 5%), custom entry

    • Second box: 1-10 (ascending order in increments of 1), custom entry

    • Third box: minute/hour/session/day

    Checklist default mastery criteria: (need Decrease information)

    • Increase: At least

      5minutes elapsed between stimulus and behavior across

      80% of opportunities per 2 consecutive





    • Decrease

      : No more than 1 minute elapsed between stimulus and behavior across 2 consecutive sessions/days/weeks.


    Business Rules

    • Users with permission to Edit Data Settings (Account Setup) will have access to the edit button.



    • In the Alerts section of Account Setup, we need to add three alerts for behavior tracking

    • Alert me after __ days/weeks of no progress

    • Alert me after __% of behavior objectives are mastered.

    • Alert me after __% behavior goals are mastered.

    • We will show the name of the user who last made a change and the date the change was last made.

    Image Removed
    • : ?

    Checklist editing fields with drop down contents include:

    • First box: 100%-0% (descending order in increments of 5%), custom entry

    • Second box: 1-10 (ascending order in increments of 1), custom entry

    • Third box: minute/hour/session/days

    Rating Scale default mastery criteria: (need decrease information)

    Increase: At least 80% of opportunities per day for 2 consecutive days.

    • Decrease: ?

    Rating Scale editing fields with drop down contents include:

    • First box: 100%-0% (descending order in increments of 5%), custom entry

    • Second box: minute/hour/session/day

    • Third box: 1-10 (ascending order in increments of 1), custom entry

    • Fourth box: minute/hour/session/days

    Alerts: Design


    • User selects from drop down fields or types to edit default criteria.

    Image Added

    • Users click inside box to receive emails.

    Image AddedImage Added

    Business Rules

    • Any user marked “is admin role” will see this section

    • Only the highest level admin roles will have access to edit the alert criterion. For accounts with multiple levels, only admins (marked “is admin role”) with access to all buildings will have permission to edit the alert criterion. For accounts without multiple levels, any admin role (marked “is admin role”) will have permission to edit the alert criterion.

    • The default criteria will be

      • Alert me after 2 weeks of no progress

      • Alert me after 80% of behavior objectives are mastered

      • Alert me after 90% of behavior goals are mastered

    • If User selects Yes to receive emails by school email, when alert criteria is met the User will receive an alert on school email.

    • We will show the name of the user who last made a change and the date the change was last made.