| Action Item | Description | Good To Know |
1 | Create Subscription | Go to Reporting>Scheduling>Payroll Export>Click “Subscribe” | Users must have permission to Payroll Reports User with receive an email when the report is ready for download from the user’s Rethink account (based on subscription date) Scheduled reports will be emailed to user who created the subscription (please check the email in user staff profile is present and accurate) Users may still run “Ad Hoc” payroll exports
2 | Name Report |
| |
3 | Select Staff Assigned Location(s) | On the ‘Report Type: Payroll Export' tab, use Use the ‘Staff Assigned Location(s)’ field to select the location if you want to filter by . You may select multiple location. This field auto populates to include all locations. You must select at least may switch this for one location or multiple locations. | These are the locations assigned to the staff profiles If a staff is assigned multiple locations, only one of the assigned locations needs to be selected in order for all of the staff’s hours to be pulled into the report
4 | Select Recurrence Pattern | Select 1 of 3 recurrence types: Single, Weekly, or Monthly SINGLE WEEKLY MONTHLY | The Recurrence pattern selected controls when the subscription will be sent. Single Recurrence subscriptions will be sent one time only on a specific date By default appointments in a “completed” status will be included unless users selects other appointment type options. Late Entries may only be included for Single Recurrence and Weekly and Monthly Recurrence when “custom” report range is selected.
5 | Select Recurrence Range (date range subscriptions will be generated) | For weekly or monthly recurrence periods, the user must select a date range in which they wish to receive the reports in. | |
6 | Select Report Range (date range of appointments that will be included in the export) | Click the report range dropdown to select the range of days the data will include in the report. | |
7 | Export Report Dates | | |
8 | View Subscribed Reports | On the payroll export page, click “subscribed reports” tab to view a list of all subscribed reports you created. Image Added | After a subscription is created they system will add the report to the subscribed reports tab. Users will see only see subscriptions they created. All details related to a subscription’s Report ID, user who created/modified report, recurrence pattern, recurrence range, report range, late entries included , appointment filters and status will be viewable. Report ID:This is the reports unique ID and can be used to provide to Rethink support if there is ever an issue with subscriptions. Status: Subscribed: The subscription has been created and is now active Inactive: The subscription has passed its end date and is no longer active Download: (Dark blue font = Ready for Download) Light blue font = Previously downloaded.
9 | Email Link | On the days specified in the subscription’s recurrence pattern, the user will receive an email containing a link to the report
| |
10 | Cancel a Recurring Subscription | Image RemovedThen Recurrence End Date | |