Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Form fields for resource name, type, description, and file upload.

  • Validation for form fields to ensure accurate data entry.

[Insert Figma design link for Add/Edit Resource page]

Workflow Description
  1. For adding a new resource, fill in the required details and upload the file.

  2. For editing an existing resource, modify the desired fields and save changes.

  3. Resources are then updated in the database and accessible through the Resources Search Table.


When managing resources through the "Add/Edit Resource" page, users engage with several core aspects that ensure comprehensive resource management and integration within the educational platform. These aspects include:

  • Metadata (Resource MetaData): This encompasses all the descriptive information about the resource, such as titles, short descriptions, types, and keywords. Metadata plays a pivotal role in how resources are categorized, searched, and identified across the platform.

  • Content (Resource MetaDataContent Tab)Content: Pertains to the actual material or information contained within the resource, which can vary widely from text documents and PDFs to images, videos, and interactive elements. Depending on the resource type, users can upload and manage different forms of content accordingly.

  • Versioning (Resource Content Version Tab)Versioning: Enables tracking and management of multiple iterations of a resource over time. Users can create new versions, view past versions, and select an active version, facilitating content updates and historical comparisons.

  • Dependency (Resource Version Dependencies Tab )Dependency: Offers visibility into where and how a resource is utilized across the platform, such as in specific activities, modules, or lessons. Understanding dependencies is crucial for assessing the resource's impact and for careful modification or deletion to avoid disrupting the learning experience.

  • Preview (Resource Dependencies TabPreview)Preview: Allows users to review the resource as it will appear to end-users, ensuring that all elements are correctly formatted and functioning as intended before finalizing.
