Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Options
    • Students (default)
    • Team Members
    • Line Graph
    • Demographics: Students
    • Demographics: Totals
    • List

Image RemovedImage Added

Business Rules

  • Students will be the default view


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on the screen (see below)

Line Graph


  • We will show a drop-down for:
    • Students with Incidents Reported
    • Team Members Reporting Incidents
    • Total Incidents Reported

Business Rules

  • Default will be Students with Incidents Reported


  • We will export and print what is shown on the screen (see below)



  • This is a graph showing the number of unique students with incidents reported
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative
  • We will show a key based on the filter selections
Image Removed
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

Image Added

Business Rules

  • Shows the number of unique students with incidents reported within the date range
  • By default, the data will be displayed non-cumulatively


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on the screen. Meaning, if we are running a Non-Cumulative District report, this is what we will export and print.the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the filter selections

Image Added



  • We will show one line on the graph
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules

  • Shows the number of unique students in all child accounts the user has access to with incidents reported within the date range.
  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least 1 child account the user has access to
  • Any student with incidents reported at any point within our date range will be counted. If a student had incidents reported during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still be counted on the report.
  • The Key will show District
  • Cumulative
    • If Student A has incidents reported in January & February and Student B has incidents reported in February and March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 2, March 2
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Student A has incidents reported in January & February and Student B has incidents reported in February and March, we would show
      • January 1, February 2, March 1


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all unique students with incidents reported at all child accounts the user has access to.the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



  • We will show a line on the graph for each region selected
  • We will show a line on the graph for the district total
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules

  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least 1 of the selected region's child accounts the user has access to
  • Any student with incidents reported at any point within our date range will be counted. If a student had incidents reported during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still be counted on the report.
  • If a student belongs to Region 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Region 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the student will be calculated under Region 1 for Month 1 and Region 2 for Month 2, assuming both Regions have child accounts with the components allocated
  • For each region line, we will show the number of unique students in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to with incidents reported within the date range.
  • The district total line will show the number of unique students in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
  • The Key will show the name of each region selected and District Total
  • Cumulative
    • If Student A has incidents reported in January & February and Student B has incidents reported in February and March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 2, March 2
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Student A has incidents reported in January & February and Student B has incidents reported in February and March, we would show
      • January 1, February 2, March 1


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all unique students with incidents reported at all of the selected regions' child accounts the user has access to.the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected regions



  • We will show a line on the graph for each building selected
  • We will show a line on the graph for the region or district total
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules

  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least 1 of the selected buildings
  • Any student with incidents reported at any point within our date range will be counted. If a student had incidents reported during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still be counted on the report.
  • If a student belongs to Building 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Building 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the student will be calculated under Building 1 for Month 1 and Building 2 for Month 2, assuming both Buildings have child accounts with the components allocated
  • For each building line, we will show the number of unique students in the building with incidents reported within the date range.
  • If the buildings selected belong to the same Region, we will show the Region Total Line on the graph. If the buildings selected belong to more than 1 region or if regions do not exist, we will show the District Total Line on the graph.
    • The region total line will show the number of unique students in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
    • The district total line will show the number of unique students in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
  • The Key will show the name of each building selected and District or Region Total
  • Cumulative
    • If Student A has incidents reported in January & February and Student B has incidents reported in February and March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 2, March 2
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Student A has incidents reported in January & February and Student B has incidents reported in February and March, we would show
      • January 1, February 2, March 1


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all unique students with incidents reported for each building selected.



  • We will show a line on the graph the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected buildings



  • We will show a line on the graph for each role selected
  • We will show a line on the graph for the building, region, or district total
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules

  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least one of the accounts the user has access to that contains team members with the selected roles
  • Any student with incidents reported at any point within our date range will be counted. If a student had incidents reported during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still be counted on the report.
  • For each role line, we will show the number of unique students assigned to users with that role in all buildings the user has access to with incidents reported within the date range.
  • If the roles selected have team members that belong to the same Building, we will show the Building Line on the graph. If the roles selected have team members that belong to more than 1 building but the same Region, we will show the Region Total Line on the graph. If the roles selected have team members that belong to more than 1 region or if regions do not exist, we will show the District Total Line on the graph.
    • The building total line will show the number of unique students in the building who have incidents reported within the date range.
    • The region total line will show the number of unique students in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
    • The district total line will show the number of unique students in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
  • The Key will show the name of each role selected and District, Region, or Building Total
  • Cumulative
    • If Student A has incidents reported in January & February and Student B has incidents reported in February and March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 2, March 2
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Student A has incidents reported in January & February and Student B has incidents reported in February and March, we would show
      • January 1, February 2, March 1


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all unique students with incidents reported for each role selected.

Team Members

  • the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a
    • title on the graph
    for each team
    • as Students with Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected roles

Team Members


  • We will show a line on the graph for each team member selected
  • We will show a line on the graph for the building, region, or district total
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules

  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least one of the accounts the user has access to that contains the selected team members
  • Any student with incidents reported at any point within our date range will be counted. If a student had incidents reported during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still be counted on the report.
  • For each team member line, we will show the number of unique students assigned to that team member in all buildings the user has access to with incidents reported within the date range.
  • If the team members selected belong to the same Building, we will show the Building Line on the graph. If the team members selected belong to more than 1 building but the same Region, we will show the Region Total Line on the graph. If the team members selected belong to more than 1 region or if regions do not exist, we will show the District Total Line on the graph.
    • The building total line will show the number of unique students in the building who have incidents reported within the date range.
    • The region total line will show the number of unique students in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
    • The district total line will show the number of unique students in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
  • The Key will show the name of each team member selected and District, Region, or Building Total
  • Cumulative
    • If Student A has incidents reported in January & February and Student B has incidents reported in February and March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 2, March 2
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Student A has incidents reported in January & February and Student B has incidents reported in February and March, we would show
      • January 1, February 2, March 1


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all unique students with incidents reported for each team member selected.



  • There will be two lines on the graphthe data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected team members



  • There will be two lines on the graph
    • All selected students will be represented by one line on the graph
    • A district total, region total, or building total line will show on the graph as well
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)
  • Options for Cumulative vs Non-Cumulative
  • We will show the names of the students selected below the graph.

Business Rules

  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least one of the accounts the user has access to that contains the selected students
  • Any student with incidents reported at any point within our date range will be counted. If a student had incidents reported during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still be counted on the report.
  • For the students line, we will show the number of unique students out of those selected with incidents reported within the date range.
  • If the students selected belong to the same Building, we will show the Building Line on the graph. If the students selected belong to more than 1 building but the same Region, we will show the Region Total Line on the graph. If the students selected belong to more than 1 region or if regions do not exist, we will show the District Total Line on the graph.
    • The building total line will show the number of unique students in the building who have incidents reported within the date range.
    • The region total line will show the number of unique students in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
    • The district total line will show the number of unique students in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
  • The Key will show Students* and District, Region, or Building Total
  • Cumulative
    • If Student A has incidents reported in January & February and Student B has incidents reported in February and March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 2, March 2
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Student A has incidents reported in January & February and Student B has incidents reported in February and March, we would show
      • January 1, February 2, March 1


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all unique students with incidents reported out of those selected.
  • the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected students

Team Members


  • This is a graph showing the number of unique team members reporting incidents
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative
  • We will show a key based on the filter selections
Image Removed
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of team members who reported incidents (i.e. 48 Unique Team Members)

Image Added

Business Rule

  • Shows the number of unique team members who reported incidents within the date range
  • By default, the data will be displayed non-cumulatively


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on the screen. Meaning, if we are running a Non-Cumulative District report, this is what we will export and print.the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Team Members Reporting Incidents from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the filter selections

Image Added



  • We will show one line on the graph
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of team members who reported incidents (i.e. 48 Unique Team Members)
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules

  • Shows the number of unique team members in all child accounts the user has access to who reported incidents within the date range.
  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least 1 child account the user has access to
  • Any team member reporting incidents at any point within our date range will be counted. If a team member had incidents reported during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still be counted on the report.
  • The Key will show District
  • Cumulative
    • If Team Member A reported incidents  in January & February and Team Member B reported incidents in February and March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 2, March 2
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Team Member A reported incidents  in January & February and Team Member B reported incidents in February and March, we would show
      • January 1, February 2, March 1


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all unique team members reporting incidents at all child accounts the user has access to.the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Team Members Reporting Incidents from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



  • We will show a line on the graph for each region selected
  • We will show a line on the graph for the district total
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules.

  • This will show Hovering on a data point will show the number of team members who reported incidents (i.e. 48 Unique Team Members)
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules.

  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least 1 child account the user has access to
  • Any team member reporting incidents at any point within our date range will be counted. If a team member had incidents reported during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still be counted on the report.
  • If a team member belongs to Region 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Region 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the team member will be calculated under Region 1 for Month 1 and Region 2 for Month 2, assuming both Regions have child accounts with the components allocated
  • For each region line, we will show the number of unique team members in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to with incidents reported within the date range.
  • The district total line will show the number of unique team members in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
  • The Key will show the name of each region selected and District Total
  • Cumulative
    • If Team Member A reported incidents  in January & February and Team Member B reported incidents in February and March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 2, March 2
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Team Member A reported incidents  in January & February and Team Member B reported incidents in February and March, we would show
      • January 1, February 2, March 1


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all unique team members reporting incidents at all of the selected regions' child accounts the user has access to.the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Team Members Reporting Incidents from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected regions



  • We will show a line on the graph for each building selected
  • We will show a line on the graph for the region or district totalOption for:
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of team members who reported incidents (i.e. 48 Unique Team Members)
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules.

  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least 1 of the selected buildings
  • Any team member reporting incidents at any point within our date range will be counted. If a team member had incidents reported during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still be counted on the report.
  • If a team member belongs to Building 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Building 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the team member will be calculated under Building 1 for Month 1 and Building 2 for Month 2, assuming both Buildings have the components allocated
  • For each building line, we will show the number of unique team members in the building with incidents reported within the date range.
  • If the buildings selected belong to the same Region, we will show the Region Total Line on the graph. If the buildings selected belong to more than 1 region or if regions do not exist, we will show the District Total Line on the graph.
    • The region total line will show the number of unique team members in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
    • The district total line will show the number of unique team members in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
  • The Key will show the name of each building selected and District or Region Total
  • Cumulative
    • If Team Member A reported incidents  in January & February and Team Member B reported incidents in February and March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 2, March 2
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Team Member A reported incidents  in January & February and Team Member B reported incidents in February and March, we would show
      • January 1, February 2, March 1


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all unique team members reporting incidents at each of the selected buildings.the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Team Members Reporting Incidents from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected buildings



  • We will show a line on the graph for each building selected
  • We will show a line on the graph for the building, region, or district total
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of team members who reported incidents (i.e. 48 Unique Team Members)
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules.

  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least one of the accounts the user has access to that contains team members with the selected roles
  • Any team member reporting incidents at any point within our date range will be counted. If a team member had incidents reported during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still be counted on the report.
  • For each role line, we will show the number of unique team members assigned to that role in all accounts the user has access to with incidents reported within the date range.
  • If the roles selected have team members that belong to the same Building, we will show the Building Line on the graph. If the roles selected have team members that belong to more than 1 building but the same Region, we will show the Region Total Line on the graph. If the roles selected have team members that belong to more than 1 region or if regions do not exist, we will show the District Total Line on the graph
    • The building total line will show the number of unique team members in the building who have reported incidents within the date range.
    • The region total line will show the number of unique team members in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
    • The district total line will show the number of unique team members in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
  • The Key will show the name of each role selected and District, Region, or Building Total
  • Cumulative
    • If Team Member A reported incidents  in January & February and Team Member B reported incidents in February and March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 2, March 2
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Team Member A reported incidents  in January & February and Team Member B reported incidents in February and March, we would show
      • January 1, February 2, March 1


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all unique team members reporting incidents assigned to each selected role.the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Team Members Reporting Incidents from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected roles

Team Member


  • There will be two lines on the graph
    • All selected team members will be represented by one line on the graph
    • A district total, region total, or building total line will show on the graph as well
  • Options for Cumulative vs Non-Cumulative
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of team members who reported incidents (i.e. 48 Unique Team Members)
  • We will show the names of the team members selected below the graph.

Business Rules.

  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least one of the accounts the user has access to that contains the team members selected
  • Any team member reporting incidents at any point within our date range will be counted. If a team member had incidents reported during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still be counted on the report.
  • For the team member line, we will show the number of unique team members out of those selected with incidents reported within the date range.
  • If the team members selected belong to the same Building, we will show the Building Line on the graph. If the team members selected belong to more than 1 building but the same Region, we will show the Region Total Line on the graph. If the team members selected belong to more than 1 region or if regions do not exist, we will show the District Total Line on the graph.
    • The building total line will show the number of unique team members in the building who have reported incidents within the date range.
    • The region total line will show the number of unique team members in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
    • The district total line will show the number of unique team members in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
  • The Key will show Team Members* and District, Region, or Building Total
  • Cumulative
    • If Team Member A reported incidents  in January & February and Team Member B reported incidents in February and March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 2, March 2
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Team Member A reported incidents  in January & February and Team Member B reported incidents in February and March, we would show
      • January 1, February 2, March 1


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all unique team members out of those selected who have reported incidents within the date range.the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Team Members Reporting Incidents from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected team members



  • We will show a line on the graph for each student selected
  • We will show a line on the graph for the building, region, or district total
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of team members who reported incidents (i.e. 48 Unique Team Members)
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules.

  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least one of the accounts the user has access to that contains the students selected
  • Any team member reporting incidents at any point within our date range will be counted. If a team member had incidents reported during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still be counted on the report.
  • For each student line, we will show the number of unique team members assigned to the selected student with incidents reported within the date range.
  • If the students selected belong to the same Building, we will show the Building Line on the graph. If the students selected belong to more than 1 building but the same Region, we will show the Region Total Line on the graph. If the students selected belong to more than 1 region or if regions do not exist, we will show the District Total Line on the graph.
    • The building total line will show the number of unique team members in the building who have reported incidents within the date range.
    • The region total line will show the number of unique team members in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
    • The district total line will show the number of unique team members in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range.
  • The Key will show the name of each selected student and District, Region, or Building Total
  • Cumulative
    • If Team Member A reported incidents  in January & February and Team Member B reported incidents in February and March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 2, March 2
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Team Member A reported incidents  in January & February and Team Member B reported incidents in February and March, we would show
      • January 1, February 2, March 1


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all unique team members assigned to each selected student who have reported incidents within the date rangethe data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Team Members Reporting Incidents from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected students.



  • This is a graph showing the total number of incidents recorded
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative
  • We will show a key based on the filter selections

Image Removed

Business Rules
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

Image Added

Business Rules

  • Shows the number of incidents reported within the date range
  • By default, the data will be displayed non-cumulatively


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on the screen. Meaning, if we are running a Non-Cumulative District report, this is what we will export and print.



  • We will show one line on the graph
  • Option forthe data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Total Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the filter selections

Image Added



  • We will show one line on the graph
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules

  • Shows the number of incidents reported for students in all child accounts the user has access to within the date range.
  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least 1 child account the user has access to
  • The Key will show District
  • Cumulative
    • If Student A has 1 incident reported in January & February and Student B has 1 incident reported in February and March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 3, March 4
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Student A has 1 incident reported in January & February and Student B has 1 incident reported in February and March, we would show
      • January 1, February 2, March 1


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all incidents reported at all child accounts the user has access to within the date range.the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Total Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



  • We will show a line on the graph for each region selected
  • We will show a line on the graph for the district total
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules

  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least 1 child account the user has access to
  • For each region line, we will show the number of incidents reported in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to within the date range.
  • The district total line will show the number of incidents reported in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to within the date range.
  • The Key will show the name of each region selected and District Total
  • Cumulative
    • If Student A has 1 incident reported in January & February and Student B has 1 incident reported in February and March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 3, March 4
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Student A has 1 incident reported in January & February and Student B has 1 incident reported in February and March, we would show
      • January 1, February 2, March 1


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all incidents reported at all child accounts the user has access to for each region selected within the date range.



  • We will show a line on the graph for each building selected
  • We will show a the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Total Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected regions



  • We will show a line on the graph for each building selected
  • We will show a line on the graph for the region or district total
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules

  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least 1 of the selected buildings
  • For each building line, we will show the number of incidents reported in the building within the date range.
  • If the buildings selected belong to the same Region, we will show the Region Total Line on the graph. If the buildings selected belong to more than 1 region or if regions do not exist, we will show the District Total Line on the graph.
    • The region total line will show the number of incidents reported in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to within the date range.
    • The district total line will show the number of incidents reported in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to within the date range.
  • The Key will show the name of each building selected and District or Region Total
  • Cumulative
    • If Student A has 1 incident reported in January & February and Student B has 1 incident reported in February and March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 3, March 4
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Student A has 1 incident reported in January & February and Student B has 1 incident reported in February and March, we would show
      • January 1, February 2, March 1


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all incidents reported at each selected building within the date range.the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Total Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected buildings



  • We will show a line on the graph for each role selected
  • We will show a line on the graph for the building, region, or district total
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules

  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least one of the accounts the user has access to that contains team members with the selected roles
  • For each role line, we will show the number of incidents reported by users with the selected role in all accounts the user has access to within the date range.
  • If the roles selected have team members that belong to the same Building, we will show the Building Line on the graph. If the roles selected have team members that belong to more than 1 building but the same Region, we will show the Region Total Line on the graph. If the roles selected have team members that belong to more than 1 region or if regions do not exist, we will show the District Total Line on the graph.
    • The building total line will show the number of incidents reported in the building within the date range.
    • The region total line will show the number of incidents reported in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to within the date range.
    • The district total line will show the number of incidents reported in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to within the date range.
  • The Key will show the name of each role selected and District, Region, or Building Total
  • Cumulative
    • If Team Members assigned to Role A have 1 incident reported in January & February and none in March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 2, March 2
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Team Members assigned to Role A have 1 incident reported in January & February and none in March, we would show
      • January 1, February 1, March 0


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all incidents reported by users with each selected role within the date range.

Team Member


  • We will show a line on the graph for each team member selected
  • We will show a the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Total Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected roles

Team Member


  • We will show a line on the graph for each team member selected
  • We will show a line on the graph for the building, region, or district total
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules

  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least one of the accounts the user has access to that contains the selected team members
  • For each team member line, we will show the number of incidents reported by the selected team member in all accounts the user has access to within the date range.
  • If the team members selected belong to the same Building, we will show the Building Line on the graph. If the team members selected belong to more than 1 building but the same Region, we will show the Region Total Line on the graph. If the team members selected belong to more than 1 region or if regions do not exist, we will show the District Total Line on the graph.
    • The building total line will show the number of incidents reported in the building within the date range.
    • The region total line will show the number of incidents reported in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to within the date range.
    • The district total line will show the number of incidents reported in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to within the date range.
  • The Key will show the name of each team member selected and District, Region, or Building Total
  • Cumulative
    • If Team Member A has 1 reported incident in January & February and none in March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 2, March 2
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Team Member A has 1 reported incident in January & February and none in March, we would show
      • January 1, February 1, March 0


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all incidents reported by each selected team member within the date range.the data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Total Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected team members



  • We will show a line on the graph for each student selected
  • We will show a line on the graph for the building, region, or district total
  • Hovering on a data point will show the number of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)
  • Option for:
    • Cumulative
    • Non-Cumulative

Business Rules

  • This will show if skills, sel, or behavior have been purchased for students in at least one of the accounts the user has access to that contains the selected students
  • For each student line, we will show the number of incidents reported for the selected student within the date range.
  • If the students selected belong to the same Building, we will show the Building Line on the graph. If the students selected belong to more than 1 building but the same Region, we will show the Region Total Line on the graph. If the students selected belong to more than 1 region or if regions do not exist, we will show the District Total Line on the graph.
    • The building total line will show the number of incidents reported in the building within the date range.
    • The region total line will show the number of incidents reported in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to within the date range.
    • The district total line will show the number of incidents reported in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to within the date range.
  • The Key will show the name of each student selected and District, Region, or Building Total
  • Cumulative
    • If Student A has 1 incident reported in January & February and none in March, we would show
      •  January 1, February 2, March 2
  • Non-Cumulative (default)
    • If Student A has 1 incident reported in January & February and none in March, we would show
      • January 1, February 1, March 0


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are looking at a cumulative graph, we will export and print the cumulative view of all incidents reported for each selected student within the date range.


Report options are:

  • Incidents
  • Actions
  • Students
  • Team Members

Business Rules

  • Default is Incidentsthe data based on filter selections
  • Print
    • We will print the graph on screen
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Total Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected students

Demographics - Students


  • We will show a drop-down menu for
    • Grade
    • Gender
    • Race/Ethnicity
    • Education Classification

Business Rules

  • The default graph will be Grade


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on the screen. Meaning, if we are on the Incidents Report, this is the view we will export and print


  • This is a list view showing:
    • Incident Name
    • Occurrences
    • Students
  • There will be a sort feature
  • Tabs based on selections (see below for details)



  • We will show a tab for each region/building/role/team member/student selected

Image Removed

Business Rules

  • This will be a bar graph
  • We will show all incidents reported within the date range
  • Users will be able to sort by incident name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
  • By default we will sort by incident name
  • Incident name will list the name of the incident
  • Occurrences will list the number of times that incident occurred
  • Students will list the number of students that incident was reported for.
  • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
  • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident reportthe # of unique students with incidents reported for each grade
  • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

Image Added

Business Rules

  • This is the default demographic (students) graph
  • We will show all grades PK-12


  • We will export and print exactly what is the data as shown on the screen. Meaning, if we filter by Students, this is the view we will export and print.are running a district report, we will export data on unique students with incidents reported in each grade in the district
  • Print
    • We will print the graph as shown on the screen based on selections
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Grade from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title detailing the filter selections

Image Added



  • All incidents will display in one report
  • This is a list view showing:
    • Incident Name
    • Occurrences
    • Students
  • There will be a sort feature

Business Rules

  • We will show all incidents reported in all child accounts the user has access to within the date range
    • Each incident recorded for the district will appear. For example, if 20 incidents of hitting occurred for 15 students, we would show Hitting-20-15
  • Users will be able to sort by incident name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
  • By default we will sort by incident name
  • Incident name will list the name of the incident
  • Occurrences will list the number of times that incident occurred
  • Students will list the number of students that incident was reported for.
  • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
  • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
  • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.students will be reflected on one graph.
  • This will be a bar graph
  • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for each grade
  • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

Business Rules

  • We will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded in each grade within the date range in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to
  • If a student is in Grade 1 in August and Grade 2 in September, the student will be counted under Grade 1 for August and Grade 2 for September.
  • We will show all grades PK-12


  • We will export and print exactly what is the data as shown on the screen. Meaning, if we filter by Students, this is the view we will export and print.



  • There will be a we will export data on unique students with incidents reported in each grade in the district within the date range
  • Print
    • We will print the graph as shown on the screen based on selections
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Grade from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title listing the name of the district



  • There will be a separate tab for each region selected.
  • This is a list view showing:
    • Incident Name
    • Occurrences
    • Students
    There will be a sort featurewill be a bar graph
  • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for each grade
  • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

Business Rules

  • For each region tab, we will show all incidents reported the number of unique students with incidents recorded in each grade within the date range in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to within the date range
  • Users will be able to sort by incident name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
  • By default we will sort by incident name
  • Incident name will list the name of the incident
  • Occurrences will list the number of times that incident occurred
  • Students will list the number of students that incident was reported for.
    • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
    • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
    • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.
    • If a student belongs to Region 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Region 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the incidents for the student will be calculated under Region 1 for Month 1 and Region 2 for Month 2


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on the screen. Meaning, if we are on the Region A tab and filter by Students, this is the view we will export and print.
  • If a student is in Grade 1 in August and Grade 2 in September, the student will be counted under Grade 1 for August and Grade 2 for September.
  • We will show all grades PK-12


  • We will export the data as shown on the screen. Meaning, we will export data on unique students with incidents reported in each grade in the region within the date range
  • Print
    • We will print the graph as shown on the screen based on selections
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Grade from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title listing the name of the region



  • There will be a separate tab for each building selected.
  • This is a list view showing:
    • Incident Name
    • Occurrences
    • Students
  • There will be a sort feature
  • will be a bar graph
  • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for each grade
  • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

Business Rules

  • For each building tab, we will show all incidents reported in all that building the number of unique students with incidents recorded in each grade within the date range
  • Users will be able to sort by incident name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
  • By default we will sort by incident name
  • Incident name will list the name of the incident
  • Occurrences will list the number of times that incident occurred
  • Students will list the number of students that incident was reported for.
    • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
    • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
    • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.
    • If a student belongs to Building 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Building 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the student will be calculated under Building 1 for Month 1 and Building 2 for Month 2


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on the screen. Meaning, if we are on the Building A tab and filter by Students, this is the view we will export and the building
  • If a student is in Grade 1 in August and Grade 2 in September, the student will be counted under Grade 1 for August and Grade 2 for September.
  • We will show all grades PK-12


  • We will export the data as shown on the screen. Meaning, we will export data on unique students with incidents reported in each grade in the building within the date range
  • Print
    • We will print the graph as shown on the screen based on selections
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Grade from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title listing the name of the building



  • There will be a separate tab for each role selected.
  • This is a list view showing:
    • Incident Name
    • Occurrences
    • Students
  • There will be a sort feature
  • will be a bar graph
  • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for each grade
  • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

Business Rules

  • For each role tab, we will show all incidents reported by users assigned to that role in all accounts the user has access to within the date range
  • Users will be able to sort by incident name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
  • By default we will sort by incident name
  • Incident name will list the name of the incident
  • Occurrences will list the number of times that incident occurred
  • Students will list the number of students that incident was reported for.
    • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
    • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
    • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on the screen. Meaning, if we are on the Role A tab and filter by Students, this is the view we will export and print.the number of unique students with incidents recorded in each grade within the date range out of those students assigned to users with the selected role
  • If a student is in Grade 1 in August and Grade 2 in September, the student will be counted under Grade 1 for August and Grade 2 for September.
  • We will show all grades PK-12


  • We will export the data as shown on the screen. Meaning, we will export data on unique students with incidents reported in each grade out of those students assigned to users with the selected role within the date range
  • Print
    • We will print the graph as shown on the screen based on selections
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Grade from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title listing the name of the role

Team Member


  • There will be a separate tab for each team member selected.
  • This is a list view showing:
    • Incident Name
    • Occurrences
    • Students
    There will be a sort featurewill be a bar graph
  • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for each grade
  • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

Business Rules

  • For each team member tab, we will show all incidents reported by that team member the number of unique students with incidents recorded in each grade within the date range
  • Users will be able to sort by incident name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
  • By default we will sort by incident name
  • Incident name will list the name of the incident
  • Occurrences will list the number of times that incident occurred
  • Students will list the number of students that incident was reported for.
    • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
    • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
    • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on the screen. Meaning, if we are on the Team Member A tab and filter by Students, this is the view we will export and print.out of those students assigned to that team member
  • If a student is in Grade 1 in August and Grade 2 in September, the student will be counted under Grade 1 for August and Grade 2 for September.
  • We will show all grades PK-12


  • We will export the data as shown on the screen. Meaning, we will export data on unique students with incidents reported in each grade out of those students assigned to the selected team member within the date range
  • Print
    • We will print the graph as shown on the screen based on selections
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Grade from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title listing the name of the team member



  • There will be a separate tab for each student selectedno separate tabs. All students selected will be reflected on one graph.
  • This is a list view showing:
    • Incident Name
    • Occurrences
  • There will be a sort feature

Business Rules

  • For each student tab, we will show all incidents reported for that student within the date range
  • Users will be able to sort by incident name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
  • By default we will sort by incident name
  • Incident name will list the name of the incident
  • Occurrences will list the number of times that incident occurredwill be a bar graph
  • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for each grade
  • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

Business Rules

  • We will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded in each grade within the date range out of those students selected
  • If a student is in Grade 1 in August and Grade 2 in September, the student will be counted under Grade 1 for August and Grade 2 for September.
  • We will show all grades PK-12


  • We will export and print exactly what is the data as shown on the screen. Meaning, if we are on the Student A tab and filter by Occurrences, this is the view we will export and print.
Actions Report


  • This is a list view showing:
    • Action Name
    • Occurrences
    • Students
  • There will be a sort feature
  • Tabs for each region/building/role/team member/student selected

Business Rules

  • We will show all actions reported within the date range
  • Users will be able to sort by action name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
  • By default we will sort by action name
  • Action name will list the name of the action
  • Occurrences will list the number of times that action was reported
  • Students will list the number of students that action was reported for.
  • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the action was reported
  • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's action reportwill export data on unique students with incidents reported in each grade out of those students selected
  • Print
    • We will print the graph as shown on the screen based on selections
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Grade from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title listing the names of the students selected



  • We will show separate tabs for regions/buildings/roles/team members selected
  • This will be a bar graph
  • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for students for each gender
  • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

Image Added

Business Rules

  • Gender is determined by the student settings
  • We will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for each gender
  • We will show all genders, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that gender. Meaning, if there are no male students, male still shows on the graph.


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on the screen. Meaning, if we filter by Occurrences, this is the view we will export and print.


Team Member Report

  • This is a list view showing:
    • Team Member Name
    • Occurrences
    • Students
  • There will be a sort feature
  • Tabs for each region/building/student selected
  • Filter by:
    • District
      • All team members recording incidents for the district will appear
    • Region
      • Each region will have a separate tab
      • All team members recording incidents for each region will appear
    • Building
      • Each building will have a separate tab
      • All team members recording incidents for each building will appear
    • Role
      • Each role will have a separate tab
      • All incidents recorded by team members with the selected role will appear
    • Team Member
      • All selected team members will appear on the same report (no separate tabs)
      • All team members selected will appear
    • Student
      • Each student will have a separate tab
      • All team members recording incidents for each student will appear

Team Member Report

  • We will show all team members who have reported incidents during the selected date range on this list
  • Users will be able to sort by team member name (alphabetically by last name), occurrences, or students.
  • By default we will sort by occurrences
  • Team Member name will list the name of the team member
  • Occurrences will list the number of times the team member reported an incident within the date range
  • Students will list the number of students the team member reported incidents for within the date range
    • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
    • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
  • District Filter
    • Each team member recording incidents will appear. For example, if Team Member A recorded 10 incidents for 3 students, we would show Team Member A-10-3.
    • If a team member was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still show on the report.
  • Region Filter
    • If a team member was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still show on the report.
    • If a team member belongs to Region 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Region 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the team member will be calculated under Region 1 for Month 1 and Region 2 for Month 2
    • If a team member belongs to more than 1 region (multi-account team member), the team member will show under each region she belongs to
  • Building Filter
    • If a team member was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still show on the report.
    • If a team member belongs to Building 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Building 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the team member will be calculated under Building 1 for Month 1 and Building 2 for Month 2
  • Role View
    • Shows results for team members with the selected roles
    • Any team member active at any point within our selected date range will be counted.
    • Any team member assigned to a selected role at any point within our date range will be counted.
  • Team Member Filter
    • If a team member was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still show on the report.
    • If a selected team member has not recorded any incidents, we will show 0 incidents recorded for 0 students.
  • Student Filter
    • If a team member was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still show on the report.

Student Report

  • This is a list view showing:
    • Student Name
    • Occurrences
    • Student's Team
  • There will be a sort feature
  • Tabs for each region/building/team member selected
  • Filter by:
    • District
      • All students with incidents reported for the district will appear
    • Region
      • Each region selected will have a separate tab
      • All students with incidents recorded for each region will appear
    • Building
      • Each building selected will have a separate tab
      • All students with incidents recorded for each building will appear
    • Role
      • Each role will have a separate tab
      • All incidents recorded by team members with the selected role will appear
    • Team Member
      • Each team member selected will have a separate tab
      • All students with incidents recorded for each team member will appear
    • Student
      • All students selected will appear on the same report (no separate tabs)
      • All students selected will appear

Student Report

  • This will be the default view
  • We will show all students
    • the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Gender from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the filter selections

    Image Added



    • All data will be reflected on one graph
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for students for each gender
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Gender is determined by the student settings
    • We will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for each gender for all students in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to
    • We will show all genders, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that gender. Meaning, if there are no male students, male still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Gender from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



    • There will be a separate tab for each region selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for students for each gender
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Gender is determined by the student settings
    • For each region tab, we will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for each gender for all students in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to
    • We will show all genders, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that gender. Meaning, if there are no male students, male still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Gender from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the region



    • There will be a separate tab for each building selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for students for each gender
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Gender is determined by the student settings
    • For each building tab, we will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for each gender for all students in that building
    • We will show all genders, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that gender. Meaning, if there are no male students, male still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Gender from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the building



    • There will be a separate tab for each role selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for students for each gender
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Gender is determined by the student settings
    • For each role tab, we will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for each gender for all students assigned to team members with that role
    • We will show all genders, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that gender. Meaning, if there are no male students, male still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Gender from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the role

    Team Member


    • There will be a separate tab for each team member selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for students for each gender
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Gender is determined by the student settings
    • For each team member tab, we will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for each gender for all students assigned to that team member
    • We will show all genders, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that gender. Meaning, if there are no male students, male still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Gender from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the team member



    • There will be no separate tabs. All students selected will be reflected on one graph.
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for students for each gender
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Gender is determined by the student settings
    • We will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for each gender for all students selected
    • We will show all genders, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that gender. Meaning, if there are no male students, male still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Gender from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected students.



    • We will show separate tabs for regions/buildings/roles/team members selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for each race/ethnicity
      • We should show a column for not specified
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Image Added

    Business Rules

    • Race/Ethnicity is determined by the student settings
    • We will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for each race/ethnicity
    • We will show all race/ethnicity, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that race/ethnicity. Meaning, if there are no Asian students, Asian still shows on the graph.
    • Incidents recorded for students who do not have a race/ethnicity specified will count under the not specified column


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Race/Ethnicity from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the filter selections

    Image Added



    • All data will be reflected on one graph
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for each race/ethnicity
      • We should show a column for not specified
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Race/Ethnicity is determined by the student settings
    • We will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for each race/ethnicity for all students in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to
    • We will show all race/ethnicity, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that race/ethnicity. Meaning, if there are no Asian students, Asian still shows on the graph.
    • Incidents recorded for students who do not have a race/ethnicity specified will count under the not specified column


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Race/Ethnicity from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



    • There will be a separate tab for each region selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for each race/ethnicity
      • We should show a column for not specified
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Race/Ethnicity is determined by the student settings
    • For each region tab, we will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for each race/ethnicity for all students in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to
    • We will show all race/ethnicity, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that race/ethnicity. Meaning, if there are no Asian students, Asian still shows on the graph.
    • Incidents recorded for students who do not have a race/ethnicity specified will count under the not specified column


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Race/Ethnicity from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the region



    • There will be a separate tab for each building selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for each race/ethnicity
      • We should show a column for not specified
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Race/Ethnicity is determined by the student settings
    • For each building tab, we will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for each race/ethnicity for all students in that building
    • We will show all race/ethnicity, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that race/ethnicity. Meaning, if there are no Asian students, Asian still shows on the graph.
    • Incidents recorded for students who do not have a race/ethnicity specified will count under the not specified column


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Race/Ethnicity from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the building



    • There will be a separate tab for each role selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for each race/ethnicity
      • We should show a column for not specified
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Race/Ethnicity is determined by the student settings
    • For each role tab, we will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for each race/ethnicity for all students assigned to team members with that role
    • We will show all race/ethnicity, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that race/ethnicity. Meaning, if there are no Asian students, Asian still shows on the graph.
    • Incidents recorded for students who do not have a race/ethnicity specified will count under the not specified column


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Race/Ethnicity from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the role

    Team Member


    • There will be a separate tab for each team member selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for each race/ethnicity
      • We should show a column for not specified
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Race/Ethnicity is determined by the student settings
    • For each team member tab, we will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for each race/ethnicity for all students assigned to that team member
    • We will show all race/ethnicity, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that race/ethnicity. Meaning, if there are no Asian students, Asian still shows on the graph.
    • Incidents recorded for students who do not have a race/ethnicity specified will count under the not specified column


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Race/Ethnicity from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the team member



    • There will be no separate tabs. All students will be reflected on one graph.
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for each race/ethnicity
      • We should show a column for not specified
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Race/Ethnicity is determined by the student settings
    • We will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for each race/ethnicity out of those students selected
    • We will show all race/ethnicity, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that race/ethnicity. Meaning, if there are no Asian students, Asian still shows on the graph.
    • Incidents recorded for students who do not have a race/ethnicity specified will count under the not specified column


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Race/Ethnicity from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected students

    Education Classification


    Image Added

    Business Rules

    • Education Classification is determined by the student settings.
      • General Education: Any student with general education selected in Account Setup
      • Special Education: Any student with Special Education selected in Account Setup
    • We will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for General Education and Special Education students
    • We will show both categories, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that category Meaning, if there are no students with a Special Education classification, Special Education still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Education Classification from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the filter selections

    Image Added



    • All data will be reflected on one graph
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for Classified and Non-Classified Students
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Education Classification is determined by the student settings.
      • Classified: Any student with an education classification selected in Account Setup
      • Non-Classified: Any student without an education classification selected in Account Setup
    • We will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for classified and non-classified students for al students in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to
    • If a student does not have an Education Classification in August and then does have an Education Classification in September, we would count that student as Non-Classified in August and Classified in September.
    • We will show both categories, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that category Meaning, if there are no students with a selected Education Classification, Classified still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Education Classification from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



    • There will be a separate tab for each region selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for Classified and Non-Classified Students
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Education Classification is determined by the student settings.
      • Classified: Any student with an education classification selected in Account Setup
      • Non-Classified: Any student without an education classification selected in Account Setup
    • For each region tab, we will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for classified and non-classified students for all students in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to
    • If a student does not have an Education Classification in August and then does have an Education Classification in September, we would count that student as Non-Classified in August and Classified in September.
    • We will show both categories, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that category Meaning, if there are no students with a selected Education Classification, Classified still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Education Classification from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the region



    • There will be a separate tab for each building selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for Classified and Non-Classified Students
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Education Classification is determined by the student settings.
      • Classified: Any student with an education classification selected in Account Setup
      • Non-Classified: Any student without an education classification selected in Account Setup
    • For each building tab, we will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for classified and non-classified students for all students in that building
    • If a student does not have an Education Classification in August and then does have an Education Classification in September, we would count that student as Non-Classified in August and Classified in September.
    • We will show both categories, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that category Meaning, if there are no students with a selected Education Classification, Classified still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Education Classification from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the building



    • There will be a separate tab for each role selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for Classified and Non-Classified Students
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Education Classification is determined by the student settings.
      • Classified: Any student with an education classification selected in Account Setup
      • Non-Classified: Any student without an education classification selected in Account Setup
    • For each role tab, we will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for classified and non-classified students for all students assigned to team members with that role
    • If a student does not have an Education Classification in August and then does have an Education Classification in September, we would count that student as Non-Classified in August and Classified in September.
    • We will show both categories, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that category Meaning, if there are no students with a selected Education Classification, Classified still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Education Classification from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the role

    Team Member


    • There will be a separate tab for each team member selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for Classified and Non-Classified Students
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Education Classification is determined by the student settings.
      • Classified: Any student with an education classification selected in Account Setup
      • Non-Classified: Any student without an education classification selected in Account Setup
    • For each team member tab, we will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for classified and non-classified students for all students assigned to that team member
    • If a student does not have an Education Classification in August and then does have an Education Classification in September, we would count that student as Non-Classified in August and Classified in September.
    • We will show both categories, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that category Meaning, if there are no students with a selected Education Classification, Classified still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Education Classification from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the team member



    • There will be no separate tabs. All students selected will be reflected on one graph.
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of unique students with incidents reported for Classified and Non-Classified Students
    • Hovering on a bar will show the number of students with incidents reported (i.e. 48 Unique Students)

    Business Rules

    • Education Classification is determined by the student settings.
      • Classified: Any student with an education classification selected in Account Setup
      • Non-Classified: Any student without an education classification selected in Account Setup
    • We will show the number of unique students with incidents recorded within the date range for classified and non-classified students out of those students selected
    • If a student does not have an Education Classification in August and then does have an Education Classification in September, we would count that student as Non-Classified in August and Classified in September.
    • We will show both categories, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that category Meaning, if there are no students with a selected Education Classification, Classified still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents By Education Classification from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected students

    Demographics - Totals


    • We will show a drop-down menu for
      • Grade
      • Gender
      • Race/Ethnicity
      • Education Classification

    Business Rules

    • The default graph will be Grade


    • We will export and print based on selections (see below for details)



    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for each grade
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Image Added

    Business Rules

    • This is the default demographic (totals) graph
    • We will show all grades PK-12


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen. Meaning, if we are running a district report, we will export data on incidents reported for students in each grade in the district
    • Print
      • We will print the graph as shown on the screen based on selections
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Grade from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a sub-title detailing the filter selections

    Image Added



    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for each grade
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • We will show the number of incidents recorded for students in each grade for all students in all child accounts, within the date range, the user has access to
    • We will show all grades PK-12


    • We will export the number of incidents recorded for students in each grade for all students in all child accounts the user has access to within the date range.
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Grade from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle with the name of the district



    • We will show a tab for each region selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for each grade
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • For each region tab, we will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students in each grade for all students in all of the selected region's child accounts the user has access to
    • We will show all grades PK-12


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Grade from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle with the name of the region



    • We will show a tab for each building selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for each grade
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • For each building tab, we will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students in each grade within the building
    • We will show all grades PK-12


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Grade from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle with the name of the building



    • We will show a tab for each role selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for each grade
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • For each role tab, we will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students assigned to team members with the selected role in each grade
    • We will show all grades PK-12


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Grade from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle with the name of the role

    Team Member


    • We will show a tab for each team member selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for each grade
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • For each team member tab, we will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students assigned to that team member in each grade
    • We will show all grades PK-12


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Grade from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle with the name of the team member



    • We will show information for all students selected on the same graph
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for each grade
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • We will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students in each grade out of those selected
    • We will show all grades PK-12


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Grade from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the students selected



    • We will show separate tabs for regions/buildings/roles/team members selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for each gender
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Image Added

    Business Rules

    • Gender is determined by the student settings
    • We will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students with each gender
    • We will show all genders, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that gender. Meaning, if there are no male students, male still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Gender from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the filter selections

    Image Added



    • There will be no tabs
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for each gender
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Gender is determined by the student settings
    • We will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students with each gender for all students in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to
    • We will show all genders, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that gender. Meaning, if there are no male students, male still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Gender from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



    • There will be a tab for each region selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for each gender
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Gender is determined by the student settings
    • For each region tab, we will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students with each gender for all students in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to
    • We will show all genders, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that gender. Meaning, if there are no male students, male still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Gender from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the region



    • There will be a tab for each building selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for each gender
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Gender is determined by the student settings
    • For each building tab, we will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students with each gender in the building
    • We will show all genders, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that gender. Meaning, if there are no male students, male still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Gender from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the building



    • There will be a tab for each role selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for each gender
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Gender is determined by the student settings
    • For each role tab, we will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students with each gender assigned to team members with the selected role
    • We will show all genders, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that gender. Meaning, if there are no male students, male still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Gender from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the role

    Team Member


    • There will be a tab for each team member selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for each gender
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Gender is determined by the student settings
    • For each team member tab, we will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students with each gender assigned to the selected team member
    • We will show all genders, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that gender. Meaning, if there are no male students, male still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Gender from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the team member



    • There will be no separate tabs. All data for all selected students will appear on one graph.
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for each gender
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Gender is determined by the student settings
    • We will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students with each gender out of those students selected
    • We will show all genders, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that gender. Meaning, if there are no male students, male still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Gender from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected students



    • We will show separate tabs for regions/buildings/roles/team members selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for each race/ethnicity
      • We should show a column for not specified
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Image Added

    Business Rules

    • Race/Ethnicity is determined by the student settings
    • We will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students with each race/ethnicity
    • We will show all race/ethnicity, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that race/ethnicity. Meaning, if there are no Asian students, Asian still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Race/Ethnicity from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the filter selections

    Image Added



    • All data will be reflected on one graph
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for each race/ethnicity
      • We should show a column for not specified
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Race/Ethnicity is determined by the student settings
    • We will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to with each race/ethnicity
    • We will show all race/ethnicity, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that race/ethnicity. Meaning, if there are no Asian students, Asian still shows on the graph.
    • Incidents reported for students who do not have a race/ethnicity specified, will be counted under the not specified column


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Race/Ethnicity from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



    • There will be a separate tab for each region selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for each race/ethnicity
      • We should show a column for not specified
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Race/Ethnicity is determined by the student settings
    • For each region tab, we will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to with each race/ethnicity
    • We will show all race/ethnicity, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that race/ethnicity. Meaning, if there are no Asian students, Asian still shows on the graph
    • Incidents reported for students who do not have a race/ethnicity specified, will be counted under the not specified column


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Race/Ethnicity from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the region



    • There will be a separate tab for each building selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for each race/ethnicity
      • We should show a column for not specified
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Race/Ethnicity is determined by the student settings
    • For each building tab, we will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students with each race/ethnicity in that building
    • We will show all race/ethnicity, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that race/ethnicity. Meaning, if there are no Asian students, Asian still shows on the graph
    • Incidents reported for students who do not have a race/ethnicity specified, will be counted under the not specified column


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Race/Ethnicity from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the building



    • There will be a separate tab for each role selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for each race/ethnicity
      • We should show a column for not specified
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Race/Ethnicity is determined by the student settings
    • For each role tab, we will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students with each race/ethnicity assigned to team members with that role
    • We will show all race/ethnicity, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that race/ethnicity. Meaning, if there are no Asian students, Asian still shows on the graph
    • Incidents reported for students who do not have a race/ethnicity specified, will be counted under the not specified column


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Race/Ethnicity from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the role

    Team Member


    • There will be a separate tab for each team member selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for each race/ethnicity
      • We should show a column for not specified
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Race/Ethnicity is determined by the student settings
    • For each team member tab, we will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students with each race/ethnicity assigned to that team member
    • We will show all race/ethnicity, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that race/ethnicity. Meaning, if there are no Asian students, Asian still shows on the graph
    • Incidents reported for students who do not have a race/ethnicity specified, will be counted under the not specified column


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Race/Ethnicity from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the team member



    • There will be no separate tabs. Data for all selected students will be reflected on one graph.
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for each race/ethnicity
      • We should show a column for not specified
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Race/Ethnicity is determined by the student settings
    • We will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for students with each race/ethnicity out of those students selected
    • We will show all race/ethnicity, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that race/ethnicity. Meaning, if there are no Asian students, Asian still shows on the graph
    • Incidents reported for students who do not have a race/ethnicity specified, will be counted under the not specified column


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Race/Ethnicity from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected students

    Education Classification


    • We will show separate tabs for regions/buildings/roles/team members selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for Classified and Non-Classified Students
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Image Added

    Business Rules

    • Education Classification is determined by the student settings.
      • Classified: Any student with an education classification selected in Account Setup
      • Non-Classified: Any student without an education classification selected in Account Setup
    • We will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for classified and non-classified students
    • We will show both categories, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that category Meaning, if there are no students with a selected Education Classification, Classified still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Education Classification from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the filter selections

    Image Added



    • All data will be reflected on one graph
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for Classified and Non-Classified Students
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Education Classification is determined by the student settings.
      • Classified: Any student with an education classification selected in Account Setup
      • Non-Classified: Any student without an education classification selected in Account Setup
    • We will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for classified and non-classified students for all students in all of the district's child accounts the user has access to.
    • We will show both categories, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that category Meaning, if there are no students with a selected Education Classification, Classified still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Education Classification from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



    • There will be a separate tab for each region selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for Classified and Non-Classified Students
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Education Classification is determined by the student settings.
      • Classified: Any student with an education classification selected in Account Setup
      • Non-Classified: Any student without an education classification selected in Account Setup
    • For each region tab, we will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for classified and non-classified students for all students in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to.
    • We will show both categories, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that category Meaning, if there are no students with a selected Education Classification, Classified still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Education Classification from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the region



    • There will be a separate tab for each building selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for Classified and Non-Classified Students
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Education Classification is determined by the student settings.
      • Classified: Any student with an education classification selected in Account Setup
      • Non-Classified: Any student without an education classification selected in Account Setup
    • For each building tab, we will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for classified and non-classified students for all students in the building
    • We will show both categories, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that category Meaning, if there are no students with a selected Education Classification, Classified still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Education Classification from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the building



    • There will be a separate tab for each role selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for Classified and Non-Classified Students
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Education Classification is determined by the student settings.
      • Classified: Any student with an education classification selected in Account Setup
      • Non-Classified: Any student without an education classification selected in Account Setup
    • For each role tab, we will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for classified and non-classified students for all students assigned to team members with the selected role
    • We will show both categories, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that category Meaning, if there are no students with a selected Education Classification, Classified still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Education Classification from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the role

    Team Member


    • There will be a separate tab for each team member selected
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for Classified and Non-Classified Students
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Education Classification is determined by the student settings.
      • Classified: Any student with an education classification selected in Account Setup
      • Non-Classified: Any student without an education classification selected in Account Setup
    • For each team member tab, we will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for classified and non-classified students for all students assigned to the selected team member
    • We will show both categories, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that category Meaning, if there are no students with a selected Education Classification, Classified still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Education Classification from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the team member



    • There will be a no separate tabs. All data for all selected students will be reflected on one graph.
    • This will be a bar graph
    • We will show the # of incidents reported for students for Classified and Non-Classified Students
    • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported (i.e. 48 Incidents Reported)

    Business Rules

    • Education Classification is determined by the student settings.
      • Classified: Any student with an education classification selected in Account Setup
      • Non-Classified: Any student without an education classification selected in Account Setup
    • We will show the number of incidents recorded within the date range for classified and non-classified students out of those selected
    • We will show both categories, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that category Meaning, if there are no students with a selected Education Classification, Classified still shows on the graph.


    • We will export the data from the tab the user is currently viewing
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents By Education Classification from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the selected students



    Report options are:

    • Incidents
    • Actions
    • Students
    • Team Members

    Business Rules

    • Default is Incidents


    • We will export and print exactly what is shown on the screen. Meaning, if we are on the Incidents Report, this is the view we will export and print



    • This is a list view showing:
      • Incident Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature
    • Tabs for each region/building/role/team member/student selected

    Image Added

    Business Rules

    • We will show all incidents reported within the date range
    • Users will be able to sort by incident name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by incident name
    • Incident name will list the name of the incident
    • Occurrences will list the number of times that incident occurred
    • Students will list the number of students that incident was reported for.
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the filter selections

    Image Added



    • All incidents will display in one report
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Incident Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • We will show all incidents reported in all child accounts the user has access to within the date range
      • Each incident recorded for the district will appear. For example, if 20 incidents of hitting occurred for 15 students, we would show Hitting-20-15
    • Users will be able to sort by incident name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by incident name
    • Incident name will list the name of the incident
    • Occurrences will list the number of times that incident occurred
    • Students will list the number of students that incident was reported for.
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
      • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen
    • Print
      • We will print the graph on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



    • There will be a separate tab for each region selected.
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Incident Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each region tab, we will show all incidents reported in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to within the date range
    • Users will be able to sort by incident name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by incident name
    • Incident name will list the name of the incident
    • Occurrences will list the number of times that incident occurred
    • Students will list the number of students that incident was reported for.
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
      • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.
      • If a student belongs to Region 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Region 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the incidents for the student will be calculated under Region 1 for Month 1 and Region 2 for Month 2


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the selected region



    • There will be a separate tab for each building selected.
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Incident Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each building tab, we will show all incidents reported in all that building within the date range
    • Users will be able to sort by incident name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by incident name
    • Incident name will list the name of the incident
    • Occurrences will list the number of times that incident occurred
    • Students will list the number of students that incident was reported for.
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
      • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.
      • If a student belongs to Building 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Building 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the student will be calculated under Building 1 for Month 1 and Building 2 for Month 2


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the selected building



    • There will be a separate tab for each role selected.
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Incident Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each role tab, we will show all incidents reported by users assigned to that role in all accounts the user has access to within the date range
    • Users will be able to sort by incident name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by incident name
    • Incident name will list the name of the incident
    • Occurrences will list the number of times that incident occurred
    • Students will list the number of students that incident was reported for.
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
      • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the selected role

    Team Member


    • There will be a separate tab for each team member selected.
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Incident Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each team member tab, we will show all incidents reported by that team member within the date range
    • Users will be able to sort by incident name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by incident name
    • Incident name will list the name of the incident
    • Occurrences will list the number of times that incident occurred
    • Students will list the number of students that incident was reported for.
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
      • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the selected team member



    • There will be a separate tab for each student selected.
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Incident Name
      • Occurrences
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each student tab, we will show all incidents reported for that student within the date range
    • Users will be able to sort by incident name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by incident name
    • Incident name will list the name of the incident
    • Occurrences will list the number of times that incident occurred


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the selected student

    Actions Report


    • This is a list view showing:
      • Action Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature
    • Tabs for each region/building/role/team member/student selected

    Image Added

    Business Rules

    • We will show all actions reported within the date range
    • Users will be able to sort by action name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by action name
    • Action name will list the name of the action
    • Occurrences will list the number of times that action was reported
    • Students will list the number of students that action was reported for.
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the action was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's action report


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Actions Taken from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the filter selections

    Image Added



    • All actions will display in one report
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Action Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • We will show all actions reported in all child accounts the user has access to within the date range
    • Users will be able to sort by action name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by action name
    • Action name will list the name of the action
    • Occurrences will list the number of times that action was reported
    • Students will list the number of students that action was reported for.
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the action was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's action report


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Actions Taken from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the name of the district



    • Each region selected will have a separate tab
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Action Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each region tab, we will show all actions reported in all of the region's child accounts the user has access to within the date range
    • Users will be able to sort by action name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by action name
    • Action name will list the name of the action
    • Occurrences will list the number of times that action was reported
    • Students will list the number of students that action was reported for.
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the action was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's action report
      • If a student belongs to Region 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Region 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the incidents for the student will be calculated under Region 1 for Month 1 and Region 2 for Month 2


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Actions Taken from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the name of the selected region



    • Each building selected will have a separate tab
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Action Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each building tab, we will show all actions reported in the building within the date range
    • Users will be able to sort by action name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by action name
    • Action name will list the name of the action
    • Occurrences will list the number of times that action was reported
    • Students will list the number of students that action was reported for.
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the action was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's action report
      • If a student belongs to Building 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Building 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the incidents for the student will be calculated under Building 1 for Month 1 and Building 2 for Month 2


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Actions Taken from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the name of the selected building



    • Each role selected will have a separate tab
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Action Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each role tab, we will show all actions reported by users with the selected role in all accounts the user has access to within the date range
    • Users will be able to sort by action name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by action name
    • Action name will list the name of the action
    • Occurrences will list the number of times that action was reported
    • Students will list the number of students that action was reported for.
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the action was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's action report


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Actions Taken from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the name of the selected role

    Team Member


    • Each team member selected will have a separate tab
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Action Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each team member tab, we will show all actions reported by that team member in all accounts the user has access to within the date range
    • Users will be able to sort by action name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by action name
    • Action name will list the name of the action
    • Occurrences will list the number of times that action was reported
    • Students will list the number of students that action was reported for.
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the action was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's action report


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Actions Taken from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the name of the selected team member



    • Each student selected will have a separate tab
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Action Name
      • Occurrences
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each student tab, we will show all actions reported for that student within the date range
    • Users will be able to sort by action name (alphabetically), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by action name
    • Action name will list the name of the action
    • Occurrences will list the number of times that action was reported


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Actions Taken from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the name of the selected student

    Team Member Report
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Team Member Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature
    • Tabs for each region/building/student selected

    Image Added

    Business Rules
    • We will show all team members who have reported incidents during the selected date range on this list
    • Users will be able to sort by team member name (alphabetically by last name), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by occurrences
    • Team Member name will list the name of the team member
    • Occurrences will list the number of times the team member reported an incident within the date range
    • Students will list the number of students the team member reported incidents for within the date range
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Team Members Reporting Incidents from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the filter selections

    Image Added



    • All team members reporting incidents will appear on one report
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Team Member Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • We will show all team members in the district and all of the district's child accounts the user has access to who have reported incidents during the selected date range on this list
    • Users will be able to sort by team member name (alphabetically by last name), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by occurrences
    • Team Member name will list the name of the team member
      • If a team member was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still show on the report.
    • Occurrences will list the number of times the team member reported an incident within the date range
    • Students will list the number of students the team member reported incidents for within the date range
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Team Members Reporting Incidents from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



    • Each region selected will have a separate tab
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Team Member Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each region tab, we will show all team members in the region and all of the region's child accounts the user has access to who have reported incidents during the selected date range on this list
    • If a team member belongs to Region 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Region 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the team member will be calculated under Region 1 for Month 1 and Region 2 for Month 2
    • If a team member belongs to more than 1 region (multi-account team member), the team member will show under each region she belongs to
    • Users will be able to sort by team member name (alphabetically by last name), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by occurrences
    • Team Member name will list the name of the team member
      • If a team member was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still show on the report.
    • Occurrences will list the number of times the team member reported an incident within the date range
    • Students will list the number of students the team member reported incidents for within the date range
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Team Members Reporting Incidents from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the selected region



    • Each building selected will have a separate tab
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Team Member Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each building tab, we will show all team members in the building who have reported incidents during the selected date range on this list
    • If a team member belongs to Building 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Building 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the team member will be calculated under Building 1 for Month 1 and Building 2 for Month 2
    • If a team member belongs to more than 1 building (multi-account team member), the team member will show under each building she belongs to
    • Users will be able to sort by team member name (alphabetically by last name), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by occurrences
    • Team Member name will list the name of the team member
      • If a team member was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still show on the report.
    • Occurrences will list the number of times the team member reported an incident within the date range
    • Students will list the number of students the team member reported incidents for within the date range
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Team Members Reporting Incidents from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the selected building



    • Each role selected will have a separate tab
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Team Member Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each role tab, we will show all team members assigned to that role in all accounts the user has access to who have reported incidents during the selected date range on this list
    • Any team member assigned to a selected role at any point within our date range will show.
    • Users will be able to sort by team member name (alphabetically by last name), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by occurrences
    • Team Member name will list the name of the team member
      • If a team member was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still show on the report.
    • Occurrences will list the number of times the team member reported an incident within the date range
    • Students will list the number of students the team member reported incidents for within the date range
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Team Members Reporting Incidents from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the selected role

    Team Member


    • All selected team members will appear on the same report
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Team Member Name
      • Occurrences
      • Students
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • We will show all team members selected
    • Users will be able to sort by team member name (alphabetically by last name), occurrences, or students.
    • By default we will sort by occurrences
    • Team Member name will list the name of the team member
      • If a team member was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still show on the report.
    • Occurrences will list the number of times the team member reported an incident within the date range
      • If the team member has not recorded any incidents, we will show 0
    • Students will list the number of students the team member reported incidents for within the date range
      • Clicking this number will display the students for whom the incident was reported
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
      • If the team member has not recorded any incidents, we will show 0


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Team Members Reporting Incidents from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the selected team members



    • Each student selected will have a separate tab
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Team Member Name
      • Occurrences
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each student tab, we will show all team members assigned to that student who have recorded incidents for that student within the date range
    • Users will be able to sort by team member name (alphabetically by last name) or occurrences
    • By default we will sort by occurrences
    • Team Member name will list the name of the team member
      • If a team member was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team member will still show on the report.
    • Occurrences will list the number of times the team member reported an incident within the date range


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Team Members Reporting Incidents from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the selected student

    Student Report
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Student Name
      • Occurrences
      • Student's Team
    • There will be a sort feature
    • Tabs for each region/building/role/team member selected

    Image Added

    Business Rules
    • This will be the default view
    • We will show all students
    • Users will be able to sort by student name (alphabetically by last name), occurrences, or student's team.
    • By default we will sort by occurrences
    • Student name will list the name of the student
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
    • Occurrences will list the number of times the student had an incident reported within the date range
    • Student's Team will list the number of team members assigned to the student
      • Clicking this number will display the team members and roles assigned to the student


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the filter selections

    Image Added



    • All students will display in one report
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Student Name
      • Occurrences
      • Student's Team
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • We will show all students in all child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range
    • Users will be able to sort by student name (alphabetically by last name), occurrences, or student's team.
    • By default we will sort by occurrences
    • Student name will list the name of the student
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
    • Occurrences will list the number of times the student had an incident reported within the date range
    • Student's Team will list the number of team members assigned to the student
      • Clicking this number will display the team members and roles assigned to the student


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



    • There will be a separate tab for each region selected.
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Student Name
      • Occurrences
      • Student's Team
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each region tab, we will show all students in all  of the region's child accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range
    • If a student belongs to Region 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Region 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the incidents for the student will be calculated under Region 1 for Month 1 and Region 2 for Month 2
    • Users will be able to sort by student name (alphabetically by last name), occurrences, or student's team.
    • By default we will sort by occurrences
    • Student name will list the name of the student
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
    • Occurrences will list the number of times the student had an incident reported within the date range
    • Student's Team will list the number of team members assigned to the student
      • Clicking this number will display the team members and roles assigned to the student


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the selected region



    • There will be a separate tab for each building selected.
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Student Name
      • Occurrences
      • Student's Team
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each building tab, we will show all students in the building who have incidents reported within the date range
    • If a student belongs to Building 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Building 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the student will be calculated under Building 1 for Month 1 and Building 2 for Month 2
    • Users will be able to sort by student name (alphabetically by last name), occurrences, or student's team.
    • By default we will sort by occurrences
    • Student name will list the name of the student
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
    • Occurrences will list the number of times the student had an incident reported within the date range
    • Student's Team will list the number of team members assigned to the student
      • Clicking this number will display the team members and roles assigned to the student


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the selected building



    • There will be a separate tab for each role selected.
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Student Name
      • Occurrences
      • Student's Team
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each role tab, we will show all students assigned to users with that role in all accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range
    • Students will show under each role that contains users assigned to that student
    • Users will be able to sort by student name (alphabetically by last name), occurrences, or student's team.
    • By default we will sort by occurrences
    • Student name will list the name of the student
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
    • Occurrences will list the number of times the student had an incident reported within the date range
    • Student's Team will list the number of team members assigned to the student
      • Clicking this number will display the team members and roles assigned to the student


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the selected role

    Team Member


    • There will be a separate tab for each team member selected.
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Student Name
      • Occurrences
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • For each team member tab, we will show all students assigned to that team member in all accounts the user has access to who have incidents reported within the date range
    • Students will show under each team member they are assigned to
    • Users will be able to sort by student name (alphabetically by last name)
    , occurrences, or student's team.Student Filter
  • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this team student will still show on the report.
  • If a student has no incidents recorded during the selected date range, we will show 0 incidents recorded by 0 team members.
    • or occurrences
    • By default we will sort by occurrences
    • Student name will list the name of the student
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
    • Occurrences will list the number of times the student had an incident reported within the date range
  • Student's Team will list the number of team members assigned to the student
    • Clicking this number will display the team members and roles assigned to the student
  • District Filter
    • Each student with incidents recorded will appear. For example, if Student A has 10 incidents recorded by 2 team members, we would show Student A-10-2.
    • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.
  • Region Filter
    • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.
    • If a student belongs to Region 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Region 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the student will be calculated under Region 1 for Month 1 and Region 2 for Month 2
  • Building Filter
    • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.
    • If a student belongs to Building 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Building 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the student will be calculated under Building 1 for Month 1 and Building 2 for Month 2
  • Role View
    • Shows results for students assigned to team members with the selected roles
    • Any student active at any point within our selected date range will be counted.
    • Any student assigned to a team member with the selected role at any point within our date range will be counted.
  • Team Member Filter
    • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report..
  • Export/Print

    • We will export the data as shown on the screen for the current tab
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the selected team member



    • All selected students will appear on the same report
    • This is a list view showing:
      • Student Name
      • Occurrences
      • Student's Team
    • There will be a sort feature

    Business Rules

    • We will show all students selected
    • Users will be able to sort by student name (alphabetically by last name), occurrences, or student's team.
    • By default we will sort by occurrences
    • Student name will list the name of the student
      • Clicking on a student's name will take you to that student's incident report
    • Occurrences will list the number of times the student had an incident reported within the date range
      • If no incidents were recorded, we will show 0
    • Student's Team will list the number of team members assigned to the student
      • Clicking this number will display the team members and roles assigned to the student
      • If no team members have been assigned to the student, we will show 0


    • We will export the data as shown on the screen
    • Print
      • We will print the list on screen
      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
      • We will show a title on the graph as Students with Incidents Reported from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the selected students


    • Role 7 will have access to all incident information across the entire account (all sub-accounts & parent account)
    • Role 6 will have access to all incident information across the sub-accounts they are linked to
    • Role 5 will have access to all incident information for the sub-account they are linked to
    • Custom roles may have access to incident information if admin reports were selected during customization. These roles will have access to all incident information for the sub-accounts they are linked to.
    • No other roles will have access to this report.
    • Accounts with Skills, Behavior, or SEL Platforms allocated will have access to this report. If an account (or sub-account) does not have access to either the skills, behavior, or SEL platform, this report will not appear.
    • All sub-accounts with the aforementioned platforms allocated will appear in this report. If a sub-account does not have one of these platforms allocated, they will not appear in the report.
    • All users assigned to the skills, behavior, or sel platform will appear in this report. If a user does not have one of the aforementioned platforms assigned, they will not appear in the report. 
    • Only students who either have a plan in place or are assigned to a user will appear in the report. If a student has been added to the platform, but does not have a plan in place or has not been assigned to a user , the student will be excluded from the report