We need to indicate to the student which videos they have already watched.
User Story: As a student, I need to see which videos I already completed, so I know which videos I still need to watch.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a student, when I visit the Videos tab in the student center, I need to see which videos I have already viewed (as indicated by the dark colored block) and the date I viewed them.
Videos Tab
When a student clicks on the videos tab, all videos with a status of Completed will show in a darker colored box with the phrase Completed: INSERT DATE COMPLETED
All other videos will appear as they do now
If a student clicks to view a video, they will see the view video screen.
Business Rules
Any video for which the student clicked the “I’m done” button that has not yet been reassigned to the student is considered Completed
We will show a completed date as the date the student clicked the “I’m done” button
This means that any video the student viewed before this enhancement is built is considered not complete
If a student completed video 1 and then is reassigned video 1 by the teacher, the completed status will be reset
Students may view any video, regardless of whether it has been assigned or if the student already completed it