We need to add settings for the incident report, list of incidents and actions, and alerts.
User Stories:
As an admin, I want to be able to remove fields from the incident report settings for my building or district so that I can ensure that the team members are not reporting extraneous information
As an admin, I want to be able to add fields to the incident report settings for my building or district so that I can ensure that the team members are reporting on all important details from an incident
As an admin, I want to be able to select which fields are required and which are not required so that team members document the necessary information for our building or district
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a user with access to behavior and I have permission to edit Behavior Settings, I will see the incident settings in the settings
Given I am a user with access to behavior and I have permission to edit Behavior Settings, I will see the customize incident report, Incidents, and actions tabs
Given I am a user with access to behavior and I have permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can change the order of the fields of the report and it will match the order of the fields in the Create, view, and edit report once I save
Given I am a user with access to behavior and I have permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can remove fields of the report and it will match the fields in the Create, view, and edit report once I save
Given I am a user with access to behavior and I have permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can add fields to the report and it will match the fields in the Create, View, and edit report once I save
Given I am a user with access to behavior and I have permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can change the order of the incident fields and it will match the order of the incident dropdown in the Create and edit report once I save
Given I am a user with access to behavior and I have permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can delete incidents and it will match the incident dropdown in the Create and edit report once I save
Given I am a user with access to behavior and I have permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can add incidents and it will match the incident dropdown in the Create and edit report once I save
Given I am a user with access to behavior and I have permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can change the order of the action fields and it will match the order of the action dropdown in the Create and edit report once I save
Given I am a user with access to behavior and I have permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can delete actions and it will match the action dropdown in the Create and edit report once I save
Given I am a user with access to behavior and I have permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can add actions and it will match the action dropdown in the Create and edit report once I save
DESIGN: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=13153%3A141008
Main Incident Settings Screen
When a user clicks on Incident Settings in Account settings, they will see a screen showing the default Incident Report list.
Users will have the option to remove some of the fields if they choose. This action can not be undone
Users may upload a .png logo by clicking upload logo
Business Rules
This section will be visible to users with permission to Behavior → View Settings
This section can only be edited by users with permission to Behavior → Edit Settings
By default, the following required fields will show and cannot be remove
Name of person reporting incident
Student Name
Incident Type
Action Taken
By default, the following required fields will show and can be removed
Title of Person Reporting Incident
School Name
Student Age
Student Grade
Was anyone physically harmed?
Name of Witnesses
Possible Motivation
Incidents List
Users will have the option of making changes to the default incident list by selecting the Incidents tab
The user may click the remove to remove a field they do not want
The user may use the arrows to change the order of the fields
The user may click Remove all to remove the default list. Clicking Undo will return the list to the state it was in before clicking Remove all
The user may click Discard Changes to exit without saving changes or Save to save changes
Business Rules
This section will be visible to users with permission to Behavior → View Settings
This section can only be edited by users with permission to Behavior → Edit Settings
The incident list is in alphabetical order
Removing single fields cannot be undone
Removing All can be undone
The list of incidents will show in the Incident dropdown of the incident report and should match the settings
The default list is in alphabetical order
Actions List
If the user clicks the Actions Tab, they will see the list of actions
The user may click the X button to remove a field they do not want. This action cannot be undone
The user may use the arrows to change the order of the fields
The user may click Remove all to remove the default list. Clicking Undo will return the list to the state it was in before clicking Remove all
The user may click Discard Changes to exit without saving changes or Save to save changes
Business Rules
This section will be visible to users with permission to Behavior → View Settings
This section can only be edited by users with permission to Behavior → Edit Settings
The fields for the default Actions list are:
Behavior Contract
Behavior Plan
Conference with admin/teachers and family
Conference with student/warning
Loss of privileges
Referral for medication
Referred to safety officer
Referred to school guidance counselor
Reminder given
Reviewed rules
Sent to principal’s office
Schedule change
Suspension: In-school
Suspension: Out-of-school
Temporary removal from classroom
Add action taken
Possible Motivation
If the user clicks the Motivation, they will see the list of possible motivations
The user may click the X button to remove a field they do not want. This action cannot be undone
The user may use the arrows to change the order of the fields
The user may click Remove all to remove the default list. Clicking Undo will return the list to the state it was in before clicking Remove all
The user may click Discard Changes to exit without saving changes or Save to save changes
Business Rules
This section will be visible to users with permission to Behavior → View Settings
This section can only be edited by users with permission to Behavior → Edit Settings
The fields for the default Possible Motivations list are:
Get attention
Get item/activity
Add additional field
If the user clicks add an additional field, they will see a dropdown in which they must choose whether to add a Custom Short Text, Long Text, Checkbox, or Dropdown
Short Text
By default there will be one Short Text field in the settings that can be removed
The user can add a label to the text box
If the user clicks Short Text, they will be able to add a label or see the label already added on the incident report settings with a short text box preview
If the user clicks on Short Text or add an additional field Short Text, the short text modal will open
Any label the user types on the line in the modal or in the settings will show in the preview exactly as typed
When the user clicks save, they will see the typed label on the Short text line in the incident report settings
The user can click on Short Text to view the same modal