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We need a way to set up the Interval data collection method so Users who select it can create the parameters for data collection using the this method.

User Stories:

  • I am a teacher who needs to set up the parameters for collecting Interval data so that Behavior tracking for my Tier 2 and Tier 3 Students will be successful.

  • I am a teacher who needs to attach the Self-Monitoring tool for the Interval data collection method I am creating for my student’s behavior tracking so that my student can monitor his/her own progress for their Tier 3 intervention.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors will see create behaviors button.

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > View Behaviors

  • Given I am a user who has recorded a baseline for increase interval without intensity in data express and returned to Create Data tracking, the average interval per day is shown without intensity levels and is not editable.

  • Given I am a user who has recorded a baseline for increase interval with intensity in data express and returned to Create Data tracking, the average interval per day is shown with intensity levels and is not editable.

  • Given I am a user who has selected increase interval without intensity for Partial Interval OR Whole Interval OR Momentary Time Sample, the hard coded goal statement will match the hard coded goal statement from account setting for increase interval without intensity.

  • Given I am a user who has selected increase interval with intensity for Partial Interval OR Whole Interval OR Momentary Time Sample, the hard coded goal statement will match the hard coded goal statement from account setting for increase interval with intensity.

  • Given I am a user who has selected decrease interval without intensity for Partial Interval OR Whole Interval OR Momentary Time Sample, the hard coded goal statement will match the hard coded goal statement from account setting for decrease interval without intensity.

  • Given I am a user who has selected decrease interval with intensity for Partial Interval OR Whole Interval OR Momentary Time Sample, the hard coded goal statement will match the hard coded goal statement from account setting for decrease interval with intensity.

  • Given I am a user who has set a goal, the customized goal statement will show with text fields before and after the highlighting the hard coded language.

  • Given I am a user who has set a goal and selected YES for track objectives, the hard coded goal statement will show on the track objectives screen.

  • Given I am a user who has selected YES for track objectives to increase a behavior, three hard coded objectives will be calculated and shown based on an evenly distributed increase increment from the first to the last objective.

  • Given I am a user who has selected YES for track objectives to decrease a behavior, three hard coded objectives will be calculated and shown based on an evenly distributed decrease increment from the first to the last objective.

  • Given I am a user who makes changes to the the number of objectives from the above example, the calculations will reset to reflect an evenly distributed increase increment from the first to the last objective.

  • Given I am a user who has included 5 objectives, I will NOT see the +Add new objective link.

  • Given I am a user who has selected YES for track objectives, the first hard coded objective will NOT show an X an will NOT be able to be deleted by the User.


Section 1: Select Measurement Tool


  • User sees Navigation tab and selects Data Settings.

  • User sees timeline.


  • To learn more about measurement types, User clicks on or hovers over information icon.

  • User clicks on Interval to select it.

Interval Type

  • User selects interval type from drop down.

  • User selects number interval from drop down or types custom entry.

  • User selects unit of time from drop down.

To save and go back to previous screen, User clicks Save & Go Back button.

  • To save and continue, User clicks Save & Continue button.

Business Rules:

  • Users with permission to Edit Settings (Behavior Support) and access to Behavior Support OR MTSS Interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) will be able to create Behaviors to track.

  • Clicking on the timeline labels or circles takes the User to that section for the collection method they selected.

    • Users can move between sections if they have selected a measurement tool

    • Completing the section turns the circle blue with checkmark

    • If the user does not complete a section, then the circle will not be filled-in in blue with checkmark.

    • If the user leaves a section incomplete, they will not be able to track behaviors.

  • If the Users clicks on Interval, the remaining time line items follow the parameters for Interval. (See Data Collection: Interval in figma)

  • Interval Type includes:

    • Partial

    • Whole

    • Momentary sample

  • Number interval includes:

    • 15

    • 30

    • 60

    • Other

  • Custom entry (other) is greater than 0 and less that 121.

  • Time units include:

    • seconds

    • minutes

    • hours


Section 2: Baseline Selection


  • User sees timeline.

UI: Select No

  • To select No, the User clicks on down arrow in selection field and selects No or leaves it as the default state.



  • To Save and Record baseline in Data Express, user clicks on Save and Record baseline button.

  • To skip baseline data collection, User selects Save and Skip for now and is taken to the Set Goal section.


  • To go back to previous screen (Select measurement tool), User selects Save & Go Back button.



Select Yes:

  • To select Yes, the User clicks on down arrow in selection field and selects Yes.



  • To select start and end dates for baseline data collection, User selects start and end dates from the calendar.



  • To record the average percentage of intervals per day that the behavior happened, the User selects from drop down or types in a number.



  • To return to previous screen, User clicks on Save & Go Back button.

  • To advance to the next section, User clicks on Save & Continue Button.


Business Rules:

  • If User has selected a tool, then Select tool will be filled in with blue and white checkmark in timeline.

  • If User has selected a tool, then Record Baseline is outlined in blue in timeline.

  • Default setting for Baseline selection is No.

  • Selecting Save & Go Back takes User to previous screen. (Select measurement tool)

  • If User Selects No for baseline data:

    • Select Save & Record baseline button saves the work on this slide and takes User to record baseline data in Data Express. (See Return from Recording Baseline section)

      • If the User selected Partial Interval , they record Baseline in Partial Interval.

      • If the User selected Whole Interval, they record Baseline in Whole Interval.

      • If the User selected Momentary Time Sample, they record Baseline in Momentary Time Sample.

      • Users may select to record partial, whole and momentary time sample with or without intensity.

    • Select Save & Skip this step for now saves the work completed on this screen and directs the User to set goal section. (See Goal Selection.)

    • Selecting Save & Go Back button takes User to Select Measurement Tool screen.


  • If User Selects Yes for baseline data:

    • Calendar appears when User clicks on Start and End date.

      • Selections appear as MM/DD/YYYY in start and end fields.

    • Average field appears.

      • Drop down contains numbers (1-?) or User can type in any number (1-100)

      • If User has selected intensity, the same amount of Intensity levels the user selected in Behavior Definition will appear here.

      • If User has not selected intensity, they do not see intensity levels.

    • Selecting Save & Continue button takes Users to Set Goal section.

    • Selecting Save & Go Back button takes User to Select Measurement Tool screen.

Section 3: Return From Recording Baseline


  • User sees timeline and success message.

  • User sees completed summary view.

  • To Save and go back to Behavior Definition, User clicks on Save and Go back button.

  • To Save and continue to set Goal screen, User clicks on Save and Continue.

Business rules:

  • If User completes Baseline in Data express and returns to Create Behavior Tracking, the Timeline shows completion of Recorded Baseline with filled-in blue circle and white checkmark and success message.

  • If the User completed Interval with intensity in Data express, they see intensity levels.

  • If the User completed Interval without intensity in Data express, they see summary view with no intensity levels.

Section 4 Goal selection


  • User sees timeline.

Set Goal:

  • To edit the goal the User selects choices from drop downs.

  • To edit the Customized goal statement the User clicks inside the Goal definition text box and enters additional information before and/or after the hard coded sentence.

  • Selecting Save & Continue takes User to next screen.

  • Selecting Save & Go Back takes User to previous screen.

Business Rules: (copy of old specs)

  • We will show a default mastery criteria based on the account settings.

  • The format of the mastery criteria is dependent on the data collection type

  • The goal sentence is based on the data collection type. It will be formatted as:



  • If the user updates the mastery criteria, the hard-coded goal definition sentence will update as well.

  • The mastery criteria will populate a hard-coded sentence in the goal definition box. This sentence cannot be edited. However, custom text may be entered before and/or after this sentence.



  • Timeline has Select Tool and Record Baseline colored in blue with white check mark.

  • Set Goal in Timeline is outlined in blue.


  • Save & Go Back takes user to Baseline selection.

  • Save & Continue takes user to Track behaviors.

Section 4: Track Behaviors


  • User sees timeline.

Select No

  • If the User does not want to track objectives, the User selects No from drop down or leaves it as the default.

  • Selecting Save & Go Back takes the User to the previous screen.

  • Selecting Save & Continue takes the User to the next screen.

Select Yes

  • To track objectives, the User selects Yes.


Selecting Yes shows the goal the User set in Goal Selection section.

Selecting Yes opens 3 objectives fields.

  • To select mastery criteria for each of the objectives, the User selects from the drop down fields.

  • To customize objective statement, the User clicks inside text field and types.

  • To remove an objective, the user clicks on the x next to the objective.

  • To add a new objective, the User clicks on +Add new objective.

  • To save the work and continue, the User selects the Save & Continue button.

  • To save the work and return to the previous screen, the User selects Save & Go Back.

Business Rules:

  • Timeline has Select Tool, Record Baseline, Set Goal colored in blue with white check mark and Track objectives outlined in blue.

Select No for tracking objectives.

  • Track objectives field contains:

    • No

    • Yes

  • Default selection is No.


Select Yes to track objectives:

  • The Goal Statement entered by User on previous screen is shown in the blue box.

  • 3 objectives will appear as the default.

  • If the User clicks the X next to an objective, the objective is removed.

  • If the User clicks on +Add new objective, a field for a new objective will appear.

  • For each objective, the user must enter a mastery criteria.

  • If a User does not create mastery criteria, then the objective cannot be used for behavior tracking.

  • The objective definition box will include a hard-coded sentence based on the mastery criteria. The user may not change this sentence, but may add custom text before and/or after this sentence.

(Copy of old specs)

  • If objectives are selected, the user must include at least 1 objective.

  • Increase Behavior

    • The mastery criteria must increase for each objective. Meaning, the criteria for objective 1 cannot be higher than the criteria for objective 2.

    • The mastery criteria for the last objective must be equal to the mastery criteria for the goal.

    • By default, each objective criteria will be evenly distributed in an increasing fashion from the first objective to the last. For example, if my goal is to increase time on task to 30 minutes & I have included 3 objectives, my first objective will be to increase to 10 minutes, my second objective will be to increase to 20 minutes, & my 3rd objective will be to increase to 30 minutes.

    • This logic will continue & the mastery criteria will update as I add and remove objectives.

    • Once I begin editing the mastery criteria for any objective, the system will no longer update the criteria for any other objective.

  • Decrease Behavior

    • The mastery criteria must decrease for each objective. Meaning, the criteria for objective 1 cannot be lower than the criteria for objective 2.

    • The mastery criteria for the last objective must be equal to the mastery criteria for the goal.

    • By default, each objective criteria will be evenly distributed in increments of 10 in a decreasing fashion from the first objective to the last. For example, if my goal is to decrease tantrums to 0 minutes & I have included 3 objectives, my first objective will be to decrease to 20 minutes, my second objective will be to decrease to 10 minutes, & my 3rd objective will be to decrease to 0 minutes.

    • This logic will continue & the mastery criteria will update as I add and remove objectives.

    • Once I begin editing the mastery criteria for any objective, the system will no longer update the criteria for any other objective.

  • The format of the mastery criteria is dependent on the data collection type

  • The objective definition sentence is based on the data collection type. It will be formatted as:



  • If the user updates the mastery criteria, the hard-coded objective definition sentence will update as well.


  • If User clicks on +Add new objective, an objective 4 section is added.

  • User can have up to 5 objectives.

  • Additional objectives follow same rules for increase and decrease behavior.


  • To save the work and continue to Set Self-monitoring screen for Interval, the User selects the Save & Continue button.

  • To save the work and return to the goal selection screen for Interval, the User selects Save & Go Back.

Set Self-Monitoring


  • User sees timeline.

Select No

  • The User selects No from drop down or leaves it as the default.

  • Selecting Save & Go Back takes the User to the previous screen.

  • Selecting Save & Continue takes the User to the next screen.

Select Yes (Active Self-Monitoring tool)

  • The User selects Yes from the drop down.

If the User has created Self-monitoring for this behavior, they will see message and their self-monitoring is attached.

  • To edit the existing self monitoring tool, the User selects Edit and edits the fields.

  • To return to previous screen (Track Behaviors) the User clicks Save & Go Back button.

  • To go to next screen (Done), the User clicks Save & Continue.

Select Yes (No active Self-Monitoring Tool)

  • The User selects Yes from the drop down.

User sees the Self-Monitoring tool creation screen.

  • To create a Self monitoring tool, the User fills out the field on the Create a Tool screen.

  • To return to previous screen (Track Behaviors) the User clicks Save & Go Back button.

  • To go to next screen (Done), the User clicks Save & Continue.

Business Rules:

  • Timeline has Select Tool, Record Baseline, Set Goal. Track Objectives colored in blue with white check mark and Select Self-Monitoring outlined in blue.

Select No for Self-Monitoring.

  • Field contains:

    • No

    • Yes

  • Default selection is No.

  • Selecting Save & Go Back button goes to Track Objectives screen for Interval.

  • Selecting Save & Continue goes to Done Screen for Interval.

Select Yes for Self-Monitoring with an existing tool

  • If a Self-Monitoring Tool exists and the following parameters are met, then the User will see the “Great! It looks like you have self-monitoring that is connected to this behavior.” message.

    • The student with the Self-Monitoring tool is assigned to the team member creating Behavior Tracking.

    • The behavior chosen for behavior tracking is the same as the behavior chosen for self-monitoring.

    • The Self-Monitoring tool is active.

    • The data collection method for both behavior tracking and the self-monitoring tool is interval and the corresponding selection of increase or decrease behavior is also the same.

  • Users that did not create the Self-monitoring tool but have the same student assigned to them and would like to add it to Behavior tracking can do so but:

    • they must use it in an unedited state.

    • will only see the View state.

    • will not see the Edit button.

  • Users that did create the Self-monitoring tool will see the Edit button.

    • If the User selects Edit, they may make changes to the existing Self-monitoring tool.

    • Selecting Save & Continue updates the changes.

    • If the user does select Edit, they are changing the existing Self-monitoring tool.

Select Yes for Self-Monitoring without an existing tool

  • If the User selects Yes for Self-monitoring but does not have an existing tool, the message “Great! It looks like you have self-monitoring that is connected to this behavior.” does not appear.

  • The create self-monitoring screen is shown to the User where same rules apply when filling it out as in Self-Monitoring. (See Self-Monitoring)

  • The User may enable a newly created self-monitoring tool to behavior tracking by clicking Save & Continue at the bottom of the screen.

Done Screen


  • User sees the timeline.

User sees Success message.

  • Selecting Save & Go Back button takes the User to the previous screen (Set Self-Monitoring).

  • To save and close behavior tracking, the User clicks Save & Close button.

  • To print data sheet, User clicks on Print data sheets button.

  • To record data, User clicks on Record Data button.

  • To View data for specific behavior, User clicks on View Data.


Business Rules:

  • Timeline includes blue fill-in with white checkmarks for all items.

  • If the User has successfully completed all the previous for interval and has included at least 1 objective, then they will see the Success message.


  • To save the work and return to the Set Self-Monitoring screen for Interval, the User selects Save & Go Back.

  • No labels