We need to create a report that details all students with a plan within the date range. Users should be able to click on a student to access their plan.
User Stories:
As an admin, I want to access a list of all students who had a plan within a given date range, so I can check on their progress and next review date
As an admin, I want to view this report, so I know where to prioritize my time
As an admin, I want to filter this report by subject area and student grade, so I can look for specific plan information
Acceptance Criteria:
Given the students tab is selected, the filters will include: All Subjects and All Grades as the default.
Given a school district includes multiple regions, tabs for each region will show.
Given a school district includes multiple regions, the buildings within each of the regions will show within their own tab and the students belonging to each building will show within their respective buildings.
Given multiple roles and/or team members exist at a specific building, then a tab/report for each role and/or team member will show.
Given a student is assigned to a role and/or team member within a specific building, then that student will be listed under the Student heading for that role and/or team member.
Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=16055%3A183269
General Concept
The user will see a table detailing Student Name, Student ID, Plan Status, Progress Status, Review Date, and Last Update
The user can filter by subject area and student grade
Users can filter by any column
Clicking on a student should take the user to that student’s intervention plan area
Business Rules
We will list all students who had an active plan within the date range, based on filter selections
Student Names will be listed as First Name Last Name
If a student has more than 1 plan within the date range, based on filter selections, we will show the student more than once in the report
Student ID will show student state ID
Plan Status will show each student’s plan status as of the last date of the date range
Progress Status will show the progress status as of the last date of the date range
Review date will show the end date of the plan
Last Update will show the date the plan was last modified
We will list all students in all buildings he user has access to, based on filter selections
We will show a tab/report for each selected region
We will list all students in the region in all buildings the user has access to, based on filter selections
Students will show under each region they belonged to within the date range
We will show a tab/report for each selected building
We will list all students in the building, based on filter selections
Students will show under each building they belonged to within the date range
We will show a tab/report for each selected role
We will list all students assigned to team members of the selected role in all buildings the user has access to, based on filter selections
Students will show under each role for which they were assigned to a team member of that role within the date range
Team Member
We will show a tab/report for each selected team member
We will list all students assigned to the selected team member in all buildings the user has access to, based on filter selections
Students will show under each team member they were assigned to within the date range
We will not show separate tabs. All selected students will show on one report
Print & Export
Print format will be
Business Rules
Export as excel or csv
Title will show as Intervention Plans for INSERT NAME OF DISTRICT
Will print for currently selected region
Title will show as Intervention Plans for INSERT NAME OF REGION
Will print for currently selected building
Title will show as Intervention Plans for INSERT NAME OF BUILDING
Will print for currently selected role
Title will show as Intervention Plans for INSERT NAME OF ROLE
Team Member
Will print for currently selected team member
Title will show as Intervention Plans for INSERT NAME OF TEAM MEMBER
Title will show as Intervention Plans for INSERT LIST OF STUDENT NAMES