Lesson Docs:
Footer is being removed so all lesson docs will be delivered by Content to Dev.
Student-facing docs: Lesson Library
Nothing is being changed in content
Teach lesson: not changing
Lesson docs: Replace Lesson docs will be delivered to Dev; generic; lesson library specific product branding applied
Lesson Prep doc: generic- being rewritten and updated by Content on Lesson management school
Training center: Back to school: Turning off SEL and Equity and Implementing SEL. Change card title and summary on Training Center home page. Update certificates for each module once sent by Content . I will check if PS will be turning off.
Training center summary
WELLNESS -This course provides training on the development of wellness skills to promote the well-being and success for students and adult learners.
We will send you the updated certificates early next week.
My resources: 3 versions; Simplify to Implementation in category filter; My Resources Spreadsheet: Add column to spreadsheet to identify where the resources will be shown. Not mapped to original document. The categories need to change from SEL to Wellness Tiers 2, etc.
Classroom rating scale is being removed for both
What are we doing wellness assessment?
Training center: Back to school: Turning off SEL and Equity and Implementing SEL. Change card title and summary on Training Center home page. Update certificates for each module once sent by Content . I will check if PS will be turning off.
Training center summary
WELLNESS -This course provides training on the development of wellness skills to promote the well-being and success for students and adult learners.
Florida Wellness and Life skills:
Student-facing docs: Nothing is being changed in content
Teach lesson: not changing
Lesson Prep preview: generic- being rewritten and delivered by Content on Lesson management school
Lesson docs: Replace Lesson docs will be delivered to Dev; generic; lesson library specific product branding applied
Training center: Turning off SEL and Equity and Implementing SEL. Change card title and blurb. Update certificates . PS turning off?
Training Center summary:
LIFE SKILLS AND WELLNESS - This course provides training on the development of life and wellness skills to promote the well-being and success for students and adult learners.
My resources: Simplify to Implementation; My Resources Spreadsheet. Add column to spreadsheet to identify where the resources will be shown. Not mapped to original document. The categories need to change SEL to Wellness Tiers 2, etc.