Create a Student’s Goals and Analytics page for each student that includes a Current Tab as the default upon entry. The Student’s Goals & Analytics page is where Goal and Data collection criteria are established, maintained and tracked.
In addition, the Current Tab houses all current goals that are actively being tracked and can come from any of the Goal Libraries (Academic Goals, Behavior Goals and Intervention Tools, Skills Goals). The student’s Goal and Analytics page takes parts of existing functionality from Legacy Skills, Goal-Intervention Bank, and Data Express and combines them into one page so that the User can manage all of a student’s goals in one place.
User Story
As an Admin or Teacher, I need to have a Goal and Analytics page for each student so that I manage the specific student’s Goals all in one place.
Project: 205670
UI Description:
Left Side Panel Contents:
Title: Goal and Analytics?
Goal Category: heading for dropdown contents including:
Goal List: heading for list of goals
Goal item(s): Container for each goal which includes:
Subject Name
Date last recorded
+ Add Goal: Link to add a new goal
Goal Name Box: Top of page container holding goal information and action icons
Goal Name
Name of the goal selected
TBD description
Escalator Icon
houses Goal Escalation Path Options
Print Icon
Print option
Three Dots
TBD description
Goals and Objectives Panel: Shows information about the goal
Goal and Objectives Section
Title: Goal
Contains text of the goal selected
Pencil icon (Edit)
denotes functionality to edit the text of the goal selected
Intervention Strategy
Shows selected Intervention Strategy
Anything else? Can User upload additional materials?
Description TBD
Pencil icon (Edit)
denotes functionality to edit materials