When setting mastery criteria for a program, staff should be mindful that all components in the mastery criteria MUST be met in order for mastery to trigger.

Opportunity Based Programs

Programs created with opportunity based data collection (with and without prompts) have three components:

Components of Mastery Criteria

Good to Know!



Minimum Number of Trials to be ran in session

Staff can always collect MORE than the minimum number of trials for a target


Percent Correct of the trials that were ran during the session

If the percent correct is MORE than the minimum, it will count towards mastery criteria.


Consecutive Number of Sessions where the above two components must occur

Note: Specific to Behavior Support, users have the option to track behaviors across consecutive sessions, days, weeks, or months.

Sessions do not need to be consecutive on a calendar to count towards mastery criteria. Sessions can be two separate occurrences of data collection. Each time a staff syncs data, this will count as a session.

If all three components are not met, then the data will not count towards mastery. Thus, mastery will not be triggered.


Program: Naming Colors

Target: Blue

Mastery Criteria: Min 5 trials: 80% across 4 consecutive sessions
