Skills Lessons (Lesson Domains)

We need to provide a report detailing the lesson resources accessed by both educators and students for Skills platform.

User Story: As an admin, I want to see which lesson domains staff and students have accessed, so I can ensure we are addressing all areas our special education students need to succeed.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am an admin at an account that has purchased Skills (Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Academic), I will see the Special Education Skills Report

  • Given I am an admin at an account that has NOT purchased Skills (Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Academic), I will NOT see the Special Education Skills Report

  • Given I have selected multiple regions/buildings/roles/team members/students, I will see a tab detailing usage for each selection I have made

  • Given I have clicked on the export button on the main report, I will have the option to export as CSV or Excel

  • Given I have exported the main report, I will see a file containing the data from all tabs/selections

  • Given I have printed the main report, I will see a PDF of the currently viewed report

  • Given I am viewing a district or region report, I will not have access to the pop-up modal


General Concept - Main Report


  • When the user is on the Lessons tab and selects Special Education Skills in the drop down, they will see a table detailing usage for Skills.

  • We will show a tab for each region/building/role/team member selected

  • The table will show a row for each of the 19 lesson domains (and a row for all domains combined):

    • All Domains

    • School Readiness

    • Daily Living

    • Expressive Language

    • Motor

    • Play/Leisure

    • Pre-Academic

    • Receptive Language

    • Social/Emotional

    • Social Communication

    • Group Participation

    • Study Skills

    • Peer Interaction

    • Community

    • Home

    • Leisure

    • Social

    • Employment

    • Math

    • ELA

  • And a column for

    • Lesson Videos

    • Lesson Plans

    • Lesson Materials

    • Student Activities

  • Each column will be split into Users | Activities or Students | Activities - See business rules for details

  • The user needs to be able to sort the list by any column


Business Rules

  • This report will be available if any of the selected filter options have access to Skills

  • By default, we will sort alphabetically by domain. However, users should be able to sort by any column

  • All Domains row will show the number of unique users/students who accessed videos/plans/materials/activities from any domain, as well as the total videos/plans/materials/activities accessed, based on filter selections

  • The columns and sub-column headers (i.e. Users | Videos) need to remain static as a user scrolls down the page

  • Any cell with NA or 0 will not be clickable.

  • Lesson Videos

    • We will show Users | Videos

    • Users will show the number of users who accessed a lesson video for the specified domain

    • Videos will show the total number of videos accessed for that domain

    • We will count videos watched from the libraries or from the learning plan (any tab)

  • Lesson Plans

    • We will show Users | Plans

    • Users will show the number of unique users who accessed a lesson plan for the specified domain

    • Plans will show the total number of lesson plans accessed for that domain

    • We will count lesson plans viewed from the libraries or from the learning plan (any tab)

  • Lesson Materials

    • We will show Users | Materials

    • Users will show the number of unique users who accessed a lesson materials for the specified domain

    • Materials will show the total number of lesson materials accessed for that domain

    • We will count materials viewed from the libraries, my resources, or the learning plan (any tab).

      • QUESTION FOR DEVELOPMENT: Can we count materials accessed from my resources since we do not have a domain filter in resources?

  • Student Activities

    • We will show Students | Activities

    • Students will show the number of unique students who completed an activity for the specified domain

    • Activities will show the total number of activities completed for that domain

    • The only domains that have student activities are Expressive Language, Pre-Academic, Receptive Language, School Readiness, and Social/Emotional. All other domains will show NA for the Activities column and will not be clickable.


  • Export

    • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all tabs (using tabs in Excel)

  • Print

    • When the user clicks the print button, we will print based on the currently viewed tab

    • We will print the table as shown on the screen based on selections

    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu

    • We will show a title on the report of Special Education Skills Lesson Domains Accessed from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE

    • We will show a sub-title detailing the filter selections


Pop-Up Modal


  • If the user clicks on the numbers within a column, they will see a pop-up listing the names of the users/students who accessed the activities for that domain and the number of activities each individual accessed

  • Lesson Videos

    • Heading will read Users who viewed Special Education Skills Lesson Videos

    • The sub-heading will list the domain

    • This report will list the name of each user who accessed lesson videos for the given domain, and the number of videos each user accessed, based on filter settings.

  • Lesson Plans

    • Heading will read Users who viewed Special Education Skills Lesson Plans

    • The sub-heading will list the domain

    • This report will list the name of each user who accessed lesson plans for the given domain, and the number of lesson plans each user accessed, based on filter settings

  • Lesson Materials

    • Heading will read Users who viewed Special Education Skills Lesson Materials

    • The sub-heading will list the domain

    • This report will list the name of each user who accessed lesson materials for the given domain, and the number of lesson lesson materials each user accessed, based on filter settings

  • Student Activities

    • Heading will read Students who completed Special Education Skills Activities

    • The sub-heading will list the domain

    • This report will list the name of each student who completed a Skills activity for the given domain, and the number of skills activities each student accessed, based on filter settings

Business Rules

  • For all lists of team members and students, we will show a load more button to decrease the amount of data we load at any given time.

  • Pop-Up Modal will not be available at the district or region levels

  • Lesson Videos

    • If a user clicks on the numbers in this column, we will see a list of all users who accessed the lesson videos for this domain within the date range.

      • Users should be listed alphabetically by last name but names should be written First Name Last Name

    • We will also show the number of lesson videos each user accessed for the given domain, within the date range.

  • Lesson Plans

    • If a user clicks on the numbers in this column, we will see a list of all users who accessed the lesson plans for this domain within the date range.

      • Users should be listed alphabetically by last name but names should be written First Name Last Name

    • We will also show the number of lesson plans each user accessed for the given domain, within the date range.

  • Lesson Materials

    • If a user clicks on the numbers in this column, we will see a list of all users who accessed the lesson materials for this domain within the date range.

      • Users should be listed alphabetically by last name but names should be written First Name Last Name

    • We will also show the number of lesson materials each user accessed for the given domain, within the date range.

  • Student Activities

    • If a user clicks on the numbers in this column, we will see a list of all students who completed an activity for this domain within the date range.

      • Students should be listed alphabetically by last name but names should be written First Name Last Name

    • We will also show the number skills activities each student completed for the given domain, within the date range.


  • Export

    • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all activity types and tabs (using tabs in Excel)

    • We will show a separate tab for videos, plans, materials, and activities for each selection (i.e. building)

    • If this proves too large of a data load, we can adjust the logic

  • Print

    • We will export the full list of team members/students who accessed the given activity for the given domain.

    • We will print the report as it shows in the modal




  • When filtered by district, we will show all results on one screen. There will be no tabs

  • Cells will not be clickable & Pop-Up Modal will not exist


Business Rules

  • This report will be available if the district or any of it’s child accounts the user has access to have been allocated Skills team member or student licenses.

  • We will calculate usage for all team members/students active within the date range

  • Lesson Videos

    • Users will show the number of users at the district or any of the child accounts the user has access to who accessed a lesson video for the specified domain within the date range

    • Videos will show the total number of videos accessed at the district or any of the district’s child accounts the user has access to for that domain within the date range

  • Lesson Plans

    • Users will show the number of unique users at the district or any of the district’s child accounts the user has access to who viewed a lesson plan for the specified domain within the date range

    • Plans will show the total number of lesson plans accessed for that domain by users at the district or any of the district’s child accounts the user has access to within the date range

  • Lesson Materials

    • Users will show the number of unique team members at the district or any of the district’s child accounts the user has access to who accessed a lesson material for the specified domain within the date range

    • Materials will show the total number of lesson materials accessed for that domain within the date range by users at the district or any of the district’s child accounts the user has access to

  • Activities

    • Students will show the number of unique students at any of the buildings the user has access to who completed an activity for the specified domain within the date range

    • Activities will show the total number of activities completed by students for that domain at any of the buildings the user has access to within the date range


  • Export

    • We will export the data as it is displayed on the screen.

  • Print

    • Same as above

    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district




  • When filtered by region, we will show a tab for each selected region

  • When the user clicks on a tab for a particular region, they will view the report for that region only

  • Cells will not be clickable & Pop-Up Modal will not exist


Business Rules

  • This report will be available if any of the selected regions or any of their child accounts the user has access to have been allocated Skills team member or student licenses.

  • We will calculate usage for all team members/students active at the selected region within the date range

  • Multi-account team members will be counted under each region in which they belonged within the date range.

  • If Team Member A belongs to Region A in September and views 3 videos and moves to Region B in October and views 0 videos, we will count the 3 videos under Region A and the 0 videos under Region B. This is also true for Students.

  • Lesson Videos

    • Users will show the number of users at the region or any of the region’s child accounts the user has access to who viewed a lesson video for the specified domain within the date range

    • Videos will show the total number of videos accessed at the region or any of the region’s child accounts the user has access to for that domain within the date range

  • Lesson Plans

    • Users will show the number of unique users at the region or any of the region’s child accounts the user has access to who viewed a lesson plan for the specified domain

    • Plans will show the total number of lesson plans accessed for that domain by users at the region or any of the region’s child accounts the user has access to

  • Lesson Materials

    • Users will show the number of unique team members at the region or any of the region’s child accounts the user has access to who accessed a lesson material for the specified domain within the date range

    • Materials will show the total number of lesson materials accessed for that domain within the date range by users at the region or any of the region’s child accounts the user has access to

  • Skills Activities

    • Students will show the number of unique students at any of the region’s child accounts the user has access to who completed an activity for the specified domain within the date range

    • Activities will show the total number of activities completed by students for that domain at any of the region’s child accounts the user has access to within the date range


  • Export

    • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all regions selected (using tabs in Excel)

  • Print

    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the region



  • When filtered by building, we will show a tab for each selected building

  • When the user clicks on a tab for a particular building, they will view the report for that building only

  • Clicking on a cell will produce the pop-up modal


Business Rules

  • This report will be available if any of the selected buildings have been allocated Skills team member or student licenses.

  • We will calculate usage for all team members/students active at the selected building within the date range

  • Multi-account team members will be counted under each building in which they belonged within the date range. This should include admins.

  • If Team Member A belongs to Building A in September and views 3 videos and moves to Building B in October and views 0 videos, we will count the 3 videos under Building A and the 0 videos under Building B. This is also true for Students.

  • Lesson Videos

    • Users will show the number of users at the building who viewed a lesson video for the specified domain within the date range

    • Videos will show the total number of videos accessed by users at the building for that domain within the date range

    • If a user clicks on the numbers in this column, we will see a list of all team members at the building who viewed the lesson videos for this domain within the date range. This list should include multi-account team members with access to that building.

  • Lesson Plans

    • Users will show the number of unique users at the building who viewed a lesson plan for the specified domain

    • Plans will show the total number of lesson plans accessed for that domain by users at the building within the date range

    • If a user clicks on the numbers in this column, we will see a list of all users at the building who viewed a lesson plan for this domain within the date range. This list should include multi-account team members with access to that building

  • Lesson Materials

    • Users will show the number of unique team members at the building who accessed a lesson material for the specified domain within the date range

    • Materials will show the total number of lesson materials accessed for that domain within the date range by users at the building. This list should include multi-account team members with access to that building.

    • If a user clicks on the numbers in this column, we will see a list of all users at the building who accessed the lesson materials for this domain within the date range.

  • Activities

    • Students will show the number of unique students at the building who completed an activity for the specified domain within the date range

    • Activities will show the total number of activities completed by students for that domain at the building within the date range

    • If a user clicks on the numbers in this column, we will see a list of all students who completed an activity for this domain at the building within the date range.


  • Main Report

    • Export

      • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all selected buildings (using tabs in Excel)

    • Print

      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the building

  • Pop-Up Modal

    • Export

      • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all activity types and tabs (using tabs in Excel)

      • We will show a separate tab for videos, plans, materials, and activities for each building selected

    • Print

      • We will print the report as it shows in the modal



  • When filtered by role, we will show a tab for each selected role

  • When the user clicks on a tab for a particular role, they will view the report for that role only

  • Clicking on a cell will produce the pop-up modal


Business Rules

  • This report will be available if any of the accounts the user has access to contain team members with the selected role have been allocated Skills team member or student licenses.

  • We will calculate usage for all team members/students active within the date range

  • If Team Member A is assigned to Role A in September and views 3 videos and is reassigned to Role B in October and views 0 videos, we will count the 3 videos under Role A and the 0 videos under Role B.

  • Students will be counted under all roles in which they are assigned to team members with the selected role

  • Lesson Videos

    • Users will show the number of users assigned to the selected role at all accounts the user has access to who viewed a lesson video for the specified domain within the date range

    • Videos will show the total number of videos accessed by users assigned to the selected role at all accounts the user has access to for that domain within the date range

    • If a user clicks on the numbers in this column, we will see a list of all team members assigned to the selected role in all accounts the user has access to who viewed the lesson videos for this domain within the date range.

  • Lesson Plans

    • Users will show the number of unique users assigned to the selected role at all accounts the user has access to who viewed a lesson plan for the specified domain within the date range

    • Plans will show the total number of lesson plans accessed for that domain within the date range by all users with the selected role at all accounts the user has access to

    • If a user clicks on the numbers in this column, we will see a list of all users assigned to the selected role at all accounts the user has access to who viewed a lesson plan for this domain within the date range.

  • Lesson Materials

    • Users will show the number of unique team members assigned to the selected role at all accounts the user has access to who accessed a lesson material for the specified domain within the date range

    • Materials will show the total number of lesson materials accessed for that domain within the date range by users assigned to the selected role at all accounts the user has access to

    • If a user clicks on the numbers in this column, we will see a list of all users assigned to the selected role at all accounts the user has access to who viewed the lesson materials for this domain within the date range.

  • Activities

    • Students will show the number of unique students assigned to team members with the selected role in all buildings the user has access to who completed an activity for the specified domain within the date range

    • Activities will show the total number of activities completed by students assigned to team members with the selected role at all buildings the user has access to for that domain within the date range

    • If a user clicks on the numbers in this column, we will see a list of all students assigned to team members with the selected role at all buildings the user has access to who completed an activity for this domain within the date range.


  • Main Report

    • Export

      • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all selected roles (using tabs in Excel)

    • Print

      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the role

  • Pop-Up Modal

    • Export

      • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all activity types and tabs (using tabs in Excel)

      • We will show a separate tab for videos, plans, materials, and activities for each role selected

    • Print

      • We will print the report as it shows in the modal

Team Member


  • When filtered by team member, we will show a tab for each selected team member

  • When the user clicks on a tab for a particular team member, they will view the report for that team member only

  • Clicking on a cell for a student column will produce the pop-up modal. The team member columns on the report (i.e. Lesson Plans, Lesson Videos, and Lesson Materials) will not be clickable


Business Rules

  • This report will be available if any of the accounts the user has access to that contain the selected team members have been allocated Skills team member or student licenses.

  • We will calculate usage for all team members/students active within the date range

  • If Student A is assigned to Team Member A in September and completes 3 activities and is reassigned to Team Member B in October and completed 0 activities, we will count the 3 activities under Team Member A and the 0 activities under Team Member B.

  • Students will be counted under all team members to whom they are assigned within the date range

  • Lesson Videos

    • Users will show 1 if the selected team member viewed a lesson video for the selected domain within the date range. If not, we will show 0.

    • Videos will show the total number of videos accessed by the selected team member for that domain within the date range

    • Not clickable

  • Lesson Plans

    • Users will show 1 if the selected team member viewed a lesson plan for the selected domain within the date range. If not, we will show 0.

    • Plans will show the total number of lesson plans accessed for that domain within the date range by the selected team member

    • Not clickable

  • Lesson Materials

    • Users will show 1 if the selected team member viewed a lesson material for the selected domain within the date range. If not, we will show 0.

    • Materials will show the total number of lesson materials accessed for that domain within the date range by the selected team member

    • Not clickable

  • Activities

    • Students will show the number of unique students assigned to the selected team member in all buildings the user has access to who completed an activity for the specified domain within the date range

    • Activities will show the total number of activities completed by students assigned to the selected team member at all buildings the user has access to for that domain within the date range

    • If a user clicks on the numbers in this column, we will see a list of all students assigned to the selected team member at all buildings the user has access to who completed an activity for this domain within the date range.


  • Main Report

    • Export

      • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all selected team members (using tabs in Excel)

    • Print

      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the team member

  • Pop-Up Modal

    • Export

      • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all activity types and tabs (using tabs in Excel)

      • We will show a separate tab for videos, plans, materials, and activities for each team member selected

    • Print

      • We will print the report as it shows in the modal



  • When filtered by student, we will show a tab for each selected student

  • When the user clicks on a tab for a particular student, they will view the report for that student only

  • The team member columns will show NA

  • Cells will not be clickable & Pop-Up Modal will not exist

Business Rules

  • This report will be available if any of the selected students belong to buildings that have been allocated Skills student licenses.

  • We will calculate usage for all team students active within the date range

  • Lesson Videos

    • Will show NA

  • Lesson Plans

    • Will show NA

  • Lesson Materials

    • Will show NA

  • Activities

    • Students will show 1 if the selected student completed an activity for the selected domain within the date range. If not, we will show 0.

    • Activities will show the total number of activities completed by the selected student for that domain within the date range

    • Not clickable


  • Export

    • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all selected students (using tabs in Excel)

  • Print

    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the student