SEL Library

We need to improve the user experience when assigning SEL activities, videos, and quizzes to students from the Lesson Library.

User Stories

  • As a user, I want to view an actions menu that is clear, so I know what the different options accomplish

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user who has permission to View Lessons, I will see the Prep and Preview, Teach Lesson, and Add to Playlist buttons

  • Given I am a user who DOES NOT HAVE permission to View Lessons, I will NOT see the Prep and Preview, Teach Lesson, and Add to Playlist buttons

  • Given I am a user who has permission to Assign to Students, I will see the Create Assignment button

  • Given I am a user who DOES NOT HAVE permission to Assign to Students, I will NOT see the Create Assignment button

  • Given I am a user who has permission to Assign to Students AND I have access to Skills lessons, I will see the Add to Learning Plan button

  • Given I am a user who DOES NOT have permission to Assign to Students AND I DO NOT have access to Skills lessons, I will NOT see the Add to Learning Plan button

  • Given I am a user who has permission to Assign to Students but I DO NOT have access to Skills lessons, I will NOT see the Add to Learning Plan button

  • Given I am a user who has access to Skills lessons but DO NOT have permission to Assign to Students, I will NOT see the Add to Learning Plan button


Actions Menu


  • We will adjust the actions menu to include the following items

    • Prep and Preview

    • Add to Learning Plan

    • Create Assignment

    • Teach Lesson

    • Add to Playlist

  • Clicking Prep and Preview will take the user to the Prep page. Clicking Create Assignment will take the user to the new Assign Modal

  • Clicking Add to Learning Plan will allow the user to add the lesson to a student’s learning plan (no change in functionality)

  • Clicking Create Assignment will take the user to the new Assign Modal

  • Clicking Teach Lesson will take the user to the teach screen

  • Clicking Add to Playlist will add the lesson to the user’s playlist

Business Rules

  • Assign button will show on Prep page and in actions menu if the lesson contains at least 1 quiz, activity, or student video

  • All users with permission to Lesson Library → View Lessons will see:

    • Prep and Preview

    • Teach Lesson

    • Add to Playlist

  • All users with permission to Lesson Library → Assign to Students will see:

    • Add to Learning Plan (only available if the user also has access to Skills lessons)

    • Create Assignment