Classroom Report (Finalize High School SEL Assessment)
We need to create classroom reporting for the high school SEL assessment.
User Story:
As an educator, I want to view a report so that I can assess how a classroom has scored themselves on social emotional learning skills.
Remove BETA
We will no longer show the word BETA when accessing the assessment for classrooms with students in grades 9-12.
Business Rules
We will remove the word BETA anywhere it currently shows
Group Score Report
We need to add the group score report for classrooms with students in grades 9-12
Business Rules
This will function exactly as it does for the other grade levels.
The following steps explain how to generate a scale score and level for a given Subcore. The first step is to use the Form Planner to identify the items associated with a Subscore. The numerical values for each students’ responses to these items are then summed to compute a “raw score.” The RS to SS.xls file provides the look‐up table to convert the subscore raw score to the corresponding subscore scale score and level. The crucial aspect of this step is that the correct conversions are the ones that match the grade self‐reported by or pre‐registered for the student.
In addition to Subscores, students also receive a Total Score. The total score is simply the average of the five Subscores. Given the desire to weight each Subscore equally, and the fact that there are unequal numbers of items per Subscore, there is not a raw‐to‐scale conversion for Total Score. Since Total Scores are averages, decimal values should be rounded to the nearest whole number.
Levels are assigned to Total Scores in the following manner: On form GR3501, Total Scale Scores from 0to 32 are assigned the level of very low, from 33 to 45 are assigned the level of low, from 46 to 54 are assigned the level average, from 55 to 64 are assigned the level high, and from 65 to 74 are assigned the level very high
Each Facet will link to recommended Rethink lesson areas, just as it does for the other grades
If possible, we should include reporting for the previous assessment versions completed by students in the classroom.
Group Item Analysis Report
We need to add the group item analysis report for classrooms with students in grades 9-12
Business Rules
This will function just as it does for the other grades
This report should present each of the items administered to the group summarized in the report. The items should be presented in the same order as they were presented on the form. The “Seq” field of the “Form Planner.xls” file captures the sequence number for each item.
For each item, the following information should be presented: subscore measured, percent selecting ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ in the group of students tested, percent selecting ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ in the norm group, Rethink lesson best aligned to the item. The percent of students selecting ‘agree’ or strongly agree’ for the group of students taking the inventory will be computed by Rethink; values should be rounded to the ones place of the percentage. The percent selecting ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ for the norm group and the Rethink dimension/ Big Idea best aligned to the item is provided by ERB in the “Form Planner.xls” file.
The user should be able to sort the information presented by sequence number, item (alphabetically), percent selecting ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ in the group (high to low or low to high), percent selecting ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ in the norm group (high to low or low to high), or by subscore (alphabetically).
If possible, we should include reporting for the previous assessment versions completed by students in the classroom.
Group Roster Report
We need to add the group roster report for classrooms with students in grades 9-12
Business Rules
This report will function just as it does for the other grades
For each student in the group, the following information should be presented: Student name, their ‘level’ on the total score, and their ‘level’ on each subscore. The user should be able to sort the information presented by student name (alphabetically), Total Score level (high to low or low to high), and Subscore level (high to low or low to high).