Quiz Enhancements

We need to allow students and teachers to view completed quizzes and communicate about the completed quiz.

User Stories:

  • As a student, I need to be able to view which quizzes I have started, finished, and not started, so I know where to prioritize

  • As a student, I need to be able to view my quiz results, so I can understand how I’m doing.

  • As a student, I need to be able to respond to feedback from my teacher on my quiz, so I can continue to learn and grow.

  • As an educator, I need to see which students have completed, started, or not started the assigned quizzes, so I know who to follow up with.

  • As an educator, I need to view the completed quiz questions and responses for all of my students, so I know how well my students understand the subject matter.

  • As an educator, I need to be able to send messages to my students and respond to their comments, so I can help my students succeed.

Areas to Address: