Track Negative Behaviors | Point System | Behavior Suite
We need to track negative behaviors, incident reports, and notes for individual students.
User Stories
As a user, I want to be able to track an individual student’s behavior so that I can motivate them to improve their behavior.
As a user, I want to be able to log incident reports, so that I can ensure serious behavior infractions are documented to inform the behavior plan and support team.
Acceptance Criteria
Given the user is a parent, they can not view or input points to an individual student, class, or group
Given a student has been removed from the assigned column and the student is not connected to the team member via a classroom, the team member will not have access to that student.
Given a student has been removed from the assigned column and the student IS connected to the team member via a classroom, the team member WILL have access to that student.
Given I am a user who has access to the MTSS Interventions and All Topics have been included or MTSS Interventions and Point system, I will see the behavior support dropdown in the student section
Individual Point Tracker
When users visit behavior support in the Student section and Tier 1, they will be able to select Record behaviors and this will open the point tracking modal for the selected student name
The default behaviors and/or the inputted behaviors during the setup will display in the behavior tracker
The Date will default to Today
The student name will display at top which should match the same student that the user was reviewing in the Student section before selecting behavior support/ Tier 1/ Record behaviors
The uploaded student picture will show just below the name
Business Rules
MTSS Interventions and All Topics have been included or MTSS Interventions and Point system, that account will have access to Point System
Since the default state will show positive behaviors, users will need to click on the negative tab to access the negative behaviors
When they click on categories, when in the negative tab, they will only see the negative behavior categories of Aggression, Disrespect, Irresponsibility, Non-Compliance, and Off Task
The categories and behavior are in alphabetical order
The user may click on the word “Today” to open a calendar and change the date.
Business Rules
Users may not record data for a future date, but may record data for the past 9 months
Negative individual categories
The user can select a negative category from dropdown
If the user selects a negative category from the negative category list, only the selected negative category will show once selected and the record/message area
The user can type a number or click the plus to add the number of times a student did a particular behavior.
No points will be awarded for each added or removed instance of a behavior
Once the user clicks save, it will save the behaviors and instances
Business Rules
The default categories unless changed by the user in settings
The negative default categories are: Aggression, Disrespect, Irresponsibility, Non-Compliance, and Off Task
Add Custom Behavior
If the user clicks “Add Behavior,” they will see a row of boxes where they may enter the behavior name, and select the behavior category,
The user can add up to 60 characters in the Add Behavior text box
The category dropdown contains the 5 negative categories
If the user clicks the X, that behavior row (and any information entered) will be removed.
When the user clicks “Add”, the behavior will be added to the list and the user may record data on this behavior. The behavior will remain in its current location until the user closes the point tracker and then it will move to the selected category in alphabetical order
If the user clicks Add behavior again, another row will appear so the user may add another behavior.
If the user types more then 60 characters in the behavior text box they will see the error message, “ The behavior can not exceed 60 characters”
If the user tries to save without typing a behavior, they will see “Add behavior to add it to the list”
If the user does not select a category, they will see “Select category to add it to the list”
Business Rules
The user can add a maximum of 20 behaviors
Add Behavior text box may only have up to 60 characters
Add Behavior Instances
Clicking on the + next to the behavior will record the behavior for the selected behavior. Each time this button is clicked, the number in the box will go up. For example, if I click the + 5 times, the box will show the number 5. Alternatively, users may click in the text box and type in the number of times the behavior was observed. Users may also use this box to edit the data.
When the + is clicked, no points are subtracted
Behavior frequency will be saved temporarily from negative to positive tabs and from different categories.
Business Rules
Users can tap a behavior multiple times to record the behavior more than once.
Users can record behavior based on permission settings for all students they currently have access to
When recording for an individual student, the behavior is only tracked for that student.
Users with permission to Record behavior will have the ability to add/edit the frequency of each behavior.
No points are added or subtracted for negative behavior instances
Record Observation
The user may type an internal note on the Record tab.
The save button will be visible below the observation text box
The Save button will change to Save +Send Note once text is typed in text box
The observation will save once the Save + Send Note button is clicked
Business Rules
Team notes will not show in the student center or family portal, but will be visible on the staff reports.
Users with permission to Record Team Notes will see this box and have the ability to record a note
When the user stops typing for more than 1 second, the system autosaves by recording/saving the note somewhere (local memory? a database? up to devs...) for the duration of the session, and will display the Saved note to the user.
The observation text box will have a text limit of 718 characters
Log Incident Report
The user may click Log Incident Report to Open the incident report window.
Once the user clicks save, the user will return to the unsaved point/behavior recording so that they can finish and save
Business Rules
Users with permission to Edit Report (Incident Reports) will see this button
The Incident Report options will be based on the district default settings (see Incident Reports for more details)
User will return to same point recording upon completion of incident report so that they can finish and save behavior record