Discussion | View Plans | Classrooms | Intervention Tracking
Users can access the messaging panel to discuss any plans
User Stories:
As a teacher who needs to create an intervention plan that names myself and my colleagues as those who would be responsible for implementing the plan, I need a way to discuss with them so that we can create a plan that works best.
Acceptance Criteria
Given an intervention plan has been saved once, then the discussion panel will show.
Given a team member has access to MTSS Interventions (All tools or Intervention Tracking enabled) and permission to view plans, then their name will show in the drop down for the discussion panel.
Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=16040%3A180285
General Concept
For any plan that is being viewed or is in the create/edit state, the discussion panel will show
The user will see new messages in their inbox
Clicking on the message will take the user to view plan screen so they may respond to the message
Business Rules
The user may add any team member with permission to View Plans who also currently has access to this student and classroom