Create Contract | Behavior Contract| Behavior Suite
Users will have the ability to create a behavior contract based on the template settings.
User Stories:
As a teacher who is creating a behavior contract for my student, I need structure and options for the look of the contract so that it provides a professional presentation for the student and the family.
As a teacher who is creating a behavior contract for my student, I need a way to save and edit my work so that I may return to revise the contract at a later time.
As an administrator who approves behavior contracts, I need a way to discuss revisions with the creator of the contract so that the finished product will encompasses the needs of the student across content areas.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a user with access to MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Behavior Contracts enabled) and permission to behavior support ->Edit Reports, I will have access to create contract button.
Given I am a user with access to MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Contracts enabled) I will have access to the behavior contracts card and view contract button.
Given the delete button is selected for a contract in the draft or unsaved for the first time, the delete confirmation message will show.
Given the user is an admin then then approve button will show.
Given the user is not an admin, then the Submit for Approval button will show.
Given the user selects add another behavior, reward and/or consequence, then an additional field will show.
Given a user clicks on the X to remove an additional behavior, reward and/or consequence they have added, then the item will be removed
Given the user clicks on a style for the behavior contract, the Preview link will show beneath it.
Given the Preview link is clicked on or hovered over, the image shown will match the preview design selected.
Given a user selects Submit for approval button without selecting a style for the behavior contract, the error message: Please select a style will show.
Given a specific student is selected for creation of a behavior contract, that student’s name auto-fills in the contract template and cannot be changed.
Given a contract is created by either a non-admin user or an admin user and is in the draft status, it can be deleted and a warning pop-up is shown to confirm the action.
Given a contract is created by a non-admin user and is in the pending approval status, it can be deleted by the admin who it is sent to and if selected for deletion the warning pop-up is shown to confirm the action.
Given the Submit for approval button is clicks from either the top or the bottom buttons, the confirmation message: Success! You have submitted the contract for approval will show.
Given user adds a custom behavior from the behavior bank drop down, that behavior will become part of the alphabetical ordered list for that specific student.
Given an admin user visits the create a contract screen, their create screen will contain the buttons: Delete, Approve, Save & Close.
Given the creator of a contract is an admin, they may also approve the contract they create.
Go to Create Contract
There are 3 ways to navigate to Create Contract:
From Behavior
The user will click on Create Contract on the Tier 2 or 3 screens.
Team members with permissions to regions will need to indicate which region, building, classroom, and student they would like to create the Behavior Contract for from a selector once they click on Record incident
Team members with permissions to multiple buildings will need to indicate which building, classroom, and student they would like to create the Behavior Contract for from a selector once they click Create
Team members with permissions to classrooms will need to indicate which classroom and student that they would like to create a Behavior Contract for
If a student already has an active contract, meaning it has been approved and the current date falls between the start and review dates, they will see the error message
If they click View they will see see the View contract screen
From a Classroom
From the classroom page, the user will select Behavior Tools from the left-side navigation menu.
From there, they will select Behavior Contract (under Tier 2 or 3 supports)
Next, they will click the Create Contract button
They will then see a popup where they must select the student
If a student already has an active contract, meaning it has been approved and the current date falls between the start and review dates, they will see the error message
If they click View they will see see the View contract screen
From My Students - Behavior Support
On Tier 2 or 3, the user may click Create Contract
Alternatively, the user may click Contracts under recommended tools
From here, the user will click Create contract
If a student already has an active contract, meaning it has been approved and the current date falls between the start and review dates, they will see the error message
If they click View they will see see the View contract screen
Business Rules
Behavior Section:
Given I am a user with access to MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Behavior Contracts enabled) and permission to behavior support ->Edit Reports, I will have access to create contract button.
All non-admin users will see classrooms they are currently assigned to
Classrooms will be listed alphabetically
Classroom/Group Section:
Any user with permission to Edit Plans (under Intervention tracking) AND who has access to MTSS Interventions (All Tools or Behavior Contract enabled) will have access to Create contract link.
Students Sections:
Any user with permission to Edit Plans (under Intervention tracking) AND who has access to MTSS Interventions (All Tools or Behavior Contract enabled) will have access to Create contract button.
All fields are required in the popup once they click Create
All regions that a user has permission to see should show up in the dropdown in the popup that shows when they click Create Contract
All buildings that a user has permission to see should show up in the dropdown in the popup that shows when they click Create Contract
All classrooms that a user has permission to see should show up in the dropdown in the popup that shows when they click Create Contract
All students that a user has permission to see should show up in the dropdown in the popup that shows when they click Create Contract
A given student can only have one active contract at a time, meaning they can only have one approved contract which is running during a given starting and review date
Create contract
We will now see the Create contract modal
Clicking the X will close the modal without saving changes.
Clicking Save will save the changes and bring the Docs for Review
Team members can chat with other team members through the chat feature as it works for incident reports once an initial save is made.
To save and close the modal, user selects Save & Close button.
To submit behavior contract for approval, user selects Submit for Approval button and sees confirmation message.
If user selects submit for Approval button
To delete behavior contract, user selects Delete and warning message shows.
To delete the behavior contract, the user selects Yes, delete it from the pop-up.
To cancel the request to delete, the user selects cancel or X.
Admin Creates Behavior Contract
Admin users can delete, Approve and Save & Close from the Create screen.
If admin selects Approve for a student’s contract when the student has an existing contract, the warning message shows.
To close the pop-up and return to the screen beneath it, user selects Cancel or X.
To view the current active contract, user selects View button.
Business Rules
All fields are required
Discussion panel becomes active after the initial save has occurred like incident reports.
If user does not save created contract, then discussion panel is not active.
Saving the document without submitting it for approval is Draft state.
Behavior contracts in the Draft State can be deleted.
If a style has been selected and user selects Submit for approval, they will see a confirmation message: Success! You have submitted the contract for approval.
Confirmation remains for 3 seconds.
Confirmation message shows where user has clicked Submit for Approval button (See images: Top submit, Bottom submit)
If user selects Delete for a behavior contract in the draft or unsaved for the first time state, then the delete confirmation message shows. (See image: Delete Confirmation Message top)
Delete confirmation message shows in location closest to where the user selected Delete button.
If Yes, delete it is selected from pop-up, behavior contract is deleted and user is returned to the screen beneath the modal where they were.
If Cancel or X is selected from pop-up, then the behavior contract is not canceled and user is returned to the modal where they left off.
Admin Creates Behavior Contract
If user is an admin, they see the following buttons: Delete, Approve, Save & Close.
Admin may approve their own contract.
If Admin selects Approve and the student has an active contract, user sees pop-up. (See image: Create Contract)
Select Style
Users will be required to pick a design for the completed contract that will become visible from the View area
Error message shows if the user clicks submit for approval and has not selected the style
To select a style for the contract, user clicks on the style.
If the user clicks on a design, a preview button will appear that users can click or hover on to see the design in action
To de-select a style, user clicks on another style.
Business Rules
Design must be selected
Only one design style can be selected. (See image: Style One)
Selecting a design style works as a toggle.
If a style is selected then the Preview link appears.
If a style is not selected then the Preview link will not show.
Clicking on or hovering over Preview shows the preview. (See image: Preview)
Design shows once completed in the View mode
If submit for approval is selected without choosing a style, error message: Please select a style for the contract will show. (See image: Error message)
If a style is chosen before submit for approval button is selected then the error message will not show.
Student name
The student name selected in the popup prior to this create screen will show below student name
Business Rules
The student name cannot be changed on this screen
The name will appear in First name Last name orientation
Contract Start
When the user clicks the word Today, a calendar will open.
Once the date is selected, that date will show in place of the word Today (unless today’s date was selected)
Business Rules
The user may not select a date in the future
The date field will always show in this location, even if it has been moved farther down the report template.
This is a required field
The calendar will only show 9 months earlier than Today’s date
The user will need to select which goals will be included in the contract
The user can click on the dropdown and see the searchable behavior goal bank
Users can add a custom goal by typing in the custom goal space
Selected goals used in other areas of MTSS or in other incident reports will show in selected goals with the most recent at the top
Once the user selects a goal, they may click the add another goal to add more goals
The user can change the order of the goals by clicking on the arrows to the left of each goal
The user can remove a goal by clicking the X
Business Rules
Select Behavior drop down is used in Intervention Plans, Self-Monitoring (See Self-Monitoring for more information on Behavior Drop Down), Behavior Contracts, Data Tracking (Behavior Tracking), and Behavior Plans.
Previous user goal selections and custom goals created from Intervention Plans, Behavior Contracts, Data Tracking (Behavior Tracking) and Behavior Plans, carry over and appear within the Select behavior drop down.
Only one goal can be selected in each dropdown
The user must select one goal so the X will not be available on the first dropdown thus it cannot be removed
The bank of goals will show in the goal dropdown
The user will need type in a reward
Once the user selects a reward, they may click the add another reward to add more rewards
The user can change the order of the rewards by clicking on the arrows to the left of each reward
The user can remove a reward by clicking the X
Business Rules
The user must type in one reward
The user will need to type in a consequence.
Once the user selects a consequence, they may click the add another consequence to add more consequences
The user can change the order of the consequence by clicking on the arrows to the left of each consequence
The user can remove a consequence by clicking the X
Business Rules
The user must type in one consequence
Contract Review
Once the user selects the contract start, the contract review will automatically be selected for two weeks later
The user may change this date by clicking on the dropdown
Business Rules
This is a required field
The calendar will only show 9 months earlier than Today’s date
Admin as creator
Admin users have the same functionality for creating a behavior contract with a few differences in buttons.
To approve the behavior contract and make it active, user selects Approve.
Business Rules:
Admin users have the same functionality in creating behavior contracts as teacher users.
If a user is an Admin then they have an Approved button. (See image: Top button set)
Admin users can approve behavior contracts they create.
If Admin selects Approve, then the contract becomes active.