Frequency | Create Behavior | Data Tracking | MTSS Suite

We need a way to set up the Frequency data collection method so Users who select it can create the parameters for data collection using the this method.

User Stories:

  • I am a teacher who needs to set up the parameters for collecting Frequency data so that Behavior tracking for my Tier 2 and Tier 3 Students will be successful.

  • I am a teacher who needs to track behaviors without creating a Behavior Plan so that I can track behaviors so that set up is easier.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) OR Behavior Support and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors will see create behaviors button.

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) OR Behavior Support and permission to Behavior Support, > View Behaviors

  • Given I am a user who has selected a measurement tool, the select tool circle on the timeline will be filled in with blue and contain a check mark.

  • Given I am a user who has NOT selected a measurement tool, the select tool circle on the timeline will NOT be filled in with blue and will NOT contain a check mark.

  • Given I am a user who has completed each of the sections for behavior definition and data settings and saved my work, each item on the timeline will be filled in with blue and contain a checkmark.

  • Given I am a user who has completed some of the sections for data settings but not others, the incomplete sections will show an outlined blue in the timeline.

  • Given I am a user who has returned to my incomplete sections for data settings and updated and saved my work, the timeline will now show a filled in blue circle and a check mark.

  • Given I am a user who has completed a section(s) and selected Save & Go Back, my work on each of the sections that have been completed is saved.

  • Given I am a user who has completed a section(s) and did NOT select Save & Go Back, my work on each of the sections that I did NOT select Save & Go Back is not saved.

  • Given I am a user who has selected increase Frequency with intensity, the hard coded goal statement will match the hard coded statement from account settings for increase Frequency with intensity.

  • Given I am a user who has set a goal, the customized goal statement will show with text fields before and after the highlighting the hard coded language.

  • Given I am a user who has set a goal and selected YES for track objectives, the hard coded goal statement will show on the track objectives screen.

  • Given I am a user who has selected YES for track objectives to increase a behavior, three hard coded objectives will be calculated and shown based on an evenly distributed increase increment from the first to the last objective.

  • Given I am a user who makes changes to the the number of objectives from the above example, the calculations will reset to reflect an evenly distributed increase increment from the first to the last objective.

  • Given I am a user who has included 5 objectives, I will NOT see the +Add new objective link.

  • Given I am a user who has selected YES for track objectives, the first hard coded objective will NOT show an X an will NOT be able to be deleted by the User.



Baseline Selection


User sees timeline.


UI: Select No

  • To select No, the User clicks on down arrow in selection field and selects No.

(Select No)



  • To Record baseline in Data Express, user clicks on Record baseline button and completes the baseline for the frequency.


Recording Baseline in Data Express and Returning to Behavior Tracking

  • Once user has completed baseline in Data express, they select I am done recording baseline data.

  • If user has not set up a goal in behavior tracking, then the Set up Goal message is shown in data express.


  • If a user entering baseline data is a role 2 Paraprofessional, then we will show the contact teacher message in data express.


  • To return to Behavior Tracking and land on the Set up goal screen, user clicks on Yes button.



  • To go back to previous screen, User selects Save & Go Back button.


Select Yes:

  • To select Yes, the User clicks on down arrow in selection field and selects Yes.




  • The user is views the message to go to Data Express and select summary to include baseline data.

  • To Record baseline in Data Express, user clicks on Record baseline button and completes the baseline for the frequency.



  • The user records baseline data in Data Express.



Recording Baseline in Data Express and Returning to Behavior Tracking

  • Once user has completed baseline in Data express, they select I am done recording baseline data.

  • If user has not set up a goal in behavior tracking, then pop-up message is shown.


  • To remain in data express, user clicks on Cancel or X.

  • To return to Behavior Tracking and land on the Set up goal screen, user clicks on Yes button.


  • To return to previous screen, User clicks on Go Back button.

  • To advance to the next section, User clicks on Continue Button.



Business Rules:

  • If User has selected a tool, then Select tool will be filled in with blue and white checkmark in timeline.

  • If User has selected a tool, then Record Baseline is outlined in blue in timeline.

  • If user selects Yes or No in baseline field, then Record Baseline button is shown. (See image: Select No)

  • If User Selects Yes or No for Baseline, then Record baseline button takes User to record baseline data in Data Express for Frequency. (See Image: Frequency Baseline)

Recording Baseline in Data Express and Returning to Behavior Tracking

  • If user is entering from Behavior tracking and records baseline, then clicking I’m done recording baseline button completes baseline collection.

  • If user selects I’m done recording baseline and the do not have a goal set up then the pop-up is shown. (See images: Selected without goal and Set Up Goal)

  • If user selects Cancel or X from Set up Goal pop-up, then they remain in Data Express.

  • If user selects Yes from Set up Goal pop-up, the modal for Behavior tracking opens to the Set-up goal in behavior tracking screen. (See image: Return Destination)

Selecting Yes for baseline data collection

  • If the user selects Yes in baseline field, then both the message “Visit Data Express and select summary to include your baseline data” and the Record Baseline button are shown. (See image: Select Yes and Yes Record Baseline)

  • If User Selects Yes for Baseline, then Record baseline button takes User to record baseline data in Data Express for Frequency. (See Image: Frequency Baseline)

    • If the user selected Frequency with Intensity, they are taken to Frequency with Intensity Baseline.

    • If the user Selected Frequency without Intensity, they are taken to Frequency without Intensity Baseline.

  • When the user returns to Behavior Tracking from Data Express, then they will continue with making goals.

Set Up Goal

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support > Add/Edit behaviors, then I will see the set up goal message.

    • Given user selects Yes from pop-up, they are returned to Behavior Tracking Set-up to enter goal/objective information

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support > Record Data, then I will see the Contact Teacher message (See Permission settings for more information about Record Data

  • Set up goal message and Contact Teacher message apply to each data type.




Return from Recording Baseline


User sees timeline and success message.



  • User sees completed summary view.

  • To go back to previous slide, User clicks on Go back button.

  • To continue to set Goal screen, User clicks on Continue.

  • To save and exit the modal, the user clicks on Save and exit.


No Baseline Recorded

  • If user returns to behavior tracking without recording a baseline or selects No for record baseline, we show this slide.


  • To return to data express and record a baseline, user clicks on Yes, record baseline now.

  • To Continue to Set goal screen without recording baseline, user clicks on Continue without baseline.

Business Rules:

  • If user has Recorded baseline in data express and returned (See above section: Recording Baseline in Data Express and Returning to Behavior Tracking) and clicks on the back button or the Record Baseline circle on the timeline, they will see the Success message.

  • Given the user responded Yes or No to “Have you recorded baseline data outside of RethinkEd?” and they have recorded baseline data in Data Express, then they will see the success message and the completed summary view of the baseline data.

  • If User completes Baseline in Data express and returns to Create Behavior Tracking, the Timeline shows completion of Recorded Baseline with filled-in blue circle and white checkmark and success message.

  • If the User completed Frequency with intensity in Data express, they see average intensity levels.

  • If the User completed Frequency without intensity in Data express, they see summary view with no intensity levels.

No Baseline Recorded

  • If user returns to behavior tracking without recording a baseline or selects Yes or No and then selects the continue button, we show option to return to data express or continue without baseline. (See image: No Baseline)

    • If Yes/No, record baseline now button is selected, then user is taken to data express to record baseline.

    • If Continue without baseline button is selected, then user is taken to the Set goal slide.

    • If user does not record a baseline, then the timeline for baseline is not colored in blue with the white checkmark.

    • Behavior tracking and Behavior plan both do not require a baseline.

Concluding Baseline


  • If user has collected baseline, they will be prompted to complete baseline collection and begin Tracking.



Business Rules:

  • Given user has submitted at least one session of baseline data, then we will show Still collecting baseline data slide.

    • If Start Tracking button is selected, baseline data collection is a completed step in setting up Behavior Tracking.

    • If Continue recording baseline is selected, then user can continue entering baseline data (See Section 2: Baseline Selection above)

  • This slide is global- it is shown for all data collection types.

Goal Selection


  • User sees timeline.


Set Goal:

  • To edit the goal the User selects choices from drop downs.



Customizing the Goal Statement and Objective Statements

  • To view the hint for how to customize the goal statement, the user clicks on or hovers over the information icon.



  • To edit the Customized goal statement/ Customized Objective Statement, the User clicks on blue Custom Text inside the Goal statement/objective statement before and/or after the hard coded text.

  • User clicks inside the text box and types.

  • To cancel the request the user clicks on X.

  • To upload the custom text, user clicks on the up arrow.


  • User sees custom text entry included.

  • To edit custom entered text, user clicks on blue text and Custom text pop-up will show.



  • To go back to previous slide, User clicks on Go back button.

  • To continue to track objectives, User clicks on Continue.

  • To save and exit the modal, the user clicks on Save and exit.

  • Select No

    • If the User does not want to track objectives, the User selects No from drop down or leaves it as the default.

    • To go back to previous slide, User clicks on Go back button.

    • To continue to track objectives, User clicks on Continue.

    • To save and exit the modal, the user clicks on Save and exit.


    Select Yes

    • To track objectives, the User selects Yes.


    Selecting Yes shows the goal the User set in Goal Selection section.



    Selecting Yes opens 3 objectives fields.



    • To select mastery criteria for each of the objectives, the User selects from the drop down fields.

    • To customize objective definition, the User clicks inside text field and types.

    • To remove an objective, the user clicks on the x next to the objective.

    • To add a new objective, the User clicks on +Add new objective.

    • To go back to previous slide, User clicks on Go back button.

    • To continue to track objectives, User clicks on Continue.

    • To save and exit the modal, the user clicks on Save and exit.



Business Rules: (copy of old specs)

  • We will show a default mastery criteria based on the account settings.

  • The format of the mastery criteria is dependent on the data collection type

  • The goal sentence is based on the data collection type. It will be formatted as:



  • If the user updates the mastery criteria, the hard-coded goal definition sentence will update as well.

  • The mastery criteria will populate a hard-coded sentence in the goal definition box. This sentence cannot be edited. However, custom text may be entered before and/or after this sentence.

Customizing the Goal Statement and Objective Statements

  • We will show the information icon next to Customize the Goal Statement and Customize Objective Statement for all data collection types.

  • Adding and deleting custom text for goal and objectives functions the same way for all data types.

  • If data exists for the goal, the user will see a message warning them about losing data. If they save, they will lose all data connected to the goal that they are changing.

  • If user clicks on or hovers over the information icon for Customize the Goal Statement and/or Customize Objective Statement(s), the hint is shown. (See image: Custom Text hint)

  • If user clicks on blue Custom Text within the goal and/or objective(s) statements, then the Custom Text pop-up is shown. (See image: Custom Text Pop-up)

  • If user text enters custom text, and selects the up arrow, then then custom text will show. (See image: Custom Text Entered)

  • There is no character limit for custom text entry.


  • If the user has completed Select Tool and Record baseline sections the Timeline has Select Tool and Record Baseline colored in blue with white check mark.

  • Set Goal in Timeline is outlined in blue.


  • Go Back takes user to Baseline selection for Frequency (previous screen).

  • Continue takes user to Track objectives slide.

Business Rules:

  • Timeline has Select Tool, Record Baseline, Set Goal colored in blue with white check mark and Track objectives outlined in blue.

Select No for tracking objectives.

  • Track objectives field contains:

    • No

    • Yes

  • Default selection is No.


Select Yes to track objectives:

  • The Goal Statement entered by User on previous screen is shown in the blue box.

  • 3 objectives will appear as the default.

  • If the User clicks the X next to an objective, the objective is removed.

  • If the User clicks on +Add new objective, a field for a new objective will appear.

  • For each objective, the user must enter a mastery criteria.

  • If a User does not create mastery criteria, then the objective cannot be used for behavior tracking.

  • The objective definition box will include a hard-coded sentence based on the mastery criteria. The user may not change this sentence, but may add custom text before and/or after this sentence.


(Copy of old specs)

  • If objectives are selected, the user must include at least 1 objective.

  • Increase Behavior

    • The mastery criteria must increase for each objective. Meaning, the criteria for objective 1 cannot be higher than the criteria for objective 2.

    • The mastery criteria for the last objective must be equal to the mastery criteria for the goal.

    • By default, each objective criteria will be evenly distributed in an increasing fashion from the first objective to the last. For example, if my goal is to increase time on task to 30 minutes & I have included 3 objectives, my first objective will be to increase to 10 minutes, my second objective will be to increase to 20 minutes, & my 3rd objective will be to increase to 30 minutes.

    • This logic will continue & the mastery criteria will update as I add and remove objectives.

    • Once I begin editing the mastery criteria for any objective, the system will no longer update the criteria for any other objective.

  • Decrease Behavior

    • The mastery criteria must decrease for each objective. Meaning, the criteria for objective 1 cannot be lower than the criteria for objective 2.

    • The mastery criteria for the last objective must be equal to the mastery criteria for the goal.

    • By default, each objective criteria will be evenly distributed in increments of 10 in a decreasing fashion from the first objective to the last. For example, if my goal is to decrease tantrums to 0 minutes & I have included 3 objectives, my first objective will be to decrease to 20 minutes, my second objective will be to decrease to 10 minutes, & my 3rd objective will be to decrease to 0 minutes.

    • This logic will continue & the mastery criteria will update as I add and remove objectives.

    • Once I begin editing the mastery criteria for any objective, the system will no longer update the criteria for any other objective.

  • The format of the mastery criteria is dependent on the data collection type

  • The objective definition sentence is based on the data collection type. It will be formatted as:



  • If the user updates the mastery criteria, the hard-coded objective definition sentence will update as well.


  • If User clicks on +Add new objective, an additional objective section is added.

  • User can have up to 5 objectives.

  • Additional objectives follow same rules for increase and decrease behavior.



  • To continue to Done screen for Frequency, the User selects the Continue button.

  • To return to the goal selection screen for Frequency, the User selects Go Back.

  • To save the work and exit the modal, user clicks on Save and exit button.



Locking Fields


Frequency-Increase/Decrease-No intensity-objectives included

  • To edit fields in goal statement, user clicks on each of the fields and makes selections.


  • User sees objectives showing selections made for fields 1 and 2.

  • To edit fields a and b, user clicks inside field and makes a selection.

Frequency -Decrease - Intensity -Objectives

  • To edit fields in goal statement, user clicks on each of the fields and makes selections.


  • To edit fields in objectives, user clicks on fields a and b.

  • To edit field C in the objectives, user clicks on field C but there are restrictions. (See Business rules for Field C-Decrease)


Frequency -Increase - Intensity -Objectives

  • To edit the fields in the goal statement, user clicks on each of the fields and makes selections.

  • To edit fields in objectives, user clicks on fields a and b.

  • To edit field C in the objectives, user clicks on field C but there are restrictions. (See Business rules for Field C-Increase)


Business Rules:

Frequency-Increase/Decrease-No intensity-objectives included

  • Given either increase or decrease has been selected with goal and objectives, then user can edit the fields in the goal statement. (See image; Decrease Example Fields 1 and 2)

    • The users selection for fields 1 and 2 become locked in the objectives. (See image: Objective 1)

    • Given changes to fields 1 and 2 are made in the goal statement, then those changes are carried over into each of the objectives.

  • User can edit the the fields a and b in the objectives. (See image: Objective 1)

  • Users cannot edit fields 1 and 2 in the objective statements.

  • Interval follows the same rules for both increase and decrease.

Frequency -Decrease - Intensity -Objectives

  • Given either increase (with intensity) or decrease (with intensity) and objectives are included, then user can edit the fields in the goal statement. (See image: Decrease-Intensity-Objectives)

  • The users selection for fields 1 and 2 become locked in the objectives.

  • Given changes to fields 1 and 2 are made in the goal statement, then those changes are carried over into each of the objectives.

  • User can edit fields a and b in the objectives.

  • Duration-Decrease-Intensity-Objectives follows the same rules.

Field C-Decrease

  • Field C edits within the objective statements are dependent upon the selection made in the goal statement and the preceding objective.

    • Example: Given the user included 5 intensity levels and 5 objectives and selected Level 2 to be the goal then,

      • Objective 1 could contain any of the following: Level 5, Level 4, Level 3 Level 2

      • Given user selects Level 4 for the first objective then,

      • Objective 2 could contain any of the following: Level 4, Level 3, Level 2

      • Given user selects Level 3 for the second objective then,

      • Objective 3 can contain any of the following: Level 3, Level 2

      • Given user selects Level 3 for the fourth objective then,

      • Objective 4 can contain any of the following: Level 3, Level 2

      • Objective 5 is the same as the goal and is locked.

    • Please note: In this example the user could never select Level 1 because it is lower than the goal they set.

    • Duration-Decrease-Intensity-Objectives follows the same rules.

Frequency -Increase - Intensity -Objectives

  • Follow same rules for editing fields 1, 2, a, b as explained in Frequency-Increase/Decrease-No intensity-objectives included.

  • Duration-Increase-Intensity-Objectives follows the same rules.

Field C-Increase

  • Field C edits within the objective statements are dependent upon the selection made in the goal statement and the preceding objective.

    • Example: Given User included 5 intensity levels and 5 objectives and selected Level 4 to be the goal then,

      • Objective 1 could contain any of the following: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4.

      • Given user selects Level 2 for the first objective then,

      • Objective 2 could contain any of the following: Level 2, Level 3, Level 4

        • Please note that Level 1 was no longer available for objective 2 since the user had already moved onto Level 2

      • Given user selects Level 2 for Objective 3 then,

      • Objective 3 could contain any of the following: Level 2, Level 3, Level 4

      • Given user selects Level 3 for Objective 4 then,

      • Objective 5 is the same as the goal and is locked.

  • Please note: In this example the user could never select Level 5 because it is higher than the goal they set.

  • Duration-Increase-Intensity-Objectives follows the same rules.



  • User sees Done screen with Success message.


  • Clicking x or close removes the confirmation and closes the modal.

  • Selecting Go Back button takes the User to the previous screen (Track objectives).


  • To save and close behavior tracking, the User clicks Save and exit button.

Active Status

  • If user has made the behavior tracking active, then these button become active.

  • To print data sheet, User clicks on Print data sheets button.

  • To record data, User clicks on Record Data button.

  • To View data for specific behavior, User clicks on View Data.



Business Rules:

  • If the User has completed all sections for behavior tracking, the timeline includes blue fill-in with white checkmarks for all items.

  • If the User has completed all sections for behavior tracking, then they will see the Success message- “Success! You are ready to start tracking the behavior.”

  • To return to the Track Objectives screen, the User selects Go Back

  • Selecting Save and exit closes the modal.


Active Status

  • If the User has completed all parts of creating Behavior tracking and has recorded data, then Print data sheets, Record Data, View Data, Change Status are active buttons.

  • Print Data sheets button

  • Record Data button

  • View Data button takes the user to view data section.

  • If change status is selected, user sees Change Status Pop-up (See: View/Edit Behavior Tracking)


Updated Design to Set Goal and Objectives: User Feedback

User Story:

As an educator who is creating Behavior Tracking without objectives, I need to see an uncluttered creation screen so that I can select to customize the goal or keep it hidden from view so that I don’t get confused or overwhelmed by unnecessary information.


  • User clicks inside each field to set the goal.


  • User clicks on Customize Goal Statement to open the text entry for customizing the before or after the goal.


  • User clicks on Hide Goal Statement to return the default view.

  • To select No for objectives, user clicks on drop down and selects No.

  • User will see their goal statement appear at the bottom.



Acceptance Criteria:

  • Updates are made apply to all data types (Frequency-with and without intensity, Duration-with and without intensity, Interval-whole, partial, momentary sample) for Set Goal without objectives.

  • Given the user has selected Customize Goal Statement, we will show the custom Text entry options.

  • Given user has selected Customize Goal Statement, then we will replace Customize Goal Statement with Hide Goal Statement.

    • Given user selects Hide Goal Statement without making any changes, then we return the Default View. (See image: Default View)

    • Given user selects Hide Goal Statement and has made changes, then we will show the words: Show Goal Statement.

      • The pencil Icon will not be shown.

    • Given user selects Show Goal Statement, we will open the customized goal statement showing the users entries.

Selecting No for objectives

  • Given user has selected No for objectives and has not made any customizations to the goal, then we will show the goal without custom text before or after the goal statement. (See image: Goal Symbol)

  • Given user has selected No for objectives and has customized the goal statement, then we will include their customizations before and/or after the goal statement. (See image: Customized Goal)


User Story:

As an educator who is creating Behavior Tracking with objectives, I need to understand the connection between the goal and the objectives so that I can focus on creating a meaningful behavior tracking quickly and easily.


  • To Add an objective, user clicks on Add new objective.

  • To view objectives that have the goal customizations attached, user clicks on Show Objective Statement.

  • To Hide objectives that have the goal customizations attached, user clicks on Hide Objective Statement.

  • To change the custom text on a specific objective, user clicks on Show Objective Statement and then clicks on blue custom text entry and types.


Acceptance Criteria:

Select Yes for Objectives

New Link showing these changes.

  • Updates are made apply to all data types (Frequency-with and without intensity, Duration-with and without intensity, Interval-whole, partial, momentary sample, Checklist, Rating Scale, Frequency & Duration Combination) for Set Goal with objectives.

  • Given user has selected Yes for objectives and not added or removed any objectives and also not made any customizations to the goal or objectives, they see the Default View. (See image: Default View)

  • The Goal Hint Graphic shows the goal.

  • Objective 3 is grayed out indicating that it cannot be changed.

Adding Objectives

  • Given a user has added an objective, then that new final objective will be grayed out.

    • We will show the recalculate the objectives to reflect the addition of objective(s). (See image: Add objective view)

View / Hide Objectives

  • Given user has customized the goal statement, their customizations will show on each of the objectives. (See image: View / Hide Objective Statement)

  • Given a user clicks on Show Objective Statement, they will see the custom text matching the goal statement.

    • Given a user makes no additional changes to any of the objective(s), then the customized goal statement text remains in each objective.

    • Given a user clicks on Show Objective Statement and makes changes, then those changes are applied to that specific objective only.