Whil Reporting in Admin Dashboard Reports

As we are moving towards a more seamless user experience across products/sites, we need to include all products education customers have purchased in a single report. School districts have started purchasing Whil to help combat educator stress and burnout. As such, we need to show utilization data for Whil in our existing admin reports.

User Stories:

  • As a district admin, I want to see Whil usage data across my entire district, so I can understand how it is being used and evaluate ROI.

  • As a school building admin, I want to see Whil usage data for my building, so I can understand how it is being used by my staff.

  • As an admin, I want to see Whil usage data in my existing Rethink reports, so I do not have to juggle multiple reports.

  • As an admin, I want to see Whil usage data presented in a similar manner as my existing Rethink reports, so the reporting style is consistent and easier for me to interpret.

  • As an admin, I want to export all Rethink usage data/upload Rethink data into my district system, so I can evaluate all of my Rethink products along side other district initiatives.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am an administrator viewing the Rethink Ed Admin Reports AND I have access to the Whil platform, I will see Whil as an option in my nav

  • Given I am an administrator viewing the Rethink Ed Admin Reports AND I DO NOT have access to the Whil platform, I will NOT see Whil as an option in my nav

  • Given I am an administrator who has clicked on Whil, I will see the Overview report by default

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=19282%3A227105

General Concept


  • In the Rethink Admin Reports, we will show an option on the left-hand nav for Whil

  • When the user clicks on Whil, they will see a screen displaying 3 pill tabs/reports:

Business Rules

  • Users with access to the Whil platform will see Whil in the nav

  • Default report will be Overview