MTSS Intervention Alerts | Account Settings | Behavior Plan | Behavior Suite
We need to determine the types of alerts users will receive for Behavior Plans. We also need to determine who receive alerts and who can approve reports.
User Stories:
I am a district level administrator who needs to set up the notification and approval system for behavior plans that includes all regions, buildings, and team members so that information travels effectively through our district.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a multiple school District- Level Administrator with access to MTSS Intervention Tracking (all tools or behavior plans enabled) AND who is a Role 7 (if multiple account levels exist), with permission to Account Set Up→ Assign/Unassign Team Members I will have access to these settings.
Given I am a multiple school District- Level Administrator with access to MTSS Intervention Tracking (all tools or behavior plans enabled) AND who is a Role 7 (if multiple account levels exist), with permission to Account Set Up→ Data Setting Edit, and I have made changes to Alerts my name and date changes were made will show on the Upcoming or Missed Review Cards.
Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=25833%3A219394 https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=28854%3A232575&t=pT5Ws9olye1uPLgv-0
MTSS Intervention Alerts
User sees the two alert setting with default settings for Behavior Plans.
If edits have been made, the user name and dates of edits will show on the Upcoming Reviews and Missed Reviews cards.
To accept the default settings for upcoming and missed reviews, the user does nothing.
Edit Default Settings
To edit the number of days for Upcoming reviews, user clicks on number field and types a number.
To edit the number of days for Misses reviews, user clicks on number field and types a number.
To save edits user clicks on Save button.
To cancel edits, user clicks on Discard Changes button.
Business Rules:
Days will be locked field for Upcoming reviews and Missed reviews.
The default setting for days before and after a review date for a notification to be sent is 2.
If user does not edit the days before or after, then the default settings are applied and notifications are sent.
If user edits the number of days by clicking on the number entry field for Upcoming or Missed reviews, then their edits become the new settings. (See images: Upcoming reviews and Missed Reviews)
Save button must be selected to update changes.
If user edits the number of days for Upcoming or Missed reviews and then selects Discard Changes the default settings are restored.
Text entered numbers can be from 1 to 15 days.
Alert are sent on that number of days preceding or past the review date to the designated people. (See Approval Process for Review Date)
If Users with access to MTSS Interventions (All Tools or Behavior Plans and Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Account Set Up → Data Setting Edit has made an edit to the default setting and selected Save button, then we will show the users name and the date the edit was entered. (See image: Edits made)
MTSS Intervention Alerts-How it Works
Upcoming MTSS Intervention Reviews: How it works (Example: 2 days before review date)
An MTSS Intervention Plan must be an In Progress Plan to receive upcoming plan review alerts.
Given an MTSS Intervention Plan is in the archived or mastered state and the review date is in 2 days, then an alert will not be sent.
Given a review date has been set in Create/Edit Plans and the MTSS Intervention Plan is In Progress, then the alert will be sent 2 days before the review date.
Example: I set the review date as May 12, 2023 in Create/Edit Plans and the Intervention Plan is In Progress, then I will get an Upcoming plan alert on May 10, 2023
Example: I Reviewed and updated the plan and set a new review date to June 15, 2023, then I will get an Upcoming plan alert on June 13, 2023.
Upcoming MTSS Intervention Plan Review is replaced by the Missed Plan Review Alert when the Review Date is two days passed.
Example: Review Date set for May 12, 2023. Upcoming Plan review sent on May 10, 2023 and remains in red for the user until May 13, 2023. On May 14, 2023 Upcoming Plan review is removed and replaced by the Missed Plan Review which is also shown to the user in Red.
Given the user reviews the plan by May 13, 2023 then they do not see the Missed Plan Review alert.
Assign Admins Alerts and Approvals-Regions Tab
To assign all admins notifications for upcoming and missed reviews, user leaves default setting to All Admins (default).
To custom enter specific admins notifications for upcoming and missed reviews, user selects Custom.
To select Regions, Buildings or Team Members, users click on the Tab.
To search for a region, the user clicks on Search and begins typing the region name.
Assign Admins Notifications
To view admins for a specific region, the user clicks on or hovers over the number of users under the Will receive alerts column.
To remove an admin user from receiving alerts, the user clicks on the X next to the User’s name.
To add an admin user to receive alerts, the user clicks on +Add user and types user’s name in the field provided.
Assign Admins Report Approval
To view admins for a specific region, the user clicks on or hovers over the number of users under Can approve reports column.
To remove an admin user from approving reports, the user clicks on the X next to the User’s name.
To add an admin user to approve reports, the user clicks on +Add user and types user’s name in the field provided.
Short Cuts
To view additional options, user clicks on or hovers over …
To unassign all users from from a specific regions alerts, user clicks on Unassign all users from this region’s alerts.
To copy all assignments and apply them to another region, user clicks on Copy assignments to another region.
Business Rules:
Users who are multiple school District- Level Administrator with access to MTSS Intervention Tracking (all tools or behavior plans enabled) AND who is a Role 7 (if multiple account levels exist), with permission to Account Set Up→ Assign/Unassign Team Members I will have access to these settings.
Alerts for Regions, Buildings and Team Members are repetitive. This same structure is for assigning all alerts for each of the tabs-Behavior, Incidents, MTSS Interventions. Each tab has this same format for assigning admins the alerts specific to each of those products.
If user leaves the Assign Admins to the default setting, then they can view the settings but not edit them.
If user selects Custom for Assign Admins, then add and remove user options will show.
The Tab selection contains: Regions, Buildings, Team Members
If an account does not have regions, then Regions will not appear as a Tab selection.
If an account does not have regions, then Will Receive alerts and Can approve reports will show on the buildings tab.
If Regions tab is selected, Regions will be Listed in Alphabetical order.
The search feature will contain all of the regions the district has.
If user clicks on Search, then they text enter a region name it will auto-fill as the user types their entry.
All admins is the default setting.
If all admins is selected, then all individuals with the Admin role will receive notifications.
If custom is selected, then user selects specific admins to receive notifications. (See image: Assign Custom)
Will Receive alerts column will show the number of admin users assigned to each of the regions. (See image: Receive Alerts)
If user clicks on or hovers over the number of users for a region, the users names are listed in alphabetical order.
If user selects X next to an admin user, then the admin user will not receive alerts.
If user clicks on +Add user, then a field opens to add an additional user to receive alerts. (See image: Field)
Can approve reports column will show the number of admin users assigned to each of the regions (See image: Can Approve Reports)
Viewing admin names, deselecting admin/adding admins to approved reports works the same way as Receive alerts column.
An admin who approves reports must also receive alerts.
An admin who does not approve reports may or may not receive alerts.
Short Cuts
If user clicks on or hovers over the three dots (…), then the user sees the short cut options.
If user clicks on Unassign all users from this region’s alerts, then all users within the selected region will be removed.
Save Copy assignments to another region for future development.
Assign Admins Alerts and Approvals-Buildings Tab
User selects Custom and Buildings Tab.
To search for a building, the user clicks on Search and begins typing the building’s name.
To select a specific region and sort the buildings contained within that region by alphabetical order, the user clicks on the down arrow next to Region and makes selection.
To edit who will see alerts and can approve reports, user hovers or clicks on specific building’s number of users.
To remove a Building role and the number of users who have that role from receiving notifications or approving reports, the user selects X next to the role name and users.
To remove an Admin from receiving notifications or approving reports, the user selects X next to the admin name.
Short Cuts:
To unassign all users from from a specific building’s alerts, user clicks on Unassign all users from this building’s alerts.
To copy all assignments and apply them to another building, user clicks on Copy assignments to another building.
Business Rules:
If user leaves the Assign Admins to the default setting, then they can view the settings but not edit them.
If user selects Custom for Assign Admins, then add and remove user options will show.
If buildings tab is selected, then the list of buildings will show in alphabetical order.
The search feature will contain all of the buildings the district has.
If user clicks on Search, then they text enter a building name it will auto-fill as the user types their entry.
If the account contains regions and the user clicks on the down arrow and selects a region, then the list of building will be sorted to show building within the specified region in alphabetical order.
Will Receive Alerts/Can Approve Reports Hover Information Box
If account contains regions, then Region Admin(s) title will show when user hovers or clicks on specific building’s Will receive alerts and Can approve reports columns. (See image: View/Select Users)
The Building Roles will include the role(s) and number of users for the role(s) under the heading: Building Roles.
The Building Admins section will show all of the names of the Building Admins.
The same Hover information box is shown for Will receive alerts column and Can approve reports column.
Regional Admins cannot be edited from this screen.
If user selects X next to a building role or admin (See image: View/Select Users) , then that role and users or building admin will be removed.
To add a user to Building role or an admin user, user selects + Add user and will see a field to enter the user.
Short Cuts
If user clicks on or hovers over the three dots (…), then the user sees the short cut options. (See image: Short Cuts)
If user clicks on Unassign all users from this region’s alerts, then all users within the selected region will be removed.
Save Copy assignments to another region for future development.
Assign Admins Alerts and Approvals-Team Member Tab
User selects Custom and Team Members Tab.
To search for a team member, the user clicks on Search and begins typing the team member’s name.
To select a specific region and get a list of all the team members in that region, the user selects drop down arrow for the regions filter and selects the region desired.
To select a specific building and get a list of the team members at the building, the user clicks on the down arrow next to building filter and makes selection.
To select a specific role and get a list of the team members with that role, the user clicks on the down arrow next to the Role filter and makes a selection.
To edit who will see alerts and can approve reports, user hovers or clicks on specific team member’s number of alerts.
To remove a regional alert for a team member, the user clicks the X next to the Region Name.
To remove a building alert for a team member, the user clicks on the X next to the Building name.
To add an new alert for a building for a team member, the user clicks on +Add alert.
Short Cuts:
To unassign a team member from receiving alerts, user clicks on Unassign user from all alerts.
To copy all assignments from the selected team member and apply them to another team member, user clicks on Copy assignments to another user.
Business Rules:
If user leaves the Assign Admins to the default setting, then they can view the settings but not edit them.
If user selects Custom for Assign Admins, then add and remove user options will show.
If team member tab is selected, then the list of team members will show in alphabetical order.
The search feature will contain all of the team members the district has.
If user clicks on Search, then they text enter a team member’s name it will auto-fill as the user types their entry.
If the account contains regions and the user sorts by region, then the list of team members will be sorted showing the team members listed in alphabetical order for the selected region.
If the user sorts by building, then the list of team members is sorted showing the team members listed in alphabetical order for the selected building.
If the user sorts by role, then the list of team members is sorted showing the team members listed in alphabetical order for the selected roles.
Will Receive Alerts/Can Approve Reports Hover Information Box
The number next to alerts for a team member shows the number of places the team member receives alerts. (See image: Team Member Tab--4 alerts: one is a regional alert and three are from the 3 different buildings)
If account contains regions and the team member receives a region alert, then Region Alerts(s) title will show when user hovers or clicks on specific team member’s Will receive alerts and Can approve reports columns. (See image: Team Member’s Alerts)
If account does not contain regions, then the Region Alerts title will not show.
The Building Alerts will include the Building for which the team member receives alerts.
The same Hover information box is shown for Will receive alerts column and Can approve reports column.
If user selects X next to a Region or Building Name (See image: Team Member’s Alerts) , then that alert will be removed for the selected team member.
To add a a building or Region Alert for a selected team member, user selects + Add user and will see a field to enter the Alert.
Short Cuts
If user clicks on or hovers over the three dots (…), then the user sees the short cut options. (See image: Short Cuts)
If user clicks on Unassign user from all alerts, then all user’s alerts will be removed.
Save Copy assignments to another region for future development.