Teacher Notification | Self Monitoring | Behavior Suite

We need a way to notify the teacher or creator of self-monitoring tool(s) when the student has attained mastery of a goal(s) so that the teacher will know to assess the progress and possibly master a goal or the self-monitoring tool.


User Stories:

  • As a teacher who has several students with self-monitoring tools, I need to be alerted when a student has reached mastery so that I may master the goal or self-monitoring tool.

  • As a teacher who has used self-monitoring in conjunction with a behavior contract, I need a way to keep up to date on the student’s progress toward their goals so that I can communicate progress to the family.

  • As a teacher with a student who loves self-monitoring, I need a notification so that I will know when it is time to retire a self-monitoring tool and create a new one to help the student meet their next goals.


Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given the user has access to the MTSS product with all tools or Self-monitoring tool selected and has permission to add/edit behaviors, they will see the self-monitoring list in the classroom area

  • Given the user has access to the MTSS product (all tools or Self-monitoring enabled) and has permission to receive alerts, they will receive alerts for when self monitoring mastery criteria has been reached.

  • Given a user has been sent a message in the discussion panel, they will see a notification with a view link to the page where the discussion originated.


Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=25160%3A214187 https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=26060%3A221961


Section 1: Notifications


  • User sees self-monitoring notification in their inbox.

  • To view the notification, user selects View.


  • Selecting View opens the self-monitoring tool.

  • User sees Tip for editing self-monitoring tool.



  • To master the goal, user clicks on master the goal from drop down in green box.

  • To keep goal unmastered, user clicks on Keep working from drop down in green box.

  • To view Data, user clicks on View Data button.



  • To return to the View tool screen, user clicks on View tool from left top navigation or View Tool link.

Edit Self-Monitoring Tool


  • To edit or update an active self-monitoring tool, the user selects Deactivate button at top of screen.

  • User is taken to the draft state for that self-monitoring tool.



Business Rules:

  • Users who created the self-monitoring tool will receive notification when mastery criteria has been reached. (See image: Notification)

  • If mastery criteria is reached for a goal(s) set in the Create Self-Monitoring, then a notification will be sent to the creator of the self-monitoring tool.

  • If View is selected, user is taken to View/Edit area.

    • If mastery criteria has been met for a goal(s), then the green box will show to prompt user to master or keep going with the self-monitoring tool.

    • If there is only one goal in the self-monitoring tool, then the tool is mastered and removed from the student center for self-monitoring.

    • If user selects master the goal for all goals that have triggered mastery criteria, then the question: Has the student mastered the tool will show.

      • Selecting Yes will master the self-monitoring tool.

    • If the user selects Keep working, then the goal remains in the student center and the student continues self-monitoring.

      • If keep working is selected, a notification is sent again if/when the mastery criteria is met subsequent times. Example: 80% over 5 consecutive days-notification is sent after student attains 80% for 5 more consecutive days.

  • If view data button is selected, user is taken to students view data for this goal.

  • If user selects Deactivate button, the draft state for the self-monitoring tool is shown.

  • If user selects Deactivate button, then the tool is no longer in the student center.

  • Users may edit the tool in the draft state and then activate it later with updates.


Discussion Notifications


  • User receives notification for a discussion.


  • To view the discussion message in the self-monitoring tool where it originated, the user clicks View.



  • User clicks on View from inbox message for a self-monitoring tool in an active status.



Business Rules:

  • Inbox messages to view a self-monitoring tool will take the user to the tool where the message originated.

  • Inbox message reads one of the following based on the status of the self-monitoring tool:

    • Team member sent you a message for a self-monitoring tool in a (draft status, active status, mastered status, archived status)