Classroom Alert Report | Behavior Tracking | MTSS Suite
We need a Classroom Alert Report that can be accessed by both the Admin and the Classroom Teacher so current alerts can be viewed and acted upon.
Classroom Report-Teacher Flow
User Story
As an educator who has at least one classroom, I need a way to view current alerts for students within my classroom so that I can see an overview of alerts needing my attention.
To view classroom alerts, user clicks reports from classroom dashboard.
Then, User clicks on Behavior from side panel.
To select a specific alert type, user clicks on All Alerts drop down and makes a selection.
To select a specific student, user clicks on All Students drop down and makes a selection.
To select a specific date range, user clicks on date range and makes a selection.
To change the sort of students, user selects Student Name sort.
To change the sort of Data of Alerts, user clicks on Date of Alerts sort.
Review Alerts
To review an alert on the student dashboard, the user clicks on Review.
Clicking review takes user to Student Report on the tab for the same alert type.
To load more alerts, user clicks on Load More Button.
Acceptance Criteria
Users with access to MTSS Interventions and permission to Behavior support → Receive Alerts will see alerts for the specific products they have purchased.
The Default view is All Students, All Alerts and Current alerts which are those occurring in the most recent 30 days.
If an alert occurred prior to 30 days, then it will not show on the current alerts list.
Status of Documents for each Alert type:
Given a document is in the following status, then we will use it to trigger the alert criteria:
Intervention plan-In Progress
Behavior tracking - Active
Point system based of recoded rewards points
Behavior Plan - Active
Behavior Contract - Active only
Incident - Approved
All Alerts Drop Down
The default setting is All Alerts
The All Alerts drop down is a single select and contains;
Behavior Plans
Intervention Plans
Behavior Tracking
Given a user selects a specific alert from the drop down, we will show only the students who have that specific alert.
All Students Drop Down
Given the list of students contains 30 or less, we will show the alphabetical list of students.
Given the list of students is greater than 30, then we will show a search box to select an individual student.
Given a student is selected from the drop down, then we will sort the alerts for that student only.
Given a student is selected from the drop down and that student does not have any current alerts, we will show the empty state with the message: This student does not have any current alerts.
Date Range
We will show the past 30 days as the default.
If user clicks on date range, we will filter the alerts to the date range selected. (See image: Date range)
Date of Alert sort has a default state of showing the most recent to the least recent alerts.
Given the Date of Alert sort is selected, then we show the alerts for the least recent to the most recent.
Given the student sort is selected, then we change the sort from alphabetical order to reverse alphabetical order.
Review Alert
Given Review is selected, then the user is taken to the Student Dashboard.
Given Review is selected and user goes to the Student Dashboard, the Student Dashboard will show with the selected Alert type already sorted. (Example: If user selects Review for an Incident Alert, then the student dashboard will have that Incident Alerts already sorted when the user arrives.) See image: Review Destination.
Load More Button
By default, we will show up to 12 Alerts.
Given there are more alerts, then we will show the Load More Button.
Given user selects Load More, then we will show up to the next 8 Alerts.
Given there are no more alerts, then we will no longer show the Load More button.
Classroom Alert Report-Admin Flow
User Story
As an admin user who needs to see a more specific view of a classroom within a selected building, I need a way to navigate to a classroom alerts view so that I understand better the needs of the students within that classroom.
From the Alert Report, user selects specific building and then specific classroom to view the Classroom Alerts.
User clicks on Classroom Name to get to the classroom report.
Given a classroom is selected and there are no alerts, we will show the empty state.
Acceptance Criteria
Please see Admin Alerts for more information about Admin Alerts.
The Classroom Alerts page is the same view for both Admin and Teacher with the same functionality.
Given the classroom selected does not have any alerts, we will show an empty state with the message: There are no alerts for this classroom. (See image: Empty State)