Mutual Content Fields | iReady | MTSS Dashboard

We need to include information on the overall graphs for reading and math to be used from the district, classroom and student views.


iReady information links:

iReady Norms Table :

iReady Norms Table 9-10 only includes Fall Data:

  • At this time, we are not including grades 9-12.

Design Link:



Field Name: completion_date

Field Description: The date the student completed the Diagnostic

Notes: A completion data is included for each time a student took a test during the testing window for Fall, Winter, Spring. Some students in our data set took a test up to 10 times.


Maintenance needs: iReady evaluates the norming window every year so we will need to update our fields to show the changes in norming window and also scaled score. Our most recent information is from 2020-2021

  • Fall - Beginning of school year to 11-15

  • Winter-11-16 to 3-1

  • Spring- 3-2 to End of school year.

  • Solution needed for where to document changes yearly.


  • Completion date is shown in Reading and Math Student View.

  • Completion date is used to sort testing data into a testing window for Fall, Winter, Spring.

(Reading Student View)


(Math Student View)


Acceptance Criteria

  • iReady does not have ScreeningWindowStartDate and ScreeningWindowEndDate

  • iReady uses completion_date values to place testing data into the norming windows for Fall, Winter, Spring.

  • The values for completion_date are shown under the column header Date. (See images: Reading Student View and Math Student View).

  • Given a student took a test (Fall, Winter, Spring) multiple times, we will list the completion date of each test taken with the most recent listed first.

    • Graph will show only the most recent test data.


Define School Year / iReady Norming Window

Fall Test

  • We will use the start date for the fall test beginning with the date set by the Admin User in Define School Year.

  • We will use the end date for the Fall test provided by iReady. (updated yearly)

Winter Test

  • We will use the start date and end date for the Winter test provided by iReady. (updated yearly)

Spring Test

  • We will use the start date for the Spring test provided by iReady. (updated yearly)

  • We will use the end date of school year set by the Admin user in Define School as the end date for the Spring test.

Define School Year (Second Column in chart)

  • The users settings in Define School Year serve as the heading for the second column(Quarter) in the chart below the graph.

  • Given an assessment is taken within a designated Define school year time period, then the second column values will indicated that time period.


Field Name: overall_scale_score

Field Description: Student’s overall scale score achieved on the test. This is an overall score that combines all of the domain areas (subsets) into one overall score. Overall scaled score is provided each time the student takes a test.



  • Overall scale score is shown in Reading and Math Student Views



Acceptance Criteria

  • There is an overall_scale_score for Reading.

    • Provide link for data sheet.

  • There is an overall_scale_score for Math.

    • Provide link for data sheet.

  • Given there is an overall_scale_score that corresponds with a specified completion_date within a date range (Fall, Winter, Spring), then we will show the overall_scale_score for that particular test.

  • Given there are multiple testing sessions within a date range (Fall, Winter, Spring), then we will show the most recent testing data first.


Field Name: percentile

Field Description: Student’s position relative to a group of nationally representative students who are in the same grade level and who completed tests withing the same norming window (Needed for both Math and Reading)



  • Percentile shown in Reading and Math Student View.



Acceptance Criteria

  • Easy “Pluck and Drop”. In Ren data we called this: Percentile Rank for the Reading and Math Student View.

  • The graph shows the percentile rank for the most recent test.

  • Used to make the Tier Recommendation determined in Settings.


Field Name: duration_min

Field Description: tells the amount of time a student spent taking a test in minutes.


  • Only used in Student View for Reading and Math.



Acceptance Criteria

  • Shown only in Student View for Reading and Math.

  • Shown as an integer greater than 0. I don’t know a range.




Field Name: most_recent_diagnostic_y_n

Field Description: Indicates whether data represents the most recently completed Diagnostic.


  • This is used in all areas within all graphs to show the most current testing information.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Will need to consider several fields to determine a single data point to include in admin reports, building, classroom reports and graphs:

    • most_recent_diagnostic_y_n

    • completion_date


Save remaining Fields for Future Development-NOT MVP


Field Name: mid_on_grade_level_scale_score

Field Description: Scaled score associated with Mid On Grade Level for the student based on their chronological grade level.

Note: Available for both Reading and math.


  • Consider a point on a graph in the Student View that marks where the student should be at the middle of the year. It could be shown on the Winter assessment data along with the student’s overall_scale_score for the content area (Math and Reading). Shows how close the student’s score is to what is expected.

Acceptance Criteria


  • Questions:

    • Would this field work well on a graph for the Winter test for all grade levels K through 8?

      • Result of answer (small number of students in a grade higher showing a lower mid_on_grade_level_scale_score): Given a student’s mid_on_grade_level_scale_score differs from those of their peers at their grade level, then we will use the student’s specific mid_on_grade_level_scale_score as the source of truth.

    • Is it a different scale score number than the minimum / maximum value for for the range of scores for mid/late grade level? (not sure we have an answer for this question)



Field Name: annual_typical_growth_measure

Field Description: The average scaled score point gain for students at the same grade level with the same baseline Diagnostic placement. This is blank for grades 9-12. (Needed for both Reading and Math)

Note: This may have to wait until after MVP. It is valuable because, no matter where the student is starting (3+ years behind, 2 years behind, 1 year behind, beginning grade level, mid/late grade level) it shows what a successful year’s worth of instruction would look like. It helps to determine if intervention plans are working with regular re-evaluation points (Fall-Baseline, Winter, Spring)


  • Consider a trajectory line on the graph for reading and math that indicates what a year’s worth of growth would look like.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Questions:

    • Is this already determined from iReady? Do they have all the information needed to determine the scale score that indicates a year’s worth of growth based on the starting place-the baseline_diagnostic_y_n field and it’s corresponding scale score?

    • Response to question: We wait until after MVP. We may be able to show growth within the Student View with graphs representing the 3 testing seasons.



Field Name: baseline_diagnostic_y_n

Field Description: Indicates whether the data represents the student’s starting placement for the academic year.

Notes: This is also the Fall test for most students. Students can take a test multiple times, however only one testing session will serve as the baseline test. It is also possible that the student did not take a Fall test. In which case, a winter or spring test could contain this field baseline_diagnostic_y_n to indicate the test that serves as the baseline.

Value : This field is the starting point to used to determine growth. iReady has several fields to show different types of growth. The most basic growth measure is the field annual_typical_growth_measure .


Acceptance Criteria

  • Grades k-8 uses this field to determine the starting point for: annual_typical_growth_measure

  • Consider: If a student takes Fall test more than once, then the data set for the baseline could change.

    • Given there are multiple data sets for the Fall Assessment, then we will use baseline_diagnostic_y_n to determine which completion_date will be used from the fall data set for calculating annual_typical_growth_measure

  • Consider: If student does not take a Fall test within the Fall norming window, will their Winter test serve as the benchmark?

    • Given a student did not take a Fall Assessment or if no baseline_diagnostic_y_n exists for a Fall Assessment, then we will use baseline_diagnostic_y_n to determine which completion_date (if there are multiple tests administered) during the Winter norming window to use as the baseline to calculate the annual_typical_growth_measure.

  • Questions:

    • Is baseline_dignostic_y_n always the most_recent_dignostic_y_n for a testing window? I suspect most values will be for the Fall assessment but if a child enrolls after the fall testing window and then takes their first assessment in the Winter along with other attempts during the Winter testing window, will their baseline score be the most_recent_diagnostic_y_n? How is baseline selected?


Field Name: overall_placement

Field Description: Shows the student’s overall grade-level placement based on the scale score. This is absolute placement, or the actual grade level associated with the scale score and indicates Early, Mid, Late placement for student performing on grade level.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Could be used in student view to express the same information as Grade Equivalent.