Integrations Fields | iReady

We need to identify iReady fields necessary for integrations so that we are assured that we have the correct student and testing data match.

Riverhead School District uses: iReady, NYSESLAT, NYSAA Assessments, Attendance and Behavior

  • Riverhead attendance has codes to describe the type of absences or tardy including

    • District Code

    • Daily Attendance code description

    • Daily Attendance code

    • State Daily Att Code

    • State Daily Att Description

  • Riverhead Student Daily Attendance includes

    • District Code

    • School (shows a number-our sample data has 2)

    • StudentID

    • Attendance Date

    • Daily Attendance Status which might be the Daily Att Code listed above, Example: ILLA is Excused.

  • Riverhead also has Schools

    • SchoolID

    • SchoolCode

    • SchoolName

    • BEDSNum

    • NCESNum

    • Type

    • Location of school: StreetNumber, Address, City, State, Zip, phone Number and ContactName

  • Is Riverhead using our Incidents Reporting or are they using their own?

    • Riverhead data fields for incidents includes:

      • Incident Number

      • ID

      • First Name

      • Last Name

      • Role

      • Type

      • Gender

      • Grade

      • Age

      • Race

      • Hispanic

      • Special Ed

      • 504

      • LEP

      • Counselor

      • School Name

      • Home School

      • Incident School

      • Incident Type

      • Date

      • Time

      • Location Details

      • Period

      • Referred By

      • Incident Desc


High Point School District uses: iReady and Attendance Data

  • High Point Daily Attendance Report shows the categories: Present, Absent, Membership and Off Roll.

    • We need to consider how attendance is calculated for MTSS Dashboard and how High Point attendance data will fit in. Present means the student was here. (Do they mark each student or is present by default?), Absent means student was not in school but is included as part of the membership. Membership seems to be the same as enrolled. Off Roll is like unenrolled and would seem like the No Data category.




Fields for integrations

Field name: last_name

High Point: student_lastName

Field description:

Acceptance Criteria

  • Used for mapping student to test and student to our system

  • Used to attach a student to a test


Field name: first_name

High Point: student_firstName

Field description:

Acceptance Criteria

  • Used for mapping student to test and student to our system

  • Used to attach a student to a test


Field name: student_id

High Point: student_studentNumber

Field description:

Acceptance Criteria

  • Part of mapping student to test and student to our system


Field name: student_grade

High Point: student_grade

Field description: High point has values K-8 and a value of PK4

Acceptance Criteria

  • Part of mapping a student to a test and a grade level

  • Used for for sorting grade levels, sorting years.


Field name: academic_year

Field description:

Acceptance Criteria

  • Used to determine drop downs for seeing previous year’s data.


Field name: school

Field description:

Acceptance Criteria

  • Mapping to particular building, used in conjunction with

    • district_state_id

    • school_state_id


Field name: district_state_id

Field description:

Acceptance Criteria

  • Mapping, Unique to a school district for the state in which it is located.


Field name: school_state_id

Field description:

Acceptance Criteria

  • Mapping, Unique to the school for the state in which it is located.


Field name: student_state_id

High Point: student_stateID

Field description:

Acceptance Criteria

  • Mapping and part of best practice to include this field. Unique to the student for the state in which they attend school.


Field name: enrolled

Field description: Tells if the student was enrolled in the school for the testing session given.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Used to determine if a student is enrolled.

  • Do we want to use this field any further? To determine if a student is enrolled during a particular testing window:

    • Given the value for field is: Unenrolled, then we will …

    • Given the value for the field is: Enrolled, then we will…


Additional field specific to High Point

Field Name: attApproxDailyTermCount_termID

Field description: Not sure what this one does or if we need it



Field Name: attApproxDailyTermCount_termName

Field description: Values include Q1, Q2. Could be used in Define School year and also placement of information within the first half of the school year.

Questions: Does High Point divide their school year into two terms and call those terms Q1 and Q2? Does High Point give an overall sheet after the fact?


Acceptance Criteria

  • Used to place the number of absences and tardies in the correct place.

  • Might be an overall field that does not ingest nightly.


Field Name: attApproxDailyTermCount_termSeq

Field description: Values include 1, 2. Matches up to field attApproxDailyTermCount_termName with Q1 being 1 and Q2 being 2.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Used to place the number of absences and tardies in the correct place.

  • Might be an overall field that does not ingest nightly.


Field Name: attApproxDailyTermCount_absentDays

Field description: Minimum value is 0. Values include whole numbers and half numbers. Example: 8.5. Used to indicate the number of days a student was absent. Used in conjunction with student_stateID , student_studentNumber , student_lastName , student_firstName , student_grade , attApproxDailyTermCount_termName

Each student is listed twice: once for Q1 and once for Q2 and each of those lines contains the absence days for that specific Quarter in the term.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Used to determine the number of absences.

  • Might be an overall field that does not ingest nightly.


Field Name: attApproxDailyTermCount_absentMinutes

Field description: Integer. This field translates days absent into total minutes a student has missed school.

Note: Not sure if different states require a student to be present a certain number of minutes. Not sure we are going to go this granular.




Field Name: attApproxDailyTermCount_tardies

Field description: Integer. This field tells the number of days the student was tardy for the specific Q1 and Q2 terms.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Used to determine the number of tardies.

  • Might be an overall field that does not ingest nightly.


Second Attached Attendance Sheet from High Point

Field Name: attApproxDailyDetail_absentDays

Questions: Does this field ingest nightly to report daily absences? Value: 1. What does 1 mean?

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Suggest Required.


Field Name: attApproxDailyDetail_tardies

Questions: Does this field ingest nightly to report daily tardies? Value: 0. What does 0 mean?

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Suggest Required


Field Name: attApproxDailyDetail_unexcused

Field Description: entries have a value of 7.

Questions: Does this field ingest nightly to report daily unexcused absences?



Field Name: attApproxDailyDetail_date

Field Description: entries contain a date written as: M/DD/YYYY

Questions: Does this field ingest nightly to report daily absences? How do we know if the date shown is for an absences or a tardy?

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Suggest Required.

  • The date could be part of the Student View for Attendance.