Reports and Alerts | New Behavior Tracking Methods


Classroom Alerts

User Story

  • As an administrator or classroom teacher who is monitoring Behavior Tracking for multiple students, I need a way to view the classroom alerts and behavior tracking at a glance so that I can determine if changes need to be made to the student’s behavior or academic goals.



  • User navigates to Classroom > Reports > Behavior

  • User navigates to Classroom > Reports > Behavior > Alerts



  • User navigates to Classroom > Reports > Behavior > Behavior Tracking

  • The user clicks on a specific behavior tracking in the list to reveal the goal and objectives for the behavior tracking


  • User navigates to Classroom > Reports > Behavior Tracking (from dropdown selection)



Acceptance Criteria

  • We will add Checklist, Rating Scale, and Frequency/Duration to the Alerts for Behavior Tracking

  • We will add Checklist, Rating Scale, and Frequency/Duration to the Behavior Tracking section for Behavior Tracking

  • Users with access to MTSS Interventions and permission to Behavior support → Receive Alerts will see alerts for the specific products they have purchased.

  • The Default view is All Students, All Alerts and Current alerts which are those occurring in the most recent 30 days.

  • If an alert occurred prior to 30 days, then it will not show on the current alerts list.

Status of Documents for each Alert type:

  • Given a document is in the following status, then we will use it to trigger the alert criteria:

    • Intervention plan-In Progress

    • Behavior tracking - Active - Now includes Checklist, Rating Scale, and Frequency/Duration behavior tracking methods

    • Point system based of recoded rewards points

    • Behavior Plan - Active

    • Behavior Contract - Active only

    • Incident - Approved


  • User navigates to Classroom > Reports > Behavior > Behavior Tracking

    • The user sees the list of student with behavior tracking

    • The user clicks on the Student name to be taken to the Student Dashboard > Behavior support > Behavior Tracking screen

    • The user clicks on the specific behavior tracking to open a modal that shows the goal and objectives for the selected behavior tracking.



  • User navigates to Classroom > Reports > Behavior Tracking (from dropdown selection)

    • User views a list of students in the classroom with behavior tracking

    • The table shows the student name, behavior, data method, status, created by, date recorded, and actions

    • The new behavior tracking methods (Checklist, Rating Scale, Frequency and Duration) will be added to the list when a user creates/records data for one of the selected methods.


Student Alerts

User Story

As a teacher user who reviews and updates alert information for each of my students, I need a way to quickly see all of the alerts a specific student received so that I can take the necessary actions to support the student.



  • Student Dashboard > Behavior Support > Alerts

  • All Alerts is selected by default

  • The new behavior tracking methods (Checklist, Rating Scale, Frequency and Duration) will be included in the All Alerts and Behavior Tracking alerts sections



  • The user clicks Behavior Tracking to view behavior tracking alerts



Acceptance Criteria

  • Users with access to MTSS Interventions and permission to Behavior support → Receive Alerts will see alerts for the specific products they have purchased.

  • Classroom Dashboard > Behavior > Classroom Alerts > Student Alerts

  • The Default view is All Students, All Real Time Alerts.

  • If an alert occurred prior to 30 days, then it will not show on the current alerts list.

  • The number in the tab bar (All Alerts, Interventions, Behavior Plan, Behavior Tracking, Behavior Contacts, Incidents, Points System) will reflect the number of alerts total for the student in each section.

  • We will add the behavior tracking methods (Checklist, Rating Scale, Frequency and Duration) to the behavior tracking alerts.


Status of Documents for each Alert type:

  • Given a document is in the following status, then we will use it to trigger the alert criteria:

    • Intervention plan-In Progress

    • Behavior tracking - Active - Now includes Checklist, Rating Scale, and Frequency/Duration behavior tracking methods

    • Point system based of recoded rewards points

    • Behavior Plan - Active

    • Behavior Contract - Active only

    • Incident - Approved


  • Date of Alert sort has a default state of showing the most recent to the least recent alerts.

  • Given the user clicks View Behavior Tracking for the specific Behavior Tracking on the Behavior Tracking Alert card, then they will be brought to the that specific View/Edit screen for the Behavior Tracking in the Behavior Tracking tool.

  • The alert will remain in the alert list view.

  • The user will be able to view the Behavior Tracking for the Behavior Tracking Alerts by clicking on the blue View Behavior Tracking link in each of the filter date ranges that they select.

  • The alert setting criteria from account setting is listed next to the date and time the Behavior Tracking alert was triggered, “2 weeks of no progress.”

  • Only active behaviors trigger alerts.

    • If student has an inactive behavior, it will not trigger an alert.

    • If a mastered behavior in an inactive state has been unmastered and restored to an active state, it can trigger an alert. (See View/Edit Behavior Tracking)

    • If an archived behavior in an inactive state has ben unarchived and restored to an active state, it can trigger an alert. (See View/Edit Behavior Tracking)



Inbox Alerts

User Story

As an admin or educator viewing the inbox, I want to see the behavior tracking alerts that include Checklist, Rating Scale, and Frequency/Duration data collection types so that I have a clear picture of the student’s needs.



  • User clicks on Inbox > All > Alerts

  • The new behavior tracking methods (Checklist, Rating Scale, Frequency and Duration) will trigger alerts in the inbox in addition to the other behavior tracking methods.



Acceptance Criteria

  • The user clicks the Alerts tab in the inbox.

  • The Alerts tab will be underlined and blue to indicate current tab

  • Alerts messages will be shown in both the Alerts inbox tab and the All inbox tab.

  • The type of each alert will be on the top heading line of each alert message:

    • Behavior Tracking Alert → Now includes Checklist, Rating Scale, Frequency and Duration behavior tracking methods

  • Alerts for Checklist, Rating Scale, Frequency and Duration behavior tracking methods will follow the same acceptance criteria established in Alerts tab | Inbox.


Admin Reports

User Story

As an admin viewing the Student Data and Student Progress Reports, I need to have the behavior tracking methods (Checklist, Rating Scale, and Frequency/Duration) reflected in the data calculation so that I have a clear picture of the student’s needs.


  • User navigates to Admin Dashboard > Student Data


  • User navigates to Admin Dashboard > Student Progress


Acceptance Criteria

Student Data

  • Checklist, Rating Scale, Frequency and Duration behavior tracking methods will be added for the counts

  • Displays the # of unique students with data at all child accounts the user has access to within the date range

  • This graph will show if the district or any of it's child accounts have purchased Skills (Abilities, Inclusion, Academic, Transition) or Behavior.

  • Behavior

    • This shows the number of unique students at the child accounts the user has access to who have at least 1 behavior data point within our date range

    • This includes students who also have skills data

    • If the district or any of the district's child accounts have purchased Behavior, this item will show on the graph.

  • Skills & Behavior

    • This shows the number of unique students at the building who have at least 1 skills data point AND 1 behavior data point within the date range

    • If at least one of the selected buildings have purchased both Skills AND Behavior, this item will show on the graph

  • Any

    • Shows the number of unique students at the building who have either at least 1 skills data point OR 1 behavior data point within the date range

    • If at least one of the selected buildings have purchased both Skills AND Behavior, this item will show on the graph

  • Any student active at any point within our selected date range will be counted

  • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still be counted on the report.

  • The student will be counted under any building they belonged to within our date range.


Student Progress

  • Checklist, Rating Scale, Frequency and Duration behavior tracking methods will be added for the count to Objectives mastered, goals mastered, and team member

  • Displays the # of unique students with progress at all of the district's child accounts the user has access to within the date range.

  • This graph will show if the district or any of the district's child accounts the user has access to have purchased Skills (Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Academic) or Behavior..

  • Behavior

    • This shows the number of unique students at the child accounts the user has access to who have mastered at least 1 behavior objective or goal within our date range

    • This includes students who also have skills mastery

    • If the district or any of the district's child accounts the user has access to have purchased Behavior, this item will show on the graph

  • Skills & Behavior

    • This shows the number of unique students assigned to the selected team members in all accounts the user has access to who have mastered at least 1 skills target, objective, or goal AND 1 behavior objective or goal within the date range.

    • If at least one of the selected team members has been assigned to both Skills AND Behavior, this item will show on the graph.

  • Any

    • Shows the number of unique students assigned to the selected team member in all accounts the user has access to who have mastered either at least 1 skills target, objective, or goal OR at least 1 behavior objective or goal within the date range.

    • If at least one of the selected team members has been assigned to both Skills AND Behavior, this item will show on the graph.

  • Any student active at any point within our selected date range will be counted

  • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still be counted on the report.

  • Students will be counted under each team member they were assigned to within the date range.