District View | iReady | MTSS DashBoard

Need to reduce to one page showing only what is unique to iReady.

We need to create the District View that replaces Renaissance Assessment results (Reading and Math) with iReady Assessment results. The framework and functionality is the same as what was built for Renaissance for entire District view which includes Regions, Buildings, Grade, Classroom, ELA and Math. The difference is the secondary source used to populate assessment data for Reading and Math.

Design Link: https://www.figma.com/file/LcnuW2hayj5Z5e4e9ayaXg/MTSS-Dashboard?type=design&node-id=4920-24512&mode=design&t=l87szgPiPQWE9V7S-0

See District View | MTSS Dashboard for information about previous build


User story

As a district level admin overseeing multiple buildings I need to see the complete picture for iReady data which includes views of Regions, Buildings, Grade, Classroom, ELA, Math. In addition I need to see the same features (Tier Notices, At Risk/Approaching indicators, Intervention Buttons) as is present in the previous build so that regardless of the secondary source, the same functionality and features remain the same.


  • User sees Buildings.

  • To view more information about the graph, user hovers over the image.

  • Moving away from the hover, removes it.

(Hover Contents)

Selecting Tabs

  • User clicks on ELA Tab to see ELA data for iReady for quarters that have past.


Acceptance Criteria

iReady Data fields needed:

  • Use completion_date and most_recent_diagnostic_y_n to fill the graphs

  • Given student takes additional tests within the testing window, then the graphs and the charts below will be updated to include the most recent diagnostic scores.

Chart Below:

  • The order of the chart below is according to need with the most needed building at the top and follows the order of most need to least need.

    • Need is determined by adding the percentage total for all columns (ELA Tier 3, ELA Tier 2, Math Tier 3, Math Tier 2, Behavior Tier 3, Behavior Tier 2, SEL Tier 3, SEL Tier 2, Absences Tier 3, Absences Tier 2, Tardy Tier 3, Tardy Tier 2) and the highest total is the first in the chart.

    • Given there is a tie for the order of buildings, then alphabetical order will break the tie.

Hover information

  • Hover information for each of the Tiers includes:

    • The number of students with plans

    • The number of students without plans

    • The number of students who have not taken the test.

      • This is determined by a value for the student the field: enrolled (See Integration Fields where that field will read: enrolled. ) and the exclusion of the fields: completion_date and most_recent_diagnostic_y_n (See: Mutual Content Fields).

  • It is possible for a student who scored in the Tier 1 range to have an intervention plan (See image: Hover Contents. Look under Tier 1).

    • Given there are no students with plans for a specific Tier, then we will still include the language but show the number as 0. (See image: Hover Contents. Look under Tier 3)

  • It is possible for a student to have scored within a specific tier level BUT have an Intervention Plan for another tier level.

    • Counts for students with plans for each of the Tier level are included IF the student scored within that tier level on the assessment AND have an Intervention plan. The Tier level of the plan does not need to match the Tier Level scored on the assessment.

Selecting Tabs-iReady Data fields for Reading and Math Graphs

  • No Data: Graphs include data from fields: enrolled (See Integration Fields where that field will read: enrolled. ) and the exclusion of the fields: completion_date (See: Mutual Content Fields) where the completion date falls within the set up for Define School Year.

  • Tiers 1, 2 and 3: Graphs include data from fields: enrolled (See Integration Fields where that field will read: enrolled. ) and field: completion_date (See: Mutual Content Fields) where the completion date falls within the set up for Define School Year and Settings.

  • Given multiple tests were taken during a specific range (Quarter 1, Quarter 2, etc) as determined from Define School year, then the most recent test score within that range will show in the graphs and charts and remain consistent.