Powerschool Demographic Information

Note about why we need it.

The following fields are in the Students_export.txt file and help provide information that DEV has noted in the template for the students creation to upload it through jrich.

Field name




This field is also in STAR Renaissance data.


This field is also in STAR Renaissance data.

STUDENTS Grade_Level

This field is also in STAR Renaissance data.

STUDENTS State_StudentNumber

Needed as an identifier, e.g., for linking different data sources.

STUDENTS Student_Number

Needed as an identifier, e.g., for linking different data sources.

S_NJ_STU_X specialed_classification

Important demographic information; STAR Renaissance data has demographic columns/fields, but at least in the SM.csv data, all students are marked with the same value (e.g., “U” for Gender, “No” for BlackAfricanAmerican) for all demographics, meaning that these columns provide no information at all on student demographics.


Important demographic information; STAR Renaissance data has demographic columns/fields, but at least in the SM.csv data, all students are marked with the same value (e.g., “U” for Gender, “No” for BlackAfricanAmerican) for all demographics, meaning that these columns provide no information at all on student demographics.

STUDENTS Ethnicity

Important demographic information; STAR Renaissance data has demographic columns/fields, but at least in the SM.csv data, all students are marked with the same value (e.g., “U” for Gender, “No” for BlackAfricanAmerican) for all demographics, meaning that these columns provide no information at all on student demographics.


Important background information; STAR Renaissance data has a BirthDate field, but it is marked as missing for all rows at least in the SM.csv data file.