Activity Plan


The "Activity Plan" tab will allow internal RethinkEd content creators the ability to create descriptions for the Activity Plan text.

User Story

As a RethinkEd content creator, I need to create a SEL Activity so that I can provide more content for the Lesson Library. 



Feature 193009: Activities Builder | SEL AuthoringUI Description

Activity Plan Tab:

  • Active tab indicating the user is editing the activity plan.

Text Input Field:

  • A single, prominent text input field with a WYSIWYG editor where the activity description is entered.

  • A specific button for formatting block quotes.

  • An icon to switch to HTML view for direct code editing.

  • Activity Plan information is not required.

HTML Editing for Tooltips:

  • A tag icon to reveal HTML code of the text input.

  • Ability to add HTML tags for tooltips within the text.

User Interaction and Validation Notes

Tooltip Editing:

  • Users click the tag icon to switch to HTML view.

  • Users can insert HTML tags for tooltips where necessary.

  • Validation is required to ensure that tooltip HTML code is properly formatted and functional.

Workflow Description

  1. Initiate Activity Plan Description:

    • Users select the "Activity Plan" tab and are presented with a text input field and WYSIWYG editor.

  2. Enter and Format Text:

    • The user types the activity plan description and uses the editor tools to apply desired styles.

  3. Edit HTML for Tooltips:

    • If tooltips are required, the user clicks the tag icon, switches to the HTML view, and adds the necessary HTML tags.

  4. Preview and Validation:

    • Users have the ability to preview their formatted text and tooltips.

    • The system performs validation checks on HTML code and block quotes to ensure they display correctly.

  5. Finalization and Exit:

    • After the user finishes formatting and previews the content to their satisfaction, they can save their work.