Bug Template

  • Bugs should be created within the Feature that the bug affects, not within its own separate “Bug Fixing” Feature.



  • Required Fields:

    • Repro Steps (Reproduction Steps)

      • Detailed steps on how to reproduce the bug. Should included written steps and/or screenshots.

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Detailed acceptance criteria on what the functionality is supposed to be.

    • Stakeholder Value

      • Brief description of what solving the bug will accomplish for the user.

    • Priority:

      • 1,2,3,4 (Urgent, High, Medium, Low)

      • Needs to be given so we can track if the bug is an urgent issue/sprint buster, or can be prioritized within the backlog.


  • Optional Fields

    • Links to Specs and Requirements

      • Any links or spec if they are available or will be useful. (Ex. Figma)

    • System Info

    • Affected Features and Areas