Student Dashboard Overview | Days Based Attendance

Description: As a teacher or admin who is using the Days Based Tracking method, I need to see the Tier Recommendation and Days Absent / Days Tardy on the Student Dashboard Overview page so that I will have an high-level understanding of the student’s attendance.


Acceptance Criteria:

Absent and Tardy Donut Graphs

  1. Description: The donut graph for attendance (Absences and Tardies) contains the information gathered using the Days Based criteria established in Settings


Chart Category: Absence (Tier Recommendations)

  1. Description: The line showing the Absence information with additional headings for Tier Recommendations and Plans

  2. Validation Criteria:

    • Tier Recommendations include the Tier Level using the Days Based criteria established in Settings.

    • Tier Recommendation include the number of days Absent in the parenthesis

      • Example: Tier 1 (6 absences)

Chart Category: Tardies (Tier Recommendations)

  1. Description: Line showing the Tardy information with additional headings for Tier Recommendations and Plans.

  2. Validation Criteria:

    • Tier Recommendations include the Tier Level using the Days Based criteria established in Settings.

    • Tier Recommendations include the number of days tardy in the parenthesis.

      • Example: Tier 1 (3 Tardies)


User Workflow

  1. User goes to the Student Dashboard Overview Page

    • Path: Students (top navigation) > Select Student > Student Overview Page

  2. User views Absence and Tardy information in the graphs and chart below



  1. Figma Link: Student Dashboard Overview


Key Open Questions

Calculating the At Risk Indicator:

  • At Risk indicator shows when student reaches the value immediately before the maximum value in the range for Tier 1

    • Example: Tier 1 range is 0 to 4 days. The At risk indicator shows for absence/ tardy day 3 and remains for absence / tardy day 4. An At Risk Tier 2 Indicator will show.

  • At Risk indicator shows when student reaches the value immediately before the maximum value in the range for Tier 2

    • Example: Tier 2 range is 4 to 9 days. At Risk indicator shows for absence / tardy day 8 and remains for absence / tardy day 9. An At Risk Tier 3 Indicator will show.

  • What fields do we use to pull data if a student is enrolled late to a school district? Should we count their first day of enrollment as the first day of school? What is a student transfers to a different school within the same district? Suggest that we follow Define School Year for that district and the student’s original enrollment date to the district

  • There is no Approaching indicator

  • Tier Notices function the same as already in production
