Classroom Dashboard Overview


The Overview Page is the default landing place for the Classroom Dashboard. It is underlined and highlighted in blue when selected. The Classroom Overview page gives a high level view of a single classroom of students across all content areas. The same class list remains when viewing additional tabs (ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance) within the Classroom Dashboard.

The Classroom Dashboard Overview includes icons and visual cues giving information about each student. To learn more about visual cues and icons (Tier Notices, At Risk / Approaching Indicators, and Intervention Plans) visit the Student Dashboard Overview Page: Features and UI Explanation.


Dashboard > Classroom Tab (top navigation) > Select Classroom > Classroom Page > Select Reports (side navigation) > MTSS (side navigation) > Classroom Overview

Slice 1 - 2024-05-22T150727.057-20240522-190727.png
(Classroom Overview Tab)

Contents of Classroom Dashboard Overview Page

Top of Page

Reports (dropdown item shown in image): Different items can be selected for the classroom including

  • Classroom Home, Reports, Assignments, Behavior Tools, Quizzes, Incidents, Rewards, Self-Monitoring, Behavior Contracts, Intervention Plans, Behavior Plans, Behavior Tracking

Print icon

  • Selecting Print will print the page shown


The Donut Graphs show the most current data for all content areas (ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance) for this classroom of students. Hovering over the graph reveals the source of data collection for that graph. Sources of data collection are the names of the testing companies (Renaissance, Curriculum Associates, etc).

  • All Graphs contain a hover for the Tiers

    • When hovering over a Tier section in a graph it reveals the percentage of students within the Tier

  • Behavior does not have a No Data category.

    • If a student is enrolled and has had 0 incidents reported, then the student is within Tier 1.

  • Attendance does not have a No Data category

    • If a student is enrolled and has 0 absences, then the student is within Tier 1

    • If a student is enrolled and has 0 tardies, then the student is within Tier 1

Key Insights: No Data:

  • No Data Category is for ELA, Math, SEL (SEL is only for students in grades 3-12)

  • No Data collects students who are enrolled and expected to take an ELA/Math/SEL test but have not yet taken taken the test.

    • It is expected that the No Data category would be large at the start of the school year when assessments have not yet been given.

    • As testing data is synched nightly, No Data category becomes smaller and the Tier Levels begin to fill.

  • No Data collects students who enrolled late and missed the administration window.

  • No Data collects students who have non-conforming data. (Example: A missing data field that prevents sorting into a Tier)

Example Calculations: Percentages for each level are determined by counting the number of students who meet the criteria for a Tier Level and dividing that number by the total number of students enrolled in that classroom.

Example: 20 students are enrolled in Ms. Smith’s classroom and the results of the ELA test are:

  • 5 score in Tier 1 range

  • 8 score in Tier 2 range

  • 2 score in the Tier 3 range

  • 5 have not yet taken the test

Expect the hovers in the donut graphs to show:

25% Tier 1

40% Tier 2

10% Tier 3

25% No Data

Example Calculations: Percentages for each level are determined by counting the number of students who meet the criteria for a Tier Level and dividing that number by the total number of students enrolled in that classroom.

Example: 20 students are enrolled in Ms. Smith’s classroom and the results of the ELA test are:

  • 5 score in Tier 1 range

  • 8 score in Tier 2 range

  • 2 score in the Tier 3 range

  • 5 have not yet taken the test

Expect the hovers in the donut graphs to show:

25% Tier 1

40% Tier 2

10% Tier 3

25% No Data

Chart Contents

Search Bar

Begin typing a student’s name (first or last) into the Search bar and results beginning retrieving after 3 characters. As more is typed, the list refines. The search results appear in the table below.

Student Profile information ( Academic Needs, Other Details)

Academic Needs and Other Details are included in the chart below each student’s name as abbreviations (if applicable).

  • Hovering over the blue abbreviation reveals the text the abbreviation stands for.

    • Example: Hovering over IEP reveals the text: Individual Education Plan

    • Given IEP is clicked on, then the User is taken to the Classroom Dashboard for the student

Known issue: If the student has more than 2 Academic Needs/Other details, it appears as three dots. It is also being considered to re-route the User to the Student Profile instead of the Student Dashboard when an Academic Need/ Other detail is clicked.

Known issue: If the student has more than 2 Academic Needs/Other details, it appears as three dots. It is also being considered to re-route the User to the Student Profile instead of the Student Dashboard when an Academic Need/ Other detail is clicked.

Filtering capabilities

Filtering options are available if the District has included it as part of Integrations. To see a list of filtering options visit: Classroom Dashboard Features and Functionality.

  • If filtering by Tier on the Classroom Overview Page, the results are a list of students who meet the Tier criteria for ALL content areas.


If student X is within Tier 2 for ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance then sorting by Tier 2 will list this student.

If student X is within Tier 2 for only ELA and Math, then sorting by Tier 2 WILL NOT list this student.

Intervention Plans

If a student has an intervention plan, then the intervention plan button will show the Tier Level and the Status of the Plan. Clicking on the intervention plan button takes the User to view it.

Color Cues

Colored sections (Red and Orange) indicate that a student’s score falls within Tier 3 (Red) or Tier 2 (Orange) and there is no Intervention Plan in place. The colors represent Tier Notices

At Risk / Approaching Indicators

If a students score /performance level meets the criteria for an At Risk Indicator (down arrow) or Approaching Indicator (up arrow), then the arrow symbols are shown in front of the Tier level under the heading for which they apply (ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance).

Bottom of Page

  • The bottom of the page contains a left to right scroll bar to reveal additional graphs and chart columns.

  • The bottom right of the page contains a page selector to reveal the next page(s) of students within the selected classroom.

    • Users can change the number of rows contained on the page by clicking on the drop down labeled Rows per page

      • Options include: 10 (default setting), 25, and 50.

Known issue: Drop down label says Row per page rather than Rows per page.

Known issue: Drop down label says Row per page rather than Rows per page.