Classroom Dashboard Attendance Tab


When selected, the Classroom Dashboard Attendance tab is underlined and highlighted in blue. The default view is the current year with a dropdown to select previous year’s data. Much of the same features and functionality as explained in the Classroom Dashboard Overview remain the same--- See sections: Content of Classroom Overview Page and Chart Content for the similarities.

Although there are two possibilities for calculating Attendance Tiers (Percentage Based or Days Based-See Admin Settings Attendance ), the view on the Classroom Dashboard Attendance Tab will contain the same graphs (Absence and Tardy) and headings in the chart. Chart headings include: Student, Absences Tier, Absence Rate, Total Absence, Tardy Tier, Tardy Rate, Total Tardy.

An exception to the default view of two graphs (Absence and Tardy) and the corresponding data contained in the chart below is if the school district elected to only include Absence Data. In this case, the Classroom Dashboard Attendance Tab would show only Absence information. See the Integrations Insights box on the District Dashboard Attendance Tab for more information about this specialized case.


Dashboard > Classroom Tab (top navigation) > Select Classroom > Classroom Page > Select Reports (side navigation) > MTSS (side navigation) > Classroom Overview > Attendance Tab


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Classroom Dashboard: Attendance Tab

Note: The image does not include the color changes for Tier Notices (Orange for T2, Read for T3) since the Tier Notice cannot be removed. See Student Dashboard Attendance Tab for more information.

Note: The image does not include the color changes for Tier Notices (Orange for T2, Read for T3) since the Tier Notice cannot be removed. See Student Dashboard Attendance Tab for more information.

Percentage Based and Days Based Calculations

Sorting data for Absence and Tardy Tier Notices, and Absence and Tardy At Risk Indicators is dependent upon the method chosen (Percentage Based or Days Based) and the Admin Settings criteria for Tier identification.

If Percentage Based is used, then the values in the Absences Rate/Tardy Rate column(s) is used to calculate Tier Notices and both At Risk / Approaching Indicators

If Days Based is used, then the values in the Total Absence / Total Tardy column(s) is used to calculate Tier Notices and only At Risk Indicators.

At this time, there are no visual cues on the Classroom Dashboard Attendance Tab to know which method was used.