Check-In Check-Out | Behavior Tools | MTSS & Behavior


We need to add Check-in, Check-out (CICO) to the RethinkEd platform as a Behavior Tool. Check-in, Check-out (CICO) is a school-based intervention strategy where students meet daily with a mentor to set and review behavioral goals, receive feedback, and discuss challenges. This proactive approach reinforces positive behavior and strengthens student-teacher relationships.


User Flows


Epic 161376: Check in Check out

UI Description

Check-In, Check-Out (CICO) Card

  • Title: Check-In, Check-Out (CICO)

  • Description:

  • View CICO button

    • Existing selection functionality will be implemented.

    • Modal Header: View Check-In, Check-Out

    • Modal Body Text: Which classroom would you like to view?

    • Admin User: Select Region (if applicable), Building, Classroom to navigate to CICO Classroom Report.

    • Educator User: Select Classroom to navigate to CICO Classroom report.

  • Create CICO button

    • Existing selection functionality will be implemented.

    • Modal Header: Create Check-In, Check-Out

    • Modal Body Text: For which student are you creating the tool?

    • Admin User: Select Region (if applicable) > Building > Classroom > Student to navigate to the Create Check-in, Check-Out tool for the selected student.

    • Educator User: Select Classroom > Student to navigate to the Create Check-in, Check-Out tool for the selected student.

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  • MTSS Interventions - MTSS Component: The 'Check-In, Check Out (CICO) behavior tool card will be added to Tier 2 and Tier 3 MTSS Behavior Tools. The card will display between the Self-Monitoring card and the Behavior Contract card.

  • MTSS Interventions - Behavior Package Component: The 'Check-In, Check Out (CICO) behavior tool card will be added to Tier 2 and Tier 3 MTSS Behavior Tools. The card will display between the Self-Monitoring card and the Behavior Contract card.

  • Behavior Support (Behavior Tracking, Incidents, Behavior Plan) Component: Check-In, Check-Out Tool will not display to users with the legacy Behavior Support Component.

  • Student Dashboard - Behavior Support Page: The ‘Check-In, Check Out (CICO)’ behavior tool card will be added to Tier 2 and Tier 3 Behavior Tools. The card will display between the Self-Monitoring card and the Behavior Contract card. In the left side tool navigation, ‘Check-In, Check Out (CICO)’ will display between the Self-Monitoring link and the Behavior Contract link.

  • View CICO Button:

    • If the district is a larger district with regions, the admin or multi-account user must first select a region using the 'Select Region' dropdown menu. 

    • Verify that the Select Region dropdown menu includes:

      • Search bar at the top of the dropdown menu to search for regions

      • List of all available Regions for the district 

    • Verify that if the account does not have Regions, the first available dropdown menu is 'Select Building'. 

    • Verify that after selecting a region, the 'Select Building' dropdown menu displays. 

    • Verify that the Select Building dropdown menu includes: 

      • Search bar at the top of the dropdown menu to search for buildings

      • List of all available Buildings for the district 

    • Verify that after selecting a building, the classroom dropdown menu displays. 

    • Verify that the classroom dropdown menu includes: 

      • Search bar at the top of the dropdown menu to search for classrooms

      • List of all available classrooms for the building selected. 

  • Create CICO Button:

    • Verify the same selection logic for the View CICO button is utilized for the Create CICO button.

    • Verify that after selecting a classroom, the select student dropdown menu displays.

      • Search bar at the top of the student dropdown menu to search for students

      • List of all available students in the selected classroom.

Workflow Description

Admin User:

  1. Program Tools > MTSS or Behavior card depending on the MTSS Intervention Topics selected and allocated to account for the MTSS Package or Behavior Package.

  2. User selects Behavior Tools card.

  3. User selects Tier 2 or Tier 3 Behavior Tools and the Check-In, Check-Out card displays between Self-Monitoring card and Behavior Contract card.

Educator User:

  1. Home Screen > MTSS or Behavior card depending on the MTSS Intervention Topics selected and allocated to account for the MTSS Package or Behavior Package.

  2. User selects Behavior Tools card.

  3. User selects Tier 2 or Tier 3 Behavior Tools and the Check-In, Check-Out card displays between Self-Monitoring card and Behavior Contract card.

Student Dashboard:

  1. User navigates to the Students tab and selects to ‘View’ a student.

  2. User selects ‘Behavior Support’ in dropdown menu next to student name.

  3. User selects Tier 2 or Tier 3 Behavior Tools and the Check-In, Check-Out card displays between Self-Monitoring card and Behavior Contract card.

  4. Check-In, Check-Out displays as link in left side navigation between Self-Monitoring card and Behavior Contract links.

  5. User selects the Check-In, Check-Out card or link to view the Check-In, Check-Out tools for the student.

  6. The user selects to view an existing Check-In, Check-Out tool or create a Check-In, Check-Out for the student.