Select Skills Library


Create a Modal that houses all of the available libraries Users can choose from to create and track goals. Depending upon Components purchased, the library options will be different. The Library Modal has a temporary flow (from the Student’s Goal and Analytics Empty State) and a consistent flow (from the +Add Goal button on the Student’s Goal and Analytics page after the first goal has been created and an initial data tracking entry has occurred.

User Story:

As an Admin or Teacher, I need to select a goal from the Skills Goal Library so that I can begin tracking Skills data for my student.

Figma: Select Skills Library

Project: 205670

UI Description:

Title: Select Goal Library

Library Options

  • Title: Academic Goals

    • text reads: Contains an extensive goal list for ELA, Math and SEL for the Pre-K to 12th grade. Recommended Intervention Strategies accompany all goals.

  • Title: Behavior Goals and Intervention Tools

    • text reads: Contains a multi-purposeful list of behavior to increase and decrease. Recommended Intervention Strategies accompany all goals.

  • Title: Skills Goals

    • text reads: Contains a ‘holistic’ approach to student growth geared towards Special Education. Goal banks include: Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, and Foundational Academics.

      • Academic Library is renamed to: Foundational Academics

Text Button

  • Blue text that reads: Create Custom Goal



  • Blue outlined with blue text: Cancel

  • Solid Blue with white text: Next

  • Close Pop-Up: X


User Interactions and Validation Notes:

Select Goal Library Modal: Functionality

  • Library selection is a toggle

  • User clicks anywhere in the content box for the selected library

  • When click on, the content box containing the library shows in the selected state: blue outline, light blue interior and a blue checkmark.

  • To deselect a library and select another, user clicks on another content box for a different library.

  • A library must be selected in order to make the Next button active.

    • If Next is selected without selecting a Library an error message reads: Please select a library.


Text Button

  • Clicking on + Create Custom Goal does ?



  • Cancel button: Clicking on Cancel closes the Modal without saving any selection and returns User to Student’s Goals and Analytics page below.

    • Given no goals with the first data entry have been created, then Cancel shows the Empty State for the Student’s Goals and Analytics Page

    • Given one goal with the first date entry has been created, then Cancel shows the Student’s Goals and Analytics page

  • Next button: Clicking Next takes User to the selected Library

  • X (Close Pop-up) performs same functionality as Cancel button


Select Goal Library Modal: Contents and Permissions

  • Library Options include (need clarification):

    • For MTSS Customers

      • Academic Goals (ELA/Math/SEL tabs) from Goal-Intervention Bank with Intervention Strategies

      • Behavior Goals (Behavior tab) from Goal-Intervention Bank with Intervention Strategies

        • All Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 Behavior Tools

      • Skills Goals including all items from: Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Academics and Custom Libraries

    • For Skills Customers

      • Academic Goals (ELA/Math/SEL tabs) from Goal-Intervention Bank without Intervention Strategies? (need clarification)

      • Behavior Goals (Behavior tab) from Goal-Intervention Bank without Intervention Strategies? (need clarification)

        • Only Tier 3 Behavior Tools (Behavior Plan with Behavior Tracking)

      • Skills Goals including all items from: Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Academics and Custom Libraries


Workflow Description

  • From the Empty State for the Student’s Goals and Analytics page, select +Add Goal blue button (temporary path) to reach the ‘Select Goal Library’ modal

  • From the Student’s Goals and Analytics page, select +Add goal link (replacement path after initial goal has been created and the initial tracking data entered) to reach ‘Select Goal Library’ modal.

  • Select Goal Library modal is shown (#1)

  • User clicks on the Skills Goals from the Select Goal Library options (#2)

  • User advance to Browse Skills Goals Library