Add Intervention Strategy


Create a modal for the Skills Goals Library (Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Foundational Academics) that allows the User to add an Intervention Strategy for the goal selected. New Intervention Strategy cards are being created for Skills and this is a dependency.

The same functionality that is currently in production for searching / selecting an Intervention Strategy or Strategies is applied here but with filtering specific to Skills goals (TBD). Selecting an Intervention Strategy is optional for Skills. The Student’s Goals and Analytics page does not require an Intervention Strategy selection so long as the goal is not attached to an Intervention Plan. This is the last step in selecting a goal.

User Story:

As an Admin or Teacher, I need to have the option of selecting an Intervention Strategy for the goal I selected from the Skills bank so that I will have documentation of my chosen strategy and a starting place to help the student.

Figma: Add Intervention Strategy

Project: 205670

Add Intervention Strategy Modal

  • Container to hold all Intervention Strategy options for a selected Skills goals from the Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Foundational Academics libraries.




  • reads: Add Intervention Strategy

Goal |

  • heading name for the selected goal shown to the right

Search for Strategies

  • TBD

Drop Down Filter(s)

  • TBD


  • X (Close Modal)

  • Skip for Now

    • blue text only button

  • Back Arrow

    • Left-facing arrow for navigation

  • Finish

    • Blue button with white text that reads: Finish

User Interactions and Validation Notes: What’s New

Goal |

  • Text to the right of this heading contains the goal selected

  • If the goal has been edited in the previous step (Customize Goal), then the text contains the User’s edits

Search for Strategies

  • TBD

Drop Down Filter(s)

  • TBD


Actions / Buttons

  • X (Close Modal): When clicked, returns User to previous screen (Customize Goal)

  • Skip for Now:

    • When User has not selected an Intervention Strategy and clicks on Skip for now, User is taken next Student’s Goals and Analytics Page to Set Up Goals and Objectives and Data Collection criteria.

  • Back Arrow: When clicked, returns User to previous screen (Customize Goal)

  • Finish

    • If at least one Intervention Strategy has been selected, Finish becomes Active.

    • Clicking on finish takes user to Student’s Goals and Analytics Page to Set up Goals and Objectives and Data Collection criteria.

Workflow Description

  1. User text enters into Search Bar to search for an Intervention Strategy specific to Skills

  2. User selects from filter(s) to refine the search for a specific strategy

  3. User Views details / adds an intervention strategy from list (#1)

  4. User clicks on Skip for now if no Intervention Strategy is selected (#1.1)

  5. User clicks on Finish if at least on one Intervention Strategy is selected (#1)

  6. User arrives to Student’s Goals and Analytics Page to Set up Goals and Objectives and Data Collection if either step 4 or step 5 is completed. (#2)