Goals & Mastery | Create Check-In, Check-Out | MTSS & Behavior
The Goals & Mastery screen in the “Create Check-In, Check-Out Tool” allows users to set goals and mastery criteria for a student CICO tracking tool. This is the third step in the process, focusing on defining the daily and weekly goals and mastery conditions that will guide the student's CICO tracking progress.
Feature 224933: Create/Edit | Check In Check Out
User Story
As a user, I want to define daily and weekly goals and set mastery criteria for the student’s Check-In, Check-Out tool so that the system can track their progress accurately based on set criteria.
UI Description
Page Heading: "Create Check-In, Check-Out Tool"
Status Chip: Display Status of Check-In/Check-Out Tool in a status chip to the right of the heading
Goal(s) and Student Summary:
Display container divided into two sections: Goal(s), Student
Goal(s): Display ‘Goal(s)’ header and the goal(s) added to the Check-In/Check-Out tool, the list separated by commas when more than one goal is added
Student: Display student’s first and last name to ensure the user knows which student they are configuring the tool for.
Goals & Mastery Section
Subheading: "Goals & Mastery"
Description: ‘You are able to track both a daily and weekly goal, but only one is used to determine mastery.’
Daily Goal Section
Description: The user is required to set the daily point goal for the student: '# out of # points (#%).
Dropdown menu:
Dropdown menu values: chronological increasing numerical values from 0 to the total daily points possible
Default: The default number is pre-filled to display the number that represents 80% if the total daily points possible. The percentage will be rounded to the nearest percent.
User can adjust the number in the dropdown menu and the percentage will update automatically.
Point Number in Statement: The total daily point value that displays in the statement is calculated by the system and populated in the statement. The total daily point value is calculated based on the number of behaviors included, the score range selected, and the number of time periods included.
Number of Time Periods x the End Score Range x Number of Behaviors included.
Percentage: The percentage of the number in the dropdown menu divided by the total number of daily points displays at the end of the daily goal statement.
Weekly Goal Section
Description: The user is required to set the weekly point goal for the student: '# out of # points (#%).
Dropdown menu:
Dropdown menu values: chronological increasing numerical values from 0 to the total weekly points possible
Default: The default number is pre-filled to display the number that represents 80% if the total weekly points possible. The percentage will be rounded to the nearest percent.
User can adjust the number in the dropdown menu and the percentage will update automatically.
Point Number in Statement: The total weekly point value that displays in the statement is calculated by the system and populated in the statement. The total weekly point value is calculated based on the number of behaviors included, the score range selected, and the number of time periods included multiplied by 5.
Number of Time Periods x the End Score Range x Number of Behaviors included x 5 for the days of the week.
Percentage: The percentage of the number in the dropdown menu divided by the total number of weekly points displays at the end of the weekly goal statement.
Information Icon and Description:
Display information icon
Display description text: 'Daily and weekly goals will only include days and time periods with recorded data. Days or time periods with no data will be excluded from the goal calculation to ensure accuracy.'
Mastery Criteria Section
Description: The user is required to set the Mastery Criteria statement: 'Meets (Select daily or weekly) goal for (insert number) consecutive weeks.
Dropdown Menu Values (single-select): daily, weekly
Number Input Field: 1-100
Display Validation Warning Message if user enter letters instead of numbers: ‘Must be 1-100’
Student Self-Scoring Section:
Checkbox Input Selection
Display Description for Checkbox Selection: ‘Student can record their own score in the Student Center. Typically used to fade out a CICO program.’
Navigation Buttons:
Back Button: Navigates back to the previous screen.
Activate Tool Button: Activates the CICO tool and proceeds to the ‘Done’ screen.
Close ( X ) Button:
Saves the Check-In/Check-Out Tool in the current status and closes the create modal screens, returning the user to the main screen they are viewing on the EDU Platform.
Close Hover State: Display ‘Save & Close’ badge upon hover over the close modal button.
Discussion Panel:
Discussion Icon:
Default: Discussion icon is deselected and discussion panel is closed (collapsed)
Discussion Icon Enabled State: Display icon as primary blue with light blue circle background
The modal width responsively expands and the discussion panel displays to the right side of the modal, allowing users to type messages and communicate with added team members.
The discussion panel should include a text area input field that expands as the user types and a 'Send' button for messaging.
Team members added to the discussion will receive a ‘Discussion’ inbox notification.
User will be able to add team members or admin to the discussion and send discussion messages. (Utilize Existing Discussion Panel functionality)
User Interaction and Validation Notes
Daily Goal Input:
The dropdown defaults to 80% of the total points and ‘(80%)’ displays at the end of the statement.
The user can select another value in the dropdown menu and the percentage displays at the end of the statement, rounded to the nearest percent.
The total daily points are calculated by: Number of Time Periods x the End Score Range x Number of Behaviors included
Point Dropdown Menu Values: User must select a number between 0 and the total number of daily points
Weekly Goal Input:
The dropdown defaults to 80% of the total points and ‘(80%)’ displays at the end of the statement.
The user can select another value in the dropdown menu and the percentage displays at the end of the statement, rounded to the nearest percent.
The total weekly points are calculated by: Number of Time Periods x the End Score Range x Number of Behaviors included x 5 for the number of days
Point Dropdown Menu Values: User must select a number between 0 and the total number of weekly points
Mastery Criteria:
Daily/Weekly Dropdown Menu: The dropdown default is ‘weekly’. The user can select between daily or weekly (single-select) for the mastery criteria statement.
Number Input Field: User needs to enter a number between 1-100 in the input field.
Display Validation Warning Message when user enters text characters instead of numbers in the input field: 'Must be 1-100'
Student Self-Scoring Section:
Verify that the user can select or deselect the checkbox for a CICO tool in the status: Draft, Active, Mastered (Fade Out)
Verify that the CICO tool does not display in the student center when the CICO tool is in Draft Status
Verify that the CICO tool displays in the Student Center Goal Zone when the status is Active or Mastered - Fade Out AND the checkbox setting is selected.
Navigation Buttons:
The "Back" button takes the user to the previous screen and saves current inputs. User is not required to complete all fields if they are navigating to the previous screen. If the tool is in ‘Draft’ status or data has not yet been recorded in ‘Active’ status, the user can make changes to any of the fields in any of the steps in the Create CICO Tool screens.
The "Activate Tool" button will Activate the CICO Tool and progress the user to the next step, "Done" The system will validate that all required fields are filled out before proceeding.
Verify that if the Check-In/Check-Out Tool is in Draft Status, the 'Activate Tool' button displays.
Verify that if the Check-In/Check-Out Tool is in Active, Mastered, or Archived Status, the 'Activate Tool' button is replaced with a 'Continue' button, indicating a read only view.
Modal Closure:
The user can close the modal using the 'X' icon in the top right corner.
The Check-In/Check-Out tool will be saved in the current status and all progress will be saved. Upon opening the Check-In/Check-Out tool again, the user will view all details they had previously input.
Verify that the Close Hover State displays ‘Save & Close’ badge upon hover over the close modal button.
Discussion Panel:
Verify that the Discussion Icon and Discussion Panel display on the Setting, Goals & Mastery, Done modal screens for Check-In/Check-Out tool statuses of Draft, Active, Archived, and Mastered.
Default: Discussion icon is deselected and discussion panel is closed (collapsed)
Discussion Icon Enabled State: Display icon as primary blue with light blue circle background
Verify that upon selecting the Discussion Icon, the modal width responsively expands and the discussion panel displays to the right side of the modal.
Verify that deselecting the discussion icon, closes (hides) the discussion panel.
Discussion Panel Layout:
Header: 'Discussion'
Default: Display 'Me' for the team member who is viewing the Check-In/Check-Out tool
User selects 'Add' button to:
Search for a team member by first or last name to add to the discussion
Select team members from the dropdown menu of team member names to add to the discussion
Verify that when a user selects a team member to add to the discussion, the team member first and last name displays to the right of 'Me'.
Verify that an 'X' icon displays next to an added team member name so that the user can remove them from the discussion.
Verify that the discussion panel includes a text area input field that expands as the user types
Verify that upon selecting 'Send' button, the team members added to the discussion receive a 'Discussion' inbox notification.
Workflow Description
Step 1 (Behavior Goals): The user begins setting up a Check-In, Check-Out tool by defining the student’s behavior goal(s) for CICO tracking. Once behavior goal(s) are set, the user clicks “Next” to proceed to the Settings modal screen (Step 2).
Step 2 (Collection Settings Screen):
The user selects a score range (e.g., 0–2 or 1–3).
The user selects the number of time periods (1–15) they wish to track.
For each time period, the user enters a label (e.g., Math, Lunch, etc.).
The user can go back to the previous screen by selecting “Back.”
The user can save their progress and exit by selecting “Save & Exit,” which stores the tool as a draft and navigates back to the student dashboard.
After inputting all required settings, the user clicks “Continue” to move to the next screen, where they will set "Goals & Mastery" (Step 3).
Step 3 (Goals & Mastery Screen): The user continues to configure the tool by setting a daily goal, weekly goal, and mastery criteria for the CICO tool.