My Training - Assign


When an Administrator clicks on the Assign button for any training module in any of the training series, we will see the following options:

  • Everyone at this school
  • Select by role
  • Select by individual

Business Rules:

  • If no changes have been made in the past, the default setting will show Everyone at this school

  • Need to show how assignments were determined at each building.
    • I.e. Building A - everyone assigned, Building B all roles, Building C individual users

  • If changes were made by a sub-account, these changes must show on the parent account level. Therefore, the default will no longer be "everyone at this school"

  • Everyone at the school will not display any changes on the screen

  • .When "everyone at this school" is selected, all users are granted access to the module

  • When role is selected, we will see two columns:
    • Assigned
    • Unassigned
  • Any roles listed under the assigned column may be assigned by clicking on a "-" symbol.
  • Any roles listed under the unassigned column, may be assigned by clicking on a "+" symbol.

  • By default, all roles will be listed under the assigned column. If the "-" symbol is clicked, that role will be added to the unassigned column.

  • When individual is selected, we will see two columns:
    • Assigned
    • Unassigned
  • Any individuals listed under the assigned column may be unassigned by clicking on a "-" symbol.
  • Any individuals listed under the unassigned column, may be assigned by clicking on a "+" symbol.

  • By default, all individuals previously assigned (either because module was assigned to building or module was assigned to a given role) will be listed under the assigned column. If the "-" symbol is clicked, that individual will be added to the unassigned column. For example, if role was previously selected & module was assigned to paras, only individuals with the role of para would show under the assigned column.

  • When any roles or individuals have been unassigned, the user will see a pop-up after clicking save: "You are about to remove access for INSERT NUMBER individuals. Do you wish to continue?"
    • The pop-up will contain two buttons:
      • Cancel
      • Continue

  • Clicking cancel will return the user to the assign screen.
  • Clicking continue will save the user's settings & remove access from the individuals/roles selected.
  • INSERT NUMBER above should reflect the total number of users being removed from the module. When role is selected, this number should reflect the total number of users assigned to the specified role.

  • When any roles or individuals have been assigned, the user will see a pop-up after clicking save: "You are about to add access for INSERT NUMBER individuals. Do you wish to continue?"
    • The pop-up will contain two buttons:
      • Cancel
      • Continue

  • Clicking cancel will return the user to the assign screen.
  • Clicking continue will save the user's settings & remove access from the individuals/roles selected.
  • INSERT NUMBER above should reflect the total number of users being assigned to the module. When role is selected, this number should reflect the total number of users assigned to the specified role.

  • User message should read "Oops! You are attempting to add access for INSERT NUMBER users, but have only allocated access for INSERT NUMBER users. Please contact us to purchase additional licenses:"

  • Licenses should be checked against what was purchased.
    • Meaning, if the district has 100 paras, but has only purchased 50 Basic ABA Training Licenses, they will not be able to add the module to the para role. Attempting to do so will result in user message.
    • Similarly, if the district has 100 users, but has only purchased 50 Basic ABA Training Licenses, they will not be able to add the module to more than 50 users. Attempting to do so will result in user message.
  • User message will show number of licenses attempting to add and number of licenses allocated.