Frequency Count


Business Rules

Incident Tracking Data Screen

  • Need to add new field called Frequency above Action Taken
  • This should be a drop-down menu
    • Default should be 1
    • Options in drop-down should be 1-20 and Type Custom Number

  • If custom is selected, the frequency text box will be blank & user may type in any number
  • User should be table to clear out a number and type in a custom number by clicking the frequency box and hitting backspace on their keyboard.

Incident Tracking Data Screen

  • By default, 1 will show for the frequency
  • The number selected/typed will result in the incident being counted that number of times. For example, if Hitting is selected as the Incident and the frequency is 3, we will count 3 incidents of hitting.
  • The number selected/typed will result in action being counted once. For example, if Referral is selected as the Action and the frequency is 3, we will count 1 action of Referral.
  • If no number is entered/selected, we will count 1 incident and 1 action.

Individual Student Report

  • On the Incidents tab, we will display the frequency in the details for each incident

  • On the actions tab, we will display the frequency of the incident in parenthesis under the details for each action

Individual Student Report

  • On the incidents tab, we will count each incident based on the frequency. Meaning, if we entered 3 for the frequency, we will count 3 instances of that incident.
  • Each incident recorded will also display a frequency count. If I recorded a frequency of 3 for Bullying on 2/7 and 12:55PM, this will display as one record with a frequency of 3 (see image under design).
    • Hitting delete will delete all 3 incidents of bullying and the 1 action of Detention
  • On the actions tab, we will count each action only once, regardless of the frequency entered for the incident. Meaning, if we entered 3 for the frequency of the Bullying incident, we will only count the action once.
    • Under the details, we will display (3) next to Bullying (see design to the left)
    • Hitting delete will delete this 1 action of Detention and all 3 incidents of Bullying

Classroom Report

  • On the incidents tab, we need to show the number of incidents in parenthesis next to each student. For example, if Flo engaged in 3 instances of Bullying, we should show (3) next to her name.

  • On the actions tab, we need to show the number of actions for each student. For example, if Flo was given detention 2 times, we would show (2) next to her name.

Classroom Report

  • We will calculate the total number of instances based on the frequency count entered. For example, if Flo engaged on Bullying on 2/5 with a frequency of 1 and again on 2/7 with a frequency of 2, we would count 3 instances of Bullying for Flo.
  • We will calculate the total number of actions based on the number of times that action was reported. For example, if Flo was given detention for the Bullying described above, we would count 2 instances of Detention.

Export Functionality

  • We need to add an export button for incidents on the Classroom Report
    • The excel doc will display
      • Incident Name
      • Student Name
      • Frequency



Export Functionality

  • All roles with the permission to view the Classroom Report may access the export feature
  • Exporting the report will open an Excel file
  • This file can be edited
  • The file will pull data for the date range selected on the screen
  • The file will be split into sections.
    • The first line of the first columns will list the name of the first incident.
    • The first line of the second column will list the total number of times this incident was reported for all students.
    • The second line of the first column will list the name of the first student the incident was reported for
    • The second line of the second column will list the number of times the incident was reported for this student.
    • The second line will repeat for each student the incident was reported for
    • There will be a line break
    • This sequence will repeat for the next incident reported