High School SEL Assessment

We need to add a SEL Assessment for students in grades 9-12. This will be a new assessment (questions to be provided by ERB)

My Classroom


  • SEL Only Accounts
    • On the My Classroom Page, we will now show the Assessments button for students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12

  • SEL + Skills/Behavior Accounts
    • No change

Business Rules

  • Users with access to SEL but not Skills or Behavior will see the SEL Only view
  • Users with access to SEL and Skills or Behavior will see the SEL + Skills/Behavior view
  • This will show for students assigned to grades 9, 10, 11, or 12
  • This is in addition to the SEL Assessment showing for students in grades 3-8

Student Dashboard


  • SEL Only Accounts
    • On the Student Dashboard, we will now show SEL Assessments box for students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12
    • We will also show the assessment icon on the top right and the assessment option in the navigation menu
    • Clicking on the Assessment button will take users to the SEL Assessment page
    • Add the text BETA to the SEL Assessments box (students in grades 9-12 only): SEL ASSESSMENTS - BETA

  • SEL + Skills/Behavior Accounts
    • No Change in design

Business Rules

  • Same rules as above

Assessment Page (SEL + Skills/Behavior Accounts)


  • We will show a box for SEL Assessment for students in grades 9-12
  • Add the text BETA to the Assessment box for students in grades 9-12: SEL ASSESSMENT - BETA

Business Rules

  • Users with access to SEL and Skills or Behavior will see this view
  • This will show for students assigned to grades 9, 10, 11, or 12
  • This is in addition to the SEL Assessment showing for students in grades 3-8

SEL Assessments (Student-Specific Page)


  • Users may now assign the High School SEL Assessment to students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12.
  • Users will click add button to assign the assessment
  • We will add the text BETA for students in grades 9-12: SEL Assessments: BETA
  • We will not show the Looks like there is no data message

  • Users may review student answers as they do for other grades

  • When reviewing the answers, we will show the SEL lesson recommendations for Rethink Domain and Area (spreadsheet to be provided).
    • For each question, we will show the Rethink Domains and Areas linked to the question. Clicking on the domain will link to the that domain in the SEL library. Clicking on the area will link to that area in the SEL library.
  • We will not show ERB SEL Reporting section for High School Assessment. This will continue to show for grades 3-8.

Business Rules

  • This will show for students assigned to grades 9, 10, 11, or 12
  • This is in addition to the SEL Assessment showing for students in grades 3-8
  • The assessment being assigned is the High School SEL Assessment. This is a new assessment. Spreadsheet will be provided by ERB in July.
  • We will not show the ERB report section (including the "looks like there is no data message") for students in grades 9-12.
  • We will show the status of the assessment (assigned, completed, not assigned) as well as the date the assessment was assigned, just as we do for the other grades.
  • Clicking "Add" allows users to assign the High School Assessment to all students they have access to in grades 9-12
  • Clicking "Review" allows users to view the results of the High School Assessment

Student Center


  • Students who have been assigned the High School SEL Assessment will see the assessment in the Student Center.
  • The design will be the same as for other grades

Business Rules

  • Students in grades 9-12 who have been assigned the SEL Assessment will see the high school assessment in the student center
  • The assessment will function the same as it does for grades 3-8

Classroom SEL Assessment Report


  • Classroom reports for students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 will show the SEL Assessment assignment area. This will allow users to assign the High School Assessment to students in the classroom in grades 9-12.
  • We will show the text BETA for students in grades 9-12: SEL Assessments: BETA

  • The ERB Reporting section (Group Score Report, Group Item Analysis, Group Roster Report) will not show for grades 9-12.

Business Rules
  • We will show the status of the assessment as not assigned, assigned, and completed.
    • Assigned will show when at least one student in the classroom has been assigned the assessment and at least 1 student in the classroom has not completed the assessment
    • Not Assigned will show when no students in the classroom have been assigned the assessment
    • Completed will show when all students in the classroom have been assigned the assessment