SEL Classroom Rating Scale

We will be adding a classroom rating scale for SEL. This is a classroom-wide assessment for teachers to assess each student on 8 questions. The results of this assessment will produce lesson recommendations that will link to lesson areas in the library. In order to keep the number of boxes on the main dashboard from growing too much, we will add a box called Assessments. This box will house the SEL Student Assessment, Classroom Rating Scale, and all Skills Assessments.



  • We will use the existing permission settings for Rethink Assessment:
    • Edit
    • View

Business Rules

  • Any user who has the permission setting "edit" will have the ability to create and edit the Classroom Rating Scale (see below for details)
  • Any user who has the permission setting "view" will have the ability to view a competed Classroom Rating Scale Report (see below)
  • No changes needed for default settings based on user role (meaning, we will follow the same rules as always for these settings - i.e. Lead Teachers can view and edit).



  • On the main dashboard, we will remove the SEL Assessments box and add a box called Assessments. 
    • Description: Evaluate students’ skills and target areas that need improvement through lesson recommendations.
  • Clicking on View Assessments takes the user to the Assessments landing page (see below).

Business Rules

  • Users with access Skills or SEL Platforms and with the ability to view assessments will see this box
  • For example, if a user is listed as a Teacher and has access to the SEL platform, they will see this box.

Assessment Landing Page


  • Users will see options to assess their students:
    • SEL Student Self-Assessment:
      • Description: Empower your students to reflect on and evaluate their own Social Emotional Learning skills. View the report to learn how students rated themselves and receive lesson recommendations for your class. This assessment is available for students in Grades 3-8. We recommend completing twice each school year.
      • To access this assessment, the user will select a classroom and a grade from the drop-down. Once these selections are made, the user will move to the SEL Student Self-Assessment screen (see below)
    • SEL Classroom Rating Scale:
      • Description: Quickly and easily rank the Social Emotional skills of each student in your class through this simple 8-question assessment. Receive lesson recommendations to address your class’s unique needs. This assessment is available for students in Grades 6-12. We recommend completing at least twice each school year. .
      • To access this assessment, the user will select a classroom. Once this selection is made, the user will move to the Classroom Rating Scale Landing Page (see below). 
    • Abilities:
      • Description: Quickly evaluate groups of students’ abilities in pre-academic, basic academic, social, language, motor, play/leisure, and daily living skills. Appropriate for special education students in a variety of classroom settings. Once complete, visit the Lesson Library to view recommended skills and IEP Goals for your students. We recommend completing at least once each school year
      • To access this assessment, the user will select a student. Once this selection is made, the user will move to the Abilities Assessment for that student.
    • Inclusion:
      • Description: Rate your students on skills needed to be successful in the classroom. This assessment covers areas related to social communication, group participation, study skills, and peer interaction. Appropriate for special education students in a variety of classroom settings. Once complete, visit the Lesson Library to view recommended skills and IEP Goals for your students. We recommend completing at least once each school year.
      • To access this assessment, the user will select a student. Once this selection is made, the user will move to the Inclusion Assessment for that student
    • Transition:
      • Description: Evaluate your students on skills needed to be successful outside of the classroom. This assessment covers skills needed in the community and at home, as well as for leisure, social engagement, and employment. Appropriate for special education students in a variety of classroom settings. Once complete, visit the Lesson Library to view recommended skills and IEP Goals for your students. We recommend completing at least once each school year.
      • To access this assessment, the user will select a student. Once this selection is made, the user will move to the Transition Assessment for that student.
    • VB-MAPP:
      • Description: The Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program is a language and social skills assessment program for children with autism or other intellectual disabilities. Once complete, visit the Lesson Library to view recommended skills and IEP Goals for your students. We recommend completing at least once each school year.

      • To access this assessment, the user will select a student. Once this selection is made, the user will move to the VB-MAPP Assessment for that student.

Business Rules

  • Users will see the assessments they have access to view, based on assignment and permission settings.
    • For example, if a user is listed as a Teacher and has access to the SEL platform only, they will see the Student Self-Assessment and the Classroom Rating Scale only.
  • Student Self-Assessment and Classroom Rating Scale:
    • Users will see all classrooms they have access to that contains at least 1 student in grades 6-12.
    • If a user is not assigned to any classrooms, they will see the following message after clicking view: Oops! It looks like you have not been assigned to any classrooms. Please contact us if you need support.
  • Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, and VB-MAPP Assessments:
    • Users will see all students they have access to.
    • If a user has access to more than 300 students, they will see a message after clicking view stating "It looks like you have access to more than 300 students. To improve performance, please visit the Students area to view assessment results."
    • If a user is not assigned to any students, they will see the following  after clicking view: Oops! It looks like you have not been assigned to any students. Please visit Setup to add your students or contact us for support."

SEL Student Self-Assessment


  • When the user clicks View, they will proceed to the Classroom SEL Assessment Landing Page
  • We need to change the heading from SEL Assessments to SEL Student Self-Assessments
  • We will add SEL Classroom Rating Scale to the drop-down navigation menu

Business Rules

  • No changes needed

Classroom Rating Scale - Landing Page


  • On the top of the screen, users will have the ability to switch classrooms or navigate to another area of the site
  • On the main part of the screen, users will see an option to start a new assessment, resume a previously started assessment, or view previously completed assessments
  • Previously started assessments (not complete) will show % complete (i.e. 50% complete).
  • Previously completed assessments will show a class total bar (colored line)

Business Rules

  • New Assessments
    • Users with permission to Edit Assessments will always see a box to complete a new assessment.
    • Users who do not have permission to Edit Assessments will not see the New Assessment option
  • Assessments in Progress
    • Assessments previously started but not completed will show the resume button
    • The date the assessment was started will show as the title (i.e. June 3, 2019)
    • Users will only see their own assessments in progress.
    • The % complete will be calculated as follows:
      • If the user completed 1 question, we will show 13%
      • If the user completed 2 questions, we will show 25%
      • If the user completed 3 questions, we will show 38%
      • If the user completed 4 questions, we will show 50%
      • If the user completed 5 questions, we will show 63%
      • If the user completed 6 questions, we will show 75%
      • If the user completed 7 questions, we will show 88%
  • Completed Assessments
    • All assessments completed by any team member assigned to the classroom will be visible.
    • We will show Completed by FIRST NAME LAST INITIAL for all completed assessments
    • Users with access to View Assessments will be able to click the view button.
    • We will show the total number of low, medium, high, and pending responses on hover. The total bar should be weighted according to the number of responses for each type. To calculate, divide the total ratings per category (i.e. low, medium, high, pending) by total ratings and multiply by 100. For example, if there were 40 low responses, 15 medium responses, and 25 high responses, the bar would be weighted 50% low, 19% medium, and 31%  high. 

Classroom Rating Scale - New Assessment


  • When a user clicks on Start for a new assessment, they will see a screen for question 1 of the assessment.
  • On this screen, users will rate students as Low, Medium, High, or Pending by clicking on the student's  name and dragging them to the correct column.
  • Users may save their progress and continue to the next screen OR save their progress and exit the assessment
  • The assessment has 8 questions

  • Once a user has completed all 8 questions, they will see the Completed Assessments screen.

Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Edit Assessments will have access to this feature.
  • By default, students will show under the Pending column for each question.
  • Only students in grades 6-12 will show in the assessment.
  • When resuming a previously started question, the user will be directed to the next unanswered question. Meaning, if I stopped the assessment after question 3 and saved, I would begin on question 4 when I resume the assessment.

Classroom Rating Scale - Completed Assessments


  • When a user finishes the assessment or if they click to view a completed assessment, they will see a report showing the date the assessment was completed (by which user) and a class total graph.
    • The class total graph will show the number of high, medium, and low responses for all questions.
  • They will also see each question with a colored bar and a drop-down arrow.
    • The colored bar will show the number of students rated as low, medium, and high via hover function. The bars should be weighted to show percent of students rated as low, medium, and high.
    • Clicking the arrow will expand to show the qualifiers for low, medium, and high
    • Each student will show under the rating they were given. Clicking on the student's name will open the student results panel (see next section)
    • This screen will also show the SEL Lesson areas that align to the question. Clicking on the lesson area will take users to that section of the library.
  • We will show an edit button in top right corner. Clicking this button will return the user to question 1 of the assessment. Previous responses will show. The user may make changes and save and exit or save and go to next question. If the user clicks "save and exit," the assessment is assumed to be in progress and no longer complete.
    • If the assessment has been edited, we will see the phase: Edited by TEAM MEMBER FIRST NAME LAST INITIAL on DATE EDITED.
  • We will show a print button. Clicking print will open a PDF of the expanded view of the report. 
  • We will show a delete button at the bottom of the screen. Clicking delete will produce a confirmation message: Are you sure you want to delete this report? Yes No.
    • Clicking yes will delete the report and return users to the Classroom Rating Scale Landing Page. Clicking no does not delete the report and closes the pop-up.
      • Users can only delete their own report.

Business Rules

  • Users with permission to View Assessments will have access to view reports created by any team member for all classrooms they are assigned to.
  • A user can edit their own report if they have permission to Edit Assessments. Users can delete their own report. Users cannot edit or delete reports created by other users.
  • Any student assigned to the classroom at the time the assessment was completed will show in this report. Meaning, if a student was in Classroom A in September when the assessment was completed and moved to Classroom B in October, this student's results will still show under the September Report for Classroom A.
  • Class Total Graph
    • We will show the total number of low, medium, high, and pending responses on hover. The graph should be weighted according to the number of responses for each type. To calculate, divide the total ratings per category (i.e. low, medium, high, pending) by total ratings and multiply by 100. For example, if there were 40 low responses, 15 medium responses, and 25 high responses, the bar would be weighted 50% low, 19% medium, and 31% high. 
  • Question Total Bar
    • We will show the total number of low, medium, high, and pending responses on hover. The total bar should be weighted according to the number of responses for each type. To calculate, divide the total ratings per category (i.e. low, medium, high, pending) by total ratings and multiply by 100. For example, if there were 40 low responses, 15 medium responses, and 25 high responses, the bar would be weighted 50% low, 19% medium, and 31% high. 



  • Cover Page
    • Displays district name, classroom name, date report generated (top right), date report completed (above circle), number of high, medium, and low responses, completed by, and page number

  • Category Pages
    • Displays district name, classroom name, date, qualifiers for high, medium, and low, students ranked under each category, recommended lessons.

  • Closing Page
    • School district name, classroom name, date, report prepared by team member name generating report, team member generating report's phone number, team member generating report's email address.

Classroom Rating Scale - Student Results Panel


  • When a user clicks on a student's name in the Classroom Rating Scale Results, a panel will open on the side of the screen.
  • This panel will show the student's name and photo, date the assessment was completed, and total number of responses for high, medium, low, and pending.
  • We will also show how the student ranked on each question (high, medium, low, and pending).
  • We will show a list of recommended lesson areas. Clicking on a lesson area will take the user to the student-specific lesson library and filter the library to that area.
  • We will also show the total number of high, medium, low, and pending responses for each previous assessment. We will show the date the rating scale was completed here as well.
    • Clicking on the date of a previous assessment will switch the main display to show the detailed results from that assessment date.
  • We will allow users to print this report.
  • Clicking on Go to Profile, will take the user to the student dashboard.

Business Rules

  • Any user who has access to View Assessments and who currently has access to the student may view the student results panel.
    • If a student is un-assigned from the classroom, their results will still show on this report.
    • If a student is un-assigned from the user, the user will not be able to click on the student's name to view the student results panel.
  • Recommended lesson areas will show for any question in which the student was ranked as Medium or Low.
  • Need to show who completed each report


  • We will print the student results panel (expanded to fill full screen).

Classroom Rating Scale - View Progress


  • We will add a tab in View Progress for the SEL Rating Scale
  • Clicking this tab will show the most recent Rating Scale for the Student
  • Users may click to view a different report date in the drop-down menu
  • Clicking on a different report will display results from the report selected
  • Clicking the print button will open a PDF printable report
  • Clicking the File Cabinet button will save the report to the student's file cabinet.

Business Rules

  • We will default to the most recent rating scale, regardless of who completed the scale
  • Any user with current access to the student and permission to View Assessment will see these reports


  • The report will print as shown on the main part of the screen. We will not print any filters or site navigation.

Skills Assessments


  • Clicking on the Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, or VB MAPP assessment for a student will take the user to the relevant assessment screen in the student's program.
  • For example, if I click to view the Abilities Assessment for Sara, I would see the following:

Business Rules

  • Users may only access the assessments for students they currently have access to