Manage Assignments (Student Center)

We need to add an area to the site where users can view and manage assignments. This will show teachers what is currently assigned to the students, view the status of the assignment, and make any needed changes to the assignment schedule.

Manage Assignments Area


  • We need to add an item to the navigation menu called Manage Assignments
  • When a user clicks on Manage Assignments, they will see all Activities/Videos/Quizzes assigned to the student within the past 7 days.
  • The user may adjust the date range by clicking on Last 7 Days. Here they may select Last 30 Days, Last 90 Days, Last Year, or Custom. Selecting Custom will allow the user to set a specific date range. We will then display any activities/videos/quizzes assigned to the student within the date range selected.
  • By Default, we will display all types of assignments. A user can click on All Types and change the selection to Videos, Quizzes, Activities, or All (Default). If a user selects Videos, we will only show videos assigned within the date range. If the user selects Quizzes, we will only show SEL Quizzes assigned within the date range. If the user selects Activities, we will only show abilities activities assigned within the date range.
  • By Default, we will show all Statuses. This means we will show activities Assigned, Scheduled, Completed, and Past Due. If a user clicks on All Statuses, they may change this selection to Assigned, Scheduled, Completed, or Past Due. If a user selects one of these options, we will only display assignments with that status within the date range.
  • On the main display, we will show the name of each assignment and the status.
  • Clicking an arrow next to the status displays the details.

Business Rules

  • Any user with permission to Run Reports (Analyze Data) will have access to Manage Assignments
  • Status Definitions:
    • Assigned - This is an activity/video/quiz that is currently assigned to a student (start date is not in the future) that has not yet been completed and is not past the due date.
    • Scheduled - This is an activity/video/quiz that has been assigned to the student for a date in the future.
    • Completed - This is an activity/video/quiz that the student has completed.
    • Past Due - This is an activity/video/quiz currently assigned to the student that has not been completed by the due date.
    • Recurring assignments will show as assigned

Assigned (non-recurring)


  • Assigned on will show the date the activity/quiz/video was assigned to the student by a user
  • Assigned by will show the name of the user who assigned the activity/quiz/video
  • Due on will show the date the assignment due date. If the assignment is not required, we will show NA.

  • Clicking on View will show a pop-up with the activity
    • Abilities activity will show the activity demo
    • SEL quiz will show the quiz questions
    • SEL video will show the SEL video assigned
  • Clicking on edit reveals assignment screen. The user may edit the assignment criteria.

  • Clicking on delete will delete the assignment.

Business Rules

  • Any non-recurring activity/video/quiz that is currently assigned to a student (start date is not in the future) that has not yet been completed and is not past the due date (if applicable) will show with the status Assigned
    • If an assignment is not required to be completed, it will stay assigned until the student completes the activity or until a user deletes the assignment.
  • If an assignment is not required, we will show NA for the due date
  • Users ADD PERMISSION may view details for assignments regardless of who assigned the activity/quiz/video to the student
  • Users ADD PERMISSION may edit or delete activities/videos/quizzes that have not yet been completed. They may edit or delete activities that were assigned by other users.

Assigned (recurring)


  • Assigned on will show the date the activity/quiz/video was assigned to the student
  • Assigned by will show the name of the user who assigned the activity/video/quiz to the student
  • Start date will show the start date for the assignment
  • Repeats will show the recurring schedule (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly)
  • End date will show the end date for the assignment
  • Completion required will show if the activity/video/quiz is required to be completed
  • Clicking on View will show a pop-up with the activity
    • Abilities activity will show the activity demo
    • SEL quiz will show the quiz questions
    • SEL video will show the SEL video assigned
  • Clicking on edit reveals assignment screen. The user may edit the assignment criteria.
  • Clicking on delete will delete the assignment.
  • Date of each assignment with status
    • Completed
      • Show results for completed abilities activities and sel quizzes
      • Activities
        • _ out of 10 correct
        • Click View Results will reveal pop-up with graph for activity (same graph we show in view progress)
      • Quizzes
        • _ out of 3 correct
        • Click View Results will reveal pop-up with quiz questions and answer student selected. Need to show which questions the student responded to incorrectly.
    • Past Due
      • Clicking skip this assignment changes the status to skipped
    • Skipped
    • Assigned
      • Clicking skip this assignment changes the status to skipped

Business Rules

  • Any activity/video/quiz that is currently assigned to a student on a recurring schedule will show with the status Assigned until end date has been reached
  • If an assignment is not required, we will show NA for the due date
  • Users ADD PERMISSION may view details for assignments regardless of who assigned the activity/quiz/video to the student
  • Users ADD PERMISSION may edit or delete activities/videos/quizzes that have not yet been completed. They may edit or delete activities that were assigned by other users.
  • Each instance of the assignment will show with the date of the assignment. Meaning, if the assignment is scheduled weekly for 3 weeks beginning on 7/21, we will show dates for 7/21, 7/28, and 8/4.
  • If the assignment is completed by the due date (i.e. 7/21, 7/28, 8/4), we will mark the instance as complete
  • If the assignment is not completed by the due date (and completion is NOT required), we will mark the instance as skipped
  • If the assignment is not completed by the due date (and completion IS required), we will mark the instance as past due
  • If the user clicks "skip this instance," the status will show as skipped
  • If the assignment due date is in the future, we will mark the assignment as assigned

Completed (non-recurring)


    • Assigned will show the date a user assigned the activity/video/quiz to the student
    • Assigned by will show the name of the Team Member who Assigned the activity/video/quiz to the student
    • Completed on will show the date the activity/video/quiz was completed
    • Results (show for completed Abilities activities and quizzes)
      • Activities
        • _ out of 10 correct
        • Click View Results will reveal pop-up with graph for activity (same graph we show in view progress)
      • Quizzes
        • _ out of 3 correct
        • Click View Results will reveal pop-up with quiz questions and answer student selected. Need to show which questions the student responded to incorrectly.

Business Rules

  • Any non-recurring activity/video/quiz that has been completed by the student will show as Completed
  • Users ADD PERMISSION may view results for assignments regardless of who assigned the activity/quiz/video to the student

Completed (recurring)


    • Assigned on will show the date a user assigned the activity/video/quiz to the student
    • Assigned by will show the name of the Team Member who Assigned the activity/video/quiz to the student
    • Start date will show the start date for the assignment
    • Repeats will show the assignment schedule (i.e. weekly)
    • End date will show the end date for the assignment
    • Completion required will show yes or no based on assignment settings
    • Each instance of the assignment will show with the date of the assignment, status of completed, and results
    • Results (show for completed Abilities activities and quizzes)
      • Activities
        • _ out of 10 correct
        • Click View Results will reveal pop-up with graph for activity (same graph we show in view progress)
      • Quizzes
        • _ out of 3 correct
        • Click View Results will reveal pop-up with quiz questions and answer student selected. Need to show which questions the student responded to incorrectly.

Business Rules

  • Any recurring activity/video/quiz where all instances of the assignment have been completed by the student or marked skipped by a user will show as Completed
  • Users ADD PERMISSION may view results for assignments regardless of who assigned the activity/quiz/video to the student

Past Due (non-recurring)


  • Assigned on will show the date the activity/quiz/video was assigned to the student by a user
  • Assigned by will show the name of the user who assigned the activity/quiz/video
  • Due on will show the date the assignment due date.
  • Clicking on View will show a pop-up with the activity
    • Abilities activity will show the activity demo
    • SEL quiz will show the quiz questions
    • SEL video will show the SEL video assigned
  • Clicking on edit reveals assignment screen. The user may edit the assignment criteria.
  • Clicking on delete will delete the assignment.

Business Rules

  • Any non-recurring activity/video/quiz that is currently assigned to a student (start date is not in the future) that has not yet been completed and is past the due date (completion is required) will show with the status Past Due
  • Users ADD PERMISSION may view details for assignments regardless of who assigned the activity/quiz/video to the student
  • Users ADD PERMISSION may edit or delete activities/videos/quizzes that have not yet been completed. They may edit or delete activities that were assigned by other users.

Past Due (recurring)


  • Assigned on will show the date the activity/quiz/video was assigned to the student by a user
  • Assigned by will show the name of the user who assigned the activity/quiz/video
  • Due on will show the date the assignment due date.
  • Clicking on View will show a pop-up with the activity
    • Abilities activity will show the activity demo
    • SEL quiz will show the quiz questions
    • SEL video will show the SEL video assigned
  • Clicking on edit reveals assignment screen. The user may edit the assignment criteria.
  • Clicking on delete will delete the assignment.
  • Each instance of the assignment will show with the date of the assignment, status of past due, and option to skip this instance
    • Clicking on skip this instance will update the status of that instance to skipped

Business Rules

  • Any recurring activity/video/quiz that is currently assigned to a student (start date is not in the future) that has not yet been completed and all instances are past the due date (completion is required) will show with the status Past Due
    • If some instances are marked skipped and all others are past due, we will show the overall status of Past Due
  • Users ADD PERMISSION may view details for assignments regardless of who assigned the activity/quiz/video to the student
  • Users ADD PERMISSION may edit or delete activities/videos/quizzes that have not yet been completed. They may edit or delete activities that were assigned by other users.

Scheduled (non-recurring)


  • Assigned on will show the date the activity/quiz/video was assigned to the student by a user
  • Assigned by will show the name of the user who assigned the activity/quiz/video
  • Due on will show the date the assignment due date.
  • Clicking on View will show a pop-up with the activity
    • Abilities activity will show the activity demo
    • SEL quiz will show the quiz questions
    • SEL video will show the SEL video assigned
  • Clicking on edit reveals assignment screen. The user may edit the assignment criteria.
  • Clicking on delete will delete the assignment.

Business Rules

  • Any non-recurring activity/video/quiz that is currently assigned to a student (start date is not in the future) that has a start date in the future will show as Scheduled
  • Users ADD PERMISSION may view details for assignments regardless of who assigned the activity/quiz/video to the student
  • Users ADD PERMISSION may edit or delete activities/videos/quizzes that have not yet been completed. They may edit or delete activities that were assigned by other users.

Scheduled (non-recurring)


  • Assigned on will show the date the activity/quiz/video was assigned to the student by a user
  • Assigned by will show the name of the user who assigned the activity/quiz/video
  • Due on will show the date the assignment due date.
  • Clicking on View will show a pop-up with the activity
    • Abilities activity will show the activity demo
    • SEL quiz will show the quiz questions
    • SEL video will show the SEL video assigned
  • Clicking on edit reveals assignment screen. The user may edit the assignment criteria.
  • Clicking on delete will delete the assignment.
  • Each instance of the assignment will show with the date of the assignment, status of scheduled and option to skip this instance
    • Clicking on skip this instance will update the status of that instance to skipped

Business Rules

  • Any recurring activity/video/quiz that is currently assigned to a student (start date is not in the future) that has a start date in the future will show as Scheduled
  • Users ADD PERMISSION may view details for assignments regardless of who assigned the activity/quiz/video to the student
  • Users ADD PERMISSION may edit or delete activities/videos/quizzes that have not yet been completed. They may edit or delete activities that were assigned by other users.