Incident Settings

Users need the ability to edit the default list of incidents and actions.


Edit Incidents & Actions


  • When the user clicks to edit the Incidents & Actions, they will be taken to the edit modal.


  • If the slider is set to Use Rethink Default Settings, all of the Rethink default incidents and actions will show

  • If the slider is not set to use rethink default settings, none of the Rethink default incidents or actions will show. Instead, the user will see three blank boxes for incidents and for three for actions.

  • The user may click the X to remove an incident or action from the list

  • The user may click the arrows to move an incident or action up or down the list

  • If the user clicks “Add additional field,” a blank box will show. The user will type in an incident/action name.

  • If the user clicks Cancel, no changes will be saved & the modal will close

  • If the user clicks Save, the changes will be saved & the modal will close.


Business Rules

  • Only the highest level admin roles will have access to edit the settings. For accounts with multiple levels, only admins (marked “is admin role”) with access to all buildings will have permission to edit the settings. For accounts without multiple levels, any admin role (marked “is admin role”) will have permission to edit the settings.

  • The Rethink default incidents are:

    • Bullying

    • Cheating

    • Disobeying classroom/school/bus rules

    • Disruptive behavior

    • Disorderly conduct

    • Hitting

    • Kicking

    • Non-compliance

    • Not staying in seat

    • Out of assigned area

    • Possession of nuisance/banned item

    • Pushing

    • Punching

    • Slapping

    • Spitting

    • Tardiness

    • Theft/attempted theft

    • Threat/Harassment/Intimidation

    • Throwing

    • Truancy

    • Use of Inappropriate Language

    • Vandalism

  • The Rethink default actions are:

    • Behavior contract

    • Behavior plan

    • Detention

    • Expulsion

    • Conference with the student/warning

    • Custodial parent/guardian contact

    • Custodial parent/guardian conference with administrator/teacher(s) at school

    • Loss of privileges

    • Referral for mediation

    • Referred to safety officer

    • Referred to school guidance counselor

    • Reminder given

    • Restrained

    • Review Rules

    • Sent to principal’s office

    • Schedule change

    • Suspension

    • Temporary removal from classroom